Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2328: Let the war king, come in person.

Chapter 2328 is still to let the king of war, come in person.

These dozens of black people, the strength is actually in the realm of the earth!

The night cleared quickly and took a few steps back.

His eyes swept over a dozen black people around him.

From their costumes, it is impossible to see at night whether the other party is a warrior or a Miao.


The night is clear.

In order to kill her, or to catch her, the other party really got a **** one.

If you change to someone else.

The black man in the land of more than a dozen of them was shot.

Who else can escape?

Seeing the night cleared the attack.

More than a dozen other black men quickly swooped forward.

For a time.

The entire forest, shaking the mountain for a while.

The wind swelled and the leaves flew.

The faintness is also mixed with screams of screaming.

Not a moment.

In the woods, the original quiet was gradually restored.

The powerful Xuanbo around him gradually stopped.

At night, he patted his hands and stepped on a black man.

The glass cat bent down and pulled off one of the black man's masks.

The black man had a **** scratch on his face.

This is a masterpiece from the glass cat.

Who let these bad guys disturb the interest of her and her sister shopping.

If it weren’t for them, she’s still shopping with her sister, happily!

Did not scratch them.

It’s already a pawn!

At night, he lifted his legs and squatted on the black man.

The black man who had been in front of her had dropped a token.

The glass cat immediately picked up the token.

I saw the token, there is a big sign - "war"!

The killer sent by the War King?

More than a dozen black people, although they were ravaged by the night, could not resist.

But their momentum is still not reduced.

A pair of hateful eyes seems to be telling them that they are rather unyielding.

At night, I raised my eyebrows and nodded. "You are all soldiers of General Wang."

Only the soldiers can have such an unyielding spirit.

Those black people glimpsed, it seems that they did not expect that the night will actually see their identity.

Soon, a black man shouted: "We have nothing to do with the general! To kill you, don't feel free to give us an identity!"

The night was clear and the words were heard, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

This black man is coming to be funny?

Denying the relationship, is there such a serious denial?

That "general" is not the recognition of the red fruit. Is he the general of the king of war?

"Undoing my search and arresting, and then sending my own soldiers to chase me, this is the purpose of the war king." The night cleared and raised an eyebrow. "But... just with your little sisters, there is no way to let I am addicted, I think... or let the war king come in person."


People in black are fierce.

Some even coughed up madly.

They have their own pride and have their own self-esteem.

Skills are not as good as people, being abused by a young girl.

It is already the most shameful thing in their lives.

Nowadays, she is still insulted by the girl.

"There is a skill to kill us!"

"Look at your young girl, I am afraid I have never seen a dead person yet."

"What, let's just play it? Kill us!"

The black people are angry and angry and the night is clear.

They don't believe that this seemingly pure and harmless girl dares to kill.

"Sister, how can someone want to die?" The glass cat looked strangely at the black man.

"Perhaps, they think that only when they die, they will not be so shameful." The night fell to the chin and answered very seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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