Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2758: Avatar

Chapter 2758 steadicam

The sweet and sweet laughter, like a silver bell, is extremely illusory in this narrow and lengthy tunnel.

That laughter, clearly and nicely, makes people feel heart-wrenching.

It can be partial and has a scalp and numb feeling.

Miao Rongrong is the latter.

The familiar voice is obviously laughing, but Miao Rongrong is listening to the haze in laughter.

"The night is clear... The night is clear! How are you, how can you be here!" Miao Rongrong stunned in front of her eyes, the flames, gradually showing the girl.

Miao Rongrong can't believe his eyes.

She just saw it with her own eyes... The streamer that wandered around Miao Yiyi was a butterfly that fluttered.

Slap size. The whole body is like a flame, blood red.

Between the flaps, it is like blood flowing.

Extremely fascinating.


Miao Rongrong saw the butterfly that was like a streamer, and in front of her eyes, she became familiar and frightened.

The night fell.

Not only shocked Miao Rongrong.

The other three elders were also shocked and sat up from the ground.

They have forgotten their injuries.

Full of brains, the butterfly is incarnate in the shape of an adult.

They watched the night and left with their own eyes!

I also looked at Miao Yiyi with my own eyes and walked alone into the tunnel.

How did the night come in?

That butterfly, what the **** is going on?

Just when everyone was shocked and shocked, it was shocking.

In the mind of Elder Miao, she suddenly flashed a thought.

He slammed the rock wall: "Yes... is it the legendary substitute?"

For the avatar?

The name of this martial art, after speaking from the mouth of Miao Dachang.

The faces of the other two elders suddenly became pale.

They brushed their eyes and looked at Miao Yiyi.

"This is a substitute for you, is it for you... is it for you?!" Miao Da’s elder tone, with obvious caution and temptation.

Miao Yiyi looked at them and didn't even have the answer to the valley.

For these elders.

Miao Yiyi has a good feeling of not having a half.

Yesterday, because she was a genius of the nursery, she was arguing endlessly.

Today, after listening to Miao Rongrong's few words, I believe that Miao Rongrong.

From beginning to end, the Miao people did not regard her as a real Miao.

Leaving her is just because of her nursery talent.


Not as good as the so-called bloodline.

Also lost to them, what to say, her Miao Yiyi is the real direct blood.

It is ridiculous to put such words on what they have done.

However, Miao Yiyi does not answer.

Miao Rongrong is unable to hold his breath: "For the body? She is a waste, how can it be the legendary level of the Miao nationality? Look at the entire Miao nationality's sacred genealogy, can show the substitute, I am afraid no more than three!"

A substitute.

It is a long-lost martial art of the Miao nationality.

This kind of scorpion technique can use the locusts and transform into a way that the host wants to falsify the body.

This kind of substitute is illusory and refreshing.

With the proficiency for this kind of sputum, the longer it takes, the longer it will be.

Especially in the end, even if it can be fake, it is impossible to tell people who is the substitute.

But this kind of tricks.

It has been lost for a long time.

Even if Miao Yiyi is a nursery genius, it is impossible to learn this legendary martial art that has been lost for a long time!

"Miao Yiyi, you are less there to make a mystery!" Miao Rongrong held his broken hand, his eyes narrowed to the dark guard behind the guard. "On your own, one thing is not as good as my little kind, will What is a substitute, don't laugh at the dead!"


[The first two chapters ~ the hand is already good, almost start, today began to restore the six chapters of the daily update ~ Thank you baby care and understanding, what ~ love you]

(End of this chapter)

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