Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2736: I don’t know where the ancient king is?

Chapter 2736 does not know where the ancient king is?

"I know he won't drop me."

The night cleared his eyes and trembled: "No matter whether he remembers me or not, he will not drop me."

At this point, she is extremely determined.

For her relationship with Di Mo Xuan.

She has always been very determined.

"I am just worried..." The night cleared and looked up. On the look of the nursery, "He is too deep in my feelings, and it is necessary to compete with the centrifugation in the body. I am afraid of him... countering failure..."

As always.

Emperor Mo Xuan was in a coma due to the stimulation of mites.

It will switch mode directly after waking up.

But this time...

Under the stimulation of the insect net, Emperor Mo Xuan was still centrifuged and eroded consciousness.

This made the night clear and had to think more and had to worry.

Emperor Xu Xuan loves her.

Even the soul loves her.

This is beyond doubt.

But now, obviously... the time of centrifugation is getting longer and longer and longer.

If it is going on for a long time.

The consciousness of Emperor Mo Xuan is likely to be really eroded by centrifugation.

At that time, Di Mo Xuan really separated her from her heart.

Yes, the love between the two...

It is very likely that it will lead to the impossibility of the Emperor.

Then it is tortured by mites.

The last thing she wants is to see this happen.

"You go to participate in the recognition ceremony of the King of the Kings. After you become a saint, come to the Virgin Court to find me." Miao Wei put down the teacup in his hand and stood up. "I went to the Virgo Pavilion to do this. The script is first found out."

"Auntie..." Miao Yiyi screwed her eyebrows and obviously disagreed with her arrangement.

At night, I also stood up and said: "To help me find A Xuan, you are still sleeping all night, go to rest first."

"Nothing, my body, I know." Miao Miao's eyebrows dyed a gentle smile, her eyes soft, looking at the direction of Miao Yiyi.

It seems to be ecstatic about Miao Yiyi’s concern for her.

The exhaustion of the fundus was also swept away.


Night Qing and Miao Yiyi followed the nursery and walked out of the courtyard of the Virgin.

Outside the courtyard, I was actually standing there, and the old man dressed in the costumes of the Miao elders.

Standing in the forefront is the elders and the two elders.

When they saw the three people coming out, they immediately greeted them with a smile: "The saints, Miss Miao, the night girl, you are finally out."

The nursery slightly frowned: "So far outside the St. Mary's Hospital, what happened?"

Miao Dachang's eyes crossed the nursery and looked at Miao Yiyi behind her.

Immediately, he retracted his gaze: "The saints, immediately enter the land of the king of the king, and carry out the ceremony of the approval of the king, but the king..."

The nursery is clear.

These elders should be worried. Later, the Miao people and the foreign guests are waiting outside the realm of the Miao people.


The king of kings simply stopped at the land of the king.

All are, not just the people of the Miao nationality.

I am afraid that other foreign guests will laugh at the Miao.

They can't afford this risk.

The nursery is also aware of this problem.

She leaned slightly and looked at the girl behind her.

Miao Yiyi smiled slightly: "Before the ceremony begins, the king will return to the land of the king."

The look of the Miao Da elders is slightly congested.

The Miao five elders are the most unbearable and arrogant, and the wrath of the wrath: "Miao Yiyi, when you stole the ancient king of the Miao nationality, you are already guilty! Now you are back to the Miao and become holy. Female candidates, are they still willing to hand over the ancient kings? Are you really as the former patriarch and former big lady said, you yourself... don’t know where the ancient king was!”

(End of this chapter)

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