Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2756: The forces behind Miao Rongrong

Chapter 2756 The power behind Miao Rongrong

Even Miao Rongrong, carrying a haze, came with a black breath.

Miao Yiyi also did not have a half-reaction.

Until, Miao Rongrong's footsteps stopped at the place where Miao Yiyi was three steps away.

The distorted face, the hollow eyes, filled with the chill of grievances, just stared at Miao Yiyi.

"Kill me? Miao Rongrong, it's a pity... You don't have this opportunity." Miao Yiyi greeted Miao Rongrong's gaze, revealing a smile.

This laugh made Miao Rongrong’s hatred and anger at the bottom of her heart even worse.

The eyes that licked the black fog seemed to be surging with the raging fire.

"No chance? I have to look at it, you can still have a hard time!" Miao Rongrong screamed, raised his hand, and took a palm on the rock wall.

This one is narrow and authentic, and it is shaken for a while.

The gravel rolled off the rock wall and splashed on the ground.

The three elders were suddenly mad by Miao Rongrong, and they were shocked and tense.

The Miao Da elder took the lead in reacting. He strongly supported his consciousness and calmed himself: "Miao Rongrong! This elder has decided to give you a chance to compete fairly. Why do you want to do this yourself!"

"Opportunity?" Miao Rongrong snorted and looked at the eyes of the elders of Miao Da. It was full of disdain and disdain. "You don't know when you do this? Your chances are just to use me to test this test. The real strength of the little monk! Just want to know if this little monk is qualified to become a Hmong saint!"

Miao Da elders have a red face.

Obviously it was said by Miao Rongrong.

Miao Rongrong did not agree with the sneer: "I will become the present look, thousands of people refer, no face appears in front of anyone's eyes... all thanks to you! You are, everything is you... ...I want to take back everything that belongs to me, and send all those who harm me to hell!"

The more I say the last.

The sound of Miao Rongrong is filled with the whisper of the devil.

Miao Dachang wants to explain.

But now Miao Rongrong, has completely fallen into the space of self-madness.

The rich black gas is released from the body of Miao Rongrong.

Then, the stunned scene appeared in front of a few people.

I saw that the rich black gas was behind Miao Rongrong.

In a group, the black gas gradually spread and expanded.

A few blinks of effort.

That group of black gas suddenly dissipated.


It is five men dressed in black robes and tall and burly.

Miao Yiyi's gaze touched the five men's chests and sleeves, embroidered with the words "secret".

The pupil is suddenly tightened.

She tightened Liu Mei: "The guard of the dark palace?!"

The clothes worn by these people are not the clothes that were guarded by the dark palaces led by Yan Zhenfei yesterday.

These people are the people of the dark palace? !

Dark palace? !

Several elders looked at the guards incredulously.

Think of the power of the Dark Palace guard.

Their faces are all scared.

Miao Yiyi’s expression finally became dignified: “Miao Rongrong, have you cooperated with the Dark Palace?”

"Do you know if you are afraid?" Miao Rongrong sneered, and his eyes were crazy. "The dark palace is just a guard, and the strength is above your waste! Miao Yiyi, I will let you know, what is better than death!" ”

The more Miao Rongrong is laughing.

The more crazy.

The blackness of her eyes is richer.

The hustle and bustle of the whole body, the blackness of the silk strips, the more excited and inciting.


[Updated today~ What? 】

PS: Thank you for your concern, but also put forward a lot of ways to feel the pain of the hand of the ink. In the past few days, I have rubbed the medicated oil and plastered it. It’s a lot better~ I can screw the bottle cover today, and it will be a little bit painful when I screw it. Feeling~

Typing has not been so painful in the past few days~ So tomorrow, I will resume the update of the six chapters every day~ I still owe the baby's supplements and try to pay back! What?

(End of this chapter)

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