Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2734: Because you love the emperor (for the reward of 10,000 books plus more)

Chapter 2734, because you love the emperor (for the reward of 10,000 books plus more)

Just after three hours have passed.

The grievances of the nightfall were gradually replaced by worries.

Since the emperor Xu Xuan walked out of the door.

At night, when he was clear, he was alone in the bed, and his mouth kept complaining about Emperor Xu Xuan.

The more she complained, the more her heart was wronged.

The more grievances, the more the night falls, the more I want to let Emperor Xu Xuan know that she is not true, she must be entangled in him, can not do without his woman!

It is also time to let Di Mo Xuan taste it and be indifferent!

I thought so, I wouldn’t be able to chase after the night.

Until Miao and Miao Yiyi knocked on the door outside.

The nursery had a slightly awkward voice, and cautiously asked: "Night girl, we are convenient... come in?"

"What is inconvenient!" The night fell and climbed down from the bed.

Miao and Miao Yiyi walked in and found the room, only the night was clear, and the night's face was extremely dark.

The nursery looked around and circled: "What about the Emperor?"

"The quarrel, he ran!" The night fell to the lips, coldly replied.

"Running?" The nursery look changed. "How can you quarrel? In the courtyard of the Virgin, each garden is a locust that is cultivated! There is a locust in the body of the emperor. If it is provoked by other locusts, very dangerous!"

The nursery words made the night clear and the light flashed, and the body instinctively tightened.

"You and Yiyi are waiting for me here. I am going around looking for Emperor Zun." Miao Wei took the initiative.

The night cleared up and quickly kept up: "I am also together..."

"This courtyard, except me, everyone is in danger." Miao Wei stopped, "Don't be there, Emperor has not found it, I have to go around to find you."

The night is clear and the footsteps are full of tangled complex look.

For a long while, she squinted: "That will trouble you, please be sure... help me find A Xuan."

For the nursery, she is completely ignorant.

Not to mention whether she can keep her safety in the face of those locusts.

Can not increase the burden of the nursery.

She can only stay here and wait for news.

After watching the nursery leave.

The night was silent and sat in the seat on the side.

She lowered her head and clasped her hands.

"When you are... Are you still okay? How could it suddenly..." Miao Yiyi was too worried about falling in the night, would think cranky, think about it, or asked her.

She and the nursery were outside the door, and they heard the sound of the night and the intimate voice of Emperor.

Is that the auditory hallucination?

The night is clear and the five fingers are getting tighter. The voice is very embarrassing: "In his eyes, I can't feel his feelings for me. My heart is... panic."

She raised her head, and she was covered with a layer of clear water mist.

She was close to her lips and seemed to be holding back something: "I know that he is in the middle of the centrifuge, and it is still for me, it will be such a poison, but I still... still feel wronged."

Her fist is tight again: "Yiyi, you said... I am not very selfish, selfish, I only want him to be nice to me, not want to see... his kind of looks like nothing." ”

"This is not selfish." Miao Yiyi walked up to her, reached out and gently patted her shoulder. "Because you love the emperor, because of love, I want his response, isn't it?"

Miao Yiyi continued to say: "I really envy you and the emperor's feelings, the emperor is clearly in the middle of the centrifuge, but his soul, still deeply love you, will break the erosion of the centrifuge, Stay close to you..."


Make up (2)

Today's update starts in the afternoon and then continues to make up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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