Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2733:

Chapter 2733

The pupils that fell at night were enlarged.

A cold chill, spreading through the body and limbs.

Her face is pale: "What do you mean..."

Emperor Mo Xuan coveted, smashed the narrow peach blossoms, and his face was cold: "The deity has not slept in your interest."

At night, the delicate body lying on the bed, shivering slightly.

Five fingers, one by one, tightening the quilt underneath.

Her eyes trembled, and she was sure to look at the dawn of Emperor Xu Xuan. There was a bit of darkness and unclear flashing.

The man stood by the bed.

The body is long and the clothes are neat.

It seems that it is very expensive.

And she, the clothes faded in bed, full of mess.

The contrast is sharp, and the face that clears the night is getting paler.

Her lips are tight, and when she re-exports, her voice is bitter: "Di Mo Xuan, you know, I am not unwilling."

Emperor Xu Xuan sneered without a word.

The curvature of the corner of the mouth is like a smile, a slap in the face.

The appearance of the yin and yang is so that the anger of the night clears the heart, and it rises out of nowhere.

Obviously know that Emperor Mo Xuan will be like this, just because of the reasons for the sputum.


At the moment, she clearly cares about the body of Emperor Mo Xuan.

For the sake of Emperor Moxuan, I will refuse such closeness again and again.

Instead, he licked his nose and put a cold face on her.

She endured the emperor Xu Xuan to forget her.

Endure the indifference of Emperor Mo Xuan.

Tolerate the emperor, Xu Mingming, and her, but without the slightest feelings...

Her full grievances, who knows?

Perhaps, she is really a little princess who was spoiled by Emperor Xu Xuan.

The assassin is, after all, enduring the flood of grievances.

At first, the man was transferred to the weak and weak body, and his strength was restored.

She sat up from the bed, and there was a hint of grievance between the charming, while pulling the robes on her body and squeezing her teeth. She said, "Do you still want to say that I don't want to sleep for you? Go and find another woman who is willing to let you sleep?"

When the girl is full of anger, the Emperor Mo Xuanmei suddenly sharpens.

Looking at the girl's face with grievances, a pair of glamorous looks as if they are squatting on the layers of light, seemingly aggrieved and crying.

The heart of Emperor Xu Xuan, inexplicably pumped.

But soon, his expression returned to desperation.

There was no other wave on his face, and he smiled calmly and indifferently: "Yes."

It’s just a word, and it’s getting better at night.

It’s so interesting to bully her?

She lifted her foot and slammed into the bed and said: "Go and go! You go, I won't stop you, go now!"

That one foot, directly on the body of Emperor Xu Xuan.

Emperor Mo Xuan was smashed and stepped back two steps.

Then coveted, staring at the little feet still on his waist.

The owner of the foot is obviously still playing with temper.

After squatting, it’s completely unresolved, and it’s awkward.

Emperor Xu Xuan Emei, mastered her feet.

The night is clear and biting, and the force is screaming: "Let me go! Don't you want to sleep me? Isn't it not interested in me? I still hold my feet and do something!"

Emperor Xu Xuan’s color sank and slammed her feet.

Immediately turned and left the room.

Listening to the door being opened, I sat down at the bed and stood up at night, just want to stop.

I can think of the indifference of Di Mo Xuan to the ultimate attitude.

She felt angry and annoyed and wronged in her heart.

Simply, sitting on the edge of the bed, holding his legs.

It seems that only he has a temper!

I always thought that she was the same pet as a princess.

In the middle of the centrifuge, I want to turn over to be the owner?

no way!


Make up (1)

(End of this chapter)

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