Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2755: From the time you step in, there is no plan to let you leave alive.

Chapter 2755 begins with you and does not intend to let you leave alive.

These two words made the face of the elders of Miao Dachang suddenly change.

He instinctively turned his head immediately.

Behind him, the original Miao Rongrong, who was standing on the ground and twitching, had stopped smoking.

The mad dance of the blue silk, behind her, kept dancing and dancing.

A green tuxedo has been wrapped in black air.

Her hands were weak and hanging on both sides.

It’s all like a look of weakness.

A face full of smiles, revealed from the long hair.

Life will make her exquisite face, twisted and extremely horrible.

In this narrow tunnel, it is surrounded by night pearls.

Several elders can clearly see that Miao Rongrong’s horrible face, the black breath that keeps moving.

The pupil of Miao Da’s elders shrank: “This, what is going on... Miao Rongrong, this is, yes...”

They look at it like this.

Miao Rongrong is like a puppet being manipulated.

There are no puppets that belong to their own souls.

Looks like...

It’s very strange.

Rao is a well-informed Miao Da elder. At this time, I couldn’t help but feel that the scalp was numb.

Elder Miao Er immediately thought of Fang Cai Miao Yiyi's "self-talking", his face changed, and quickly walked toward the direction of Miao Yiyi.

"Miss Miao Da, do you know what's going on right? Right? What the **** is it...!"

Miao Yiyi looked at the direction of Miao Rongrong like a smile: "You lead the wolf into the room, you still don't know the wolf... Are you ready to eat?"

The faces of the three elders were dark and ugly.

"Can't you still see it? The Miao people who are obsessed with your heart are completely complete and controlled by another force." Miao Yiyi did not care about their emotions, and it was very kind to mention something.

After seeing the situation of Miao Rongrong, the three elders did think so.

However, listening to Miao Yiyi said in a very unequivocal tone.

Their hearts can't stop tightening.


What power can control a person?

And have they been so long, have not found it?

"You never thought about it. She Miao Rongrong and Miao Yixiong had out of the file, and they offended Emperor Mo Xuan. They were detained in the dungeon of Yue Yuezong. How did they escape from Yu Yuezong and did not cause the slightest Attention?"

Miao Yiyi saw three elders for a long time and said nothing.

In a few words, the faces of the three elders said that they were a little bit white and white, and they were red and shy.


Suddenly, a strange, hoarse laughter sounded in the tunnel.

I heard the creeps.

"Miao Yiyi, after the night to clear the little monk, you become smart." The hoarse voice, laughter, full of madness and grievances.

Miao Yiyi raised her eyebrows, and there was no fear on her face: "It seems that I am right."

Miao Rongrong stiffly twisted his body, step by step, marching in the direction of Miao Yiyi with a black airflow, and his face was even more distorted.

"What about right? From the time you step into this tunnel, I have no intention of letting you leave alive!"

Miao Rongrong laughed wildly, and his eyes were cloudy: "And you, your group is not dead... I want all of you to die! Go to hell!"

The three elders were suffocated and the strange Miao Yiyi was scared to go backwards a few steps.

Miao Yiyi still stood there.

There is no evasive gaze.

Just look at Miao Rongrong.

(End of this chapter)

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