Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2732: Solution

Chapter 2732: Solutions

The mother was seriously injured because she was protected.

In order to protect her, the mother will beg her aunt and use her own life to change her peace in the next few years.

Although ... aunt is a helper.

The real culprit is her.

She can't forgive her aunt.

Can't forgive yourself.

"Yiyi...you can't think so..." Miao Miao stuttered and tried to persuade her. "Sister's death is not your fault. It's all me... I sent my sister to the Miao woman's hand, you Don't forgive me, it's right..."

Feel the tension and worry of the nursery.

Miao Yiyi shook her head slowly.

She understands the meaning of the nursery.

The nursery does not want her, because she can't go with her.

I would rather she blame her.

I don't want her to blame herself.

Miao Yiyi licked her eyes and sighed at the bottom of her eyes. She smiled lowly: "Don't worry, my mother will use her life, and I will not let my mother die in the future."

She said, slowly lifting the eyes that have returned to calm.

"I will complete my mother's last wish, revenge for my mother, and become a Hmong saint."

The nursery lip **** a few times.

Miao Yiyi has taken the lead in interrupting her words: "I was only in the house, I also heard it. You have a way to solve the poison of the emperor, is it true or false?"

If the nursery is to the mouth, swallow it.

"Clear in my grace, Emperor is the person who cares most about the Qing Dynasty. If there is a way, can you tell me before you fly?" Miao Yiyi continued.

The nursery lip trembled again, and a word was thrown out for a while: "Okay."

Miao Yiyi glanced at her injured hand: "After waiting for the **** sputum, I will start to dispel the emperor."

See Miao Yiyi's thoughts, all placed on the emperor's solution.

In order to stay in the world of Nirvana in the end, you can get along well with Miao Yiyi.

The nursery also transferred all thoughts to the scorpion.

"What is it in the emperor's house? Who can squat on the emperor's body?" She still doesn't know what is in the emperor.

"Centrifugal and emotional." Miao Yiyi said one word, "all objects are ... clear."

The look of the nursery is condensed: "I am only the Emperor of the Emperor is in the middle of the centrifuge, and there are still emotions?! These two taboos, how can the Miao people show up?"

"Miao Rongrong and Miao Yixiong are united." Miao Yiyi did not elaborate on the situation. "The two kinds of anti-drugs are the same. Now all are in the body of the emperor, and ... the objects are clear... The feelings make the emperor respectful and clear, and the centrifugation is to drive the emperor to forget everything."

She paused: "If you continue this long-term, even the Emperor, his body, can't help it..."

The nursery sank and nodded.

In fact, when she noticed that there was a centrifugal sputum in the body of Emperor Mo, the nursery would feel strange.

In the emperor of the centrifuge.

It is still able to settle down with the night, so sweet love.

It can be seen how deep the feelings of the emperor are to the night.

"The two kinds of scorpion venoms together, and the objects are all the same person, this cockroach is dissolved, it is more troublesome..." Miao 芷 screwed her eyebrows, "You let them rest in the Miao for a few days, these days, I go The Ladies' Institute will check again and find a safer way."

Miao Yiyi was silent for a while: "After tomorrow's holy ceremony, I will accompany you."

After tomorrow, she is also the holy daughter of the Miao.

The Virgin Court, she also has the qualification to enter.

It will be more efficient to check the methods of the two together.

(End of this chapter)

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