Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2757: Show up

Chapter 2757 shows up

Miao Yiyi twitched her eyebrows, and looked at one side of her shoulder. She lowered her voice and asked: "The back is dominated by the dark palace. What purpose do they have?"

Miao Yiyi did not wait to answer.

Miao Rongrong has brought a black breath and directed down her face.

At the same time, the five dark palace guards also set off, and they quickly rushed over to several elders.

Faced with the offensive of the Dark Palace guard.

The three elders suddenly felt awkward.

I only felt that I was head-on, and a hurricane with a bone-breaking came.

They want to dodge.

However, it is impossible to withdraw from the momentum of several guards.


A few heavy objects landed.

There are also screams and hobbies.

Several elders, all brushed and slammed into the rock wall.

Immediately, the heavy squatting on the ground.

The ground is a gravel that splashes down.

They screamed.

The Dark Palace guards solved the three elders.

Turned immediately and attacked in the direction of Miao Yiyi.

Miao Rongrong's attack on Miao Yiyi.

Miao Yiyi did not respond at all, just desperately dodge.

The speed of Miao Yiyi is not fast.

It is definitely not agile.

But every time, in the first moment of Miao Rongrong's attack, I took the lead to avoid it.

A few strokes down.

The three elders were all overturned to the ground.

Miao Rongrong was the clothes corner of Lian Miao Yiyi, and they did not touch it.

Miao Rongrong can't believe it.

This wild-sister, who she never saw, could one day climb to her head.

Obviously... Miao Yiyi is a waste!

The more Miao Rongrong thinks, the stronger the resentment in the bottom of my heart.

The blackness of the eyes is swept away.

When the dark guards were a few guards, they also flew over to help.

In the eyes of Miao Rongrong, all kinds of emotions are floating, and murderousness is also expanding at this moment.

"Miao Yiyi, you are going to die!"

She is hoarse and hoarse.

She smiled madly, and gathered black air in her own palm, and slammed it to Miao Yiyi.

No matter how Miao Yiyi hides.

Attack in all directions.

Miao Yiyi can't escape!

Thinking like this, Miao Rongrong’s face is even more laughter.


Suddenly, a scream broke through the tunnel.

Several elders who screamed at the ground and vomited blood, braved the strong and propped up and looked at the past.

However, she saw that Miao Yiyi stood there safely, and she did not see any scars on her body, nor did she have a messy and wolf.

At this time, a red mang, a little bit, shrouded the entire tunnel.

It's like a protective cover. Wrap the Miaoyiyi group.

The elders were suddenly shocked and looked at the direction.

This only noticed...

It turned out that it was just a few moments when several guards rushed straight in all directions.

Miao Yiyi's shoulder suddenly burst out of a red mans.

That red mans, like a flame, lingered in the body of Miao Yiyi.

Form a path, like the red streamer that burns the flame.

Miao Rongrong was shocked by this scene.

Eyes, just watching the stream of lingering, slowly in front of his own eyes, turned into a slender figure.

That figure is so blocked in front of Miao Yiyi.

Miao Rongrong’s hand slammed down and was forcibly buckled in the air.


The bones of the wrist were broken.

Miao Rongrong only had a scream.

Then, I felt a fierce and imposing manner, and the surrounding guards flew out.

"Giggle... Miao Rongrong, I haven't seen you for a long time, you dare to appear in front of me..."

(End of this chapter)

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