Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3127: 乖乖当小萝莉, let me protect it.

Chapter 3127, Dangdang Loli, let me protect it.

When Mo Zhenying was awake.

She used to have empty eyes and eyes, with color and light.

Half is sly, half is fascinating.

The night cleared and said that in that state, Mo Zhenying looked at her.

Just like a delicate doll, her girl's heart is soft.

However, I don’t know if Mo Zhenying was injured.

This restores the look, as if there is a shadow of the soul...

I don't know if it is good or bad.

The night can only be decided, let the brothers of the magic class first protect the shadows and return to the west, let the ghost doctor, first give her a look at the situation.

By the way, I will tell the West China mainland about the Nanzhao mainland.

Be ready at all times to prepare for the dark palace.

If it is ok, it can be done by the way...

From the west side of Xiqiao, bring some helpers and rush to the mainland.

At this time, the night clears the Emperor Xu Xuan thrown in the door of the room, then step into the Mo Zhenying room, Mo Zhenying is the state of waking.

Seeing the night clear, her lovely and beautiful eyes flashed and flickered, as if dotted with gorgeous stars: "Clearing..."

Soft voice, a small voice, gently shouting her name.

At night, I stepped forward and sat on the edge of the bed: "Is the wound still hurting? Is there any uncomfortable?"

Mo Yan has witnessed the beauty of the film.

The one was so pale, and there was no half-blooded face, showing a smile that was heart-pleasing.

Her voice is very light, soft opening: "I don't hurt, I am much better."

However, the night falls from the face of Mo Yuying.

Mo Zhenying is not as "a lot better" as she said.

The night sighed and sighed for her. "You, grow so cute, you should have the conscious of being a small loli.

"I am older than you." Mo Yuying decided to look at her, one word at a time.

"Just your little face, or jingle Xiao Loli, let me protect it." The night clears the slender fingers, gently pinching on her bloodless face.

The force is very light.

It's like it's on her face, gently sliding over the general.

Mo Zhenying is like a doll, with thick and long eyelashes, and trembles.

The star-studded eyes are also faintly glimpsed, complicated, and indescribable.

The night clearing seems to have seen the changes in Mo Zhenying.

It seems that I have not seen it.

She just leaned down, gently moving, gently covering Mo Zhenying, half-shouldered Mo Zhenying's shoulder.

The night will be clear and the control will be very good.

Did not let Mo Zhenying feel the weight.

It is to let Mo Zhenying clearly feel her warmth.

The night is clear and gently holding Mo Zhenying, the voice is gentle: "Shadow, no matter what life you lived before, no matter what your identity.

I have determined that you are my sister. In this life, you are my sister.

Anything, don't be alone, you have to remember, there is me behind you. ”

Mo Zhenying was seriously injured this time, even she and Di Mo Xuan could not find the reason.

And Mo Zhenying, obviously does not want to talk about this matter.

Everyone has their own secrets and is unwilling to be exposed to others.

Like her, she is clear at night, not the people of this world.

For example, Qiao Jin’s seemingly ordinary face hides another face.

For example, Qiao Jin is the son of the three worlds, but he is hiding his identity and staying in the world of Nirvana.

and many more……

Mo Zhenying did not want to say.

It is natural that the night will not be forced.

(End of this chapter)

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