Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 3125: transaction

Chapter 3125 Trading

"We? Start?" Dongjun monarch is full of confusion.

He has always been intelligent, and at this time, there is a blank in his mind.

Xu is vague in my heart, there is a guess.

But I dare not have such expectations.

Therefore, the whole brain is awkward.

At night, I stared at the eyes of the Dongjun monarch, and smiled and said: "Yes, we."

Listening to the night clear and clear from the mouth, spit out these three words.

The Eastern monarchs are bright and excited, and they are full of excitement. "Mr. Emperor, Emperor, you, you mean... you are willing to go with me to the mainland, you are willing to... help the mainland, to deal with the dark palace?!"

The Eastern monarch asked, pressing the palm of his chest, he tightened a few points.

Full of cockroaches, full of tension.

"Yeah." The night was smiling and gave the final affirmation of the Dongjun monarch.

The nervous look of the Dongjun monarch, slammed down.

His eyes are almost red.

Pressing the hand on the chest, the placket on the chest is grabbed.

He was moved and excited.

I don't care about my identity at all.

I don't care who is there.

He fell to the night and fell heavily.

Last time, the Dongjun monarch fell to the night.

That is private.

This is enough to make the night clear.

Today, the Dongjun monarch is grateful to her in front of everyone.

This makes the night clear and firmer, helping the heart of the East.

Sometimes, bowing does not mean weakness.


For the things that I protect, the guardians, the true heart.

Can make the king of a country, in another strange continent, in front of another mainland, sincere dedication.

It is enough to show that the king of this country pays more attention to his own mainland and pays more attention to his own people.

"The Dongjun monarch does not have to be so polite." The night clears the sleeves and moves to help the Dongjun monarch. "After the battle of the Nanzhao continent, the dark palace will definitely respond accordingly, even if I Promise to help the mainland, but it does not mean... I can really hold the East China mainland for you."

The Eastern monarch gratefully smiled and shook his head: "You are willing to help, it is the biggest help of the Eastern Continent, regardless of the outcome, the emperor and the emperor, the emperor and the world mercenary group ... are my life thanks Object."

The night cleared and smiled, and the words turned: "But... I have a small request."

"Despite the opening of the emperor's wife, as long as I can do it, I must die!"

At night, the long and narrow singularity, slightly picked up, smiled and looked evil: "I will support the end of the East China mainland, but ... I hope that the Eastern Continent can do it... no matter the dark palace confrontation Yuzong started, how is it, no one in the East China mainland will be allowed to help!"

The Eastern monarch said: "This... I understand."

"Also, if the Dongjun monarch knows who the Sui Yuzong Shaozong is, please secretly bring the Emperor Yuzong to the side."

The night cleared and continued: "If Hao Nanren is dead, then it will be troubled... The Dongjun monarch assisted the young master to inherit the position of the emperor."

This request made the Dongjun monarch completely stunned.

The night cleared and did not urge him to answer immediately.

Right now, only this approach can maintain the balance between the four continents.

(End of this chapter)

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