Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3126: Godlike existence

Chapter 3126, the existence of God

A character like Hao Nanren.

If you don't die, you will definitely become a disturbing fly.

Still a kind of very disgusting flies.

and so……

While killing Hao Nanren, he promised the next successor who had the seal of Emperor Yuzong, and inherited the words of Yu Yuzong.

The balance of the eastern continent is stabilized!

"I, I understand..." The Dongjun monarch was silent for a moment, and finally he was holding a fist and clearing the road to the night. "The two demands that Mrs. Di said, I must do it!"

At night, he picked up a glass of wine on the tabletop and raised it toward the Dongjun monarch. He smiled and said: "The Dongjun monarch, the cooperation is pleasant."

The Dongjun monarch took over the wine glass handed by the prostitute: "Communication, cooperation is good..."

In the hall, the atmosphere of the banquet was restored again.

As if he was a genius, the picture that was disturbed by Hao Nanren has never happened.

The valley above the high seat, secretly suppressed the coldness of the back and relieved.

After the night cleared her request.

Gu Ming is subconscious, and a picture emerges in his mind...

The girl’s face is cold and cold, like everything, and she is in control: “I will wait for him, put green dragon beads in both hands, cry and ask me to save him.”

He shook his body.

He is extremely convinced.

In the coming days.

Hao Nanren will surely offer Qinglongzhu in his hands and cry to ask the Emperor to save him.


From the very beginning, he chose to believe this girl who can bring you a miracle.

This may be the legendary...

The difference between a thought, a choice, the true meaning of a lifetime.

Gu Ming is in the heart.

At this time, the generals are also very complicated.

In his eyes, the night clearing is already the same as God.

I still remember the morning when he asked when the night was going to leave the South China mainland.

It’s a deep and unpredictable night, and mysterious.

She said: The latest tomorrow.

In the evening, the Dongjun monarch and Hao Nanren arrived.

He finally understood the deep meaning of the night when he smiled.

In other words...

The night clearing is known from the beginning.

The Eastern monarch will come to the South China mainland and ask her for help again.

And she, from the beginning, planned to help the mainland.

In the minds of the generals, everything that was done during the night was settled in the Nanzhao continent.

The more I think.

The more the generals became the brain powder that was cleared at night.

If placed before.

For the night, his respect and trust are related to the Emperor.

but now……

He firmly believes.

Even if there is no emperor.

This girl full of hope, full of miracles...

I will certainly be able to hold the Nanzhao continent!


The farewell banquet ended.

The night fell to the arm of Emperor Xu Xuan, with his brother, back to the inn.

I will leave Nanzhao mainland tomorrow.

The brothers went back to the room to pack things up.

The night is clear, it is to pull the Emperor Xu Xuan, go to a room on the corner of the second floor.

This is the room of Mo Yanying.

Since the battle of the three days ago, Mo Zhenying was stabbed with the dagger by the holy law.

Mo Zhenying’s consciousness has always been sober and sometimes coma.

The night cleared the Mo Zhenying pulse, but could not find out why Mo Zhenying was in a coma for what reason.

Even the emperor Xu Xuan, for the situation of Mo Yuying, there is no solution.


Mo Yuying was in a coma.

Instead, let her faceless expression, like the face of a puppet without soul, a little more...

It belongs to her little Lolita.


[The first two chapters, the rest, about the night ~ baby good morning. 】

(End of this chapter)

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