Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2735: I see how he licks the washboard and asks me to forgive.

Chapter 2735, I see how he licks the washboard and asks me to forgive.

Miao Yiyi said, sit down next to the night.

While holding the hands of the night, he is in the palm of his hand.

"Clearly, the aunt said that she is sure to find a way to solve the double shackles in the emperor's body. However, because it is two kinds of scorpion venom, the aunt wants to find a safer method. After the end of the inheritance of the prince of tomorrow, I will enter the Shenge Pavilion and study with my aunt."

She calmly pacified: "So, you wait for us for a few days, before the aunts fly up to the Three Realms, we will be able to find a way to solve the problem."

Hearing this sentence, the dawn of the night has changed a little.

She lifted her cockroach and looked at Miao Yiyi: "Can the cockroach poison of Axuan really be completely cleaned?"

"Yeah." Miao Yiyi nodded. "Although the aunt has only been a Miao sect for four years, but the books in the sacred court, she will go to look at it every day. It takes 50 years for ordinary people to become Miao women. Flying up to the Three Realms, and the aunt took only four years to fly, you should believe in the strength of the aunt."

"I believe." The night is clear and the eyes are finally shiny.


Early the next day.

The nursery walked into the room with a tired face.

I fell asleep at night, and when I saw the nursery back, my eyes crossed behind her, and I didn’t see the familiar figure of my heart.

The nursery sighed: "I found the Emperor, he is fine, just..."

She paused and didn't say anything about it.

The feeling of clearing at night is light: "It's just that he doesn't want to see me, right?"

The nursery did not answer, it is the default.

Sitting at the side of the night, the little fist clenched, and the angrily squatted on the wooden table: "Isn’t it already in the middle of the centrifuge, it has become his noble and elegant, high-ranking Emperor, and like A child is like a child, he is childish and not naive!"

Miao and Miao Yiyi looked at each other and looked at each other: "..."

"I will not see you after seeing it! After he dismissed, I saw how he asked me to forgive me on the washboard!"

Although it is squatting on the mouth.

In fact, the heart that cleared up at night was finally put down.

It is not important that Emperor Xu is willing to come back to see her.

The important thing is... to confirm the safety of Di Mo Xuan.

It can be seen from the look of the nursery.

Di Mo Xuan should be in a safe place now.

"The dangerous situation in the courtyard of the Virgin, I have said to the Emperor." Miao's slender fingers pressed his sore eyebrows and continued. "You don't worry too much. Emperor is in the Virgin. The courtyard is actually the safest."

At least, I won't try my best to conceal the emperor's mystery.

"He... is it going to stay in the courtyard of the Virgin?" The night was close to the lips, and I heard the meaning of the nursery.

The nursery's hand was put down, and the girl who was sitting next to her looked at it: "I can see that even if it is in the middle of the centrifuge, it should be swallowed up by the centrifugation, and the emperor who kills you is still in my heart... I care about you very much, value you..."

Miao Yiyi handed a cup of hot tea to the nursery, and then said: "I have been reading the script for many years, and I have never heard of any one. In the middle of the centrifuge, it will be like the Emperor, and it should be centrifuged. Object, so value and care."

She smiled slightly: "Those who are so honorable as the Emperor of the Emperor, do not remember your relationship, have such a strong interest and attention to you, he will not easily drop you away."

(End of this chapter)

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