Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2327: Tracked

Chapter 2327 is being tracked

The glass cat that was closed for a few days was finally able to walk on the street with a bright future.

The glass cat is extremely excited.

Holding a small donkey, left and right.

Looking at the active figure of the glass cat.

The night clears the corner of the mouth and evokes a shallow smile.

This is the young girl, it should be energetic.

The people around, because of the search and arrest of the War King.

I am extremely curious about the night.

Seeing that the night fell on the street, the people pointed out.

But no one dared to go forward, bothering this, let the War King House search and arrest, and the mysterious woman who revoked the search.

Around the city of Yue Yue, stroll around half a circle.

The glass cat is still eagerly swaying in front of each stall.

The night fell behind and walked behind.

Suddenly, her ears moved a little, and her eyebrows passed a meaningful smile.

Her afterglow, like an unintentional sweep of the back.

After seeing several people in twos and threes, they followed her intentionally or unintentionally.

Her smile on her lips was thicker and thicker.

The other party, it looks very unsettled.

I don't know... This is the people of the War King House, or the people of the Miao nationality.

Pretending to be clear at night, I did not find myself being followed.

Stepping slowly to the side of the glass cat, licking her little head: "Is it tired?"

"Not tired!"

On the glass cat, there are already two or three things in hand, and there are several snacks in his hand.

Even the little cockroaches lying on the shoulders of the glass cats were holding a candied haws with their claws.

These two beasts.

It seems that no one has sensed that someone is following them.

"You can't play without being tired, come back tomorrow." The night fell gently and whispered.

The bright eyes of the glass cat are slightly dimmed.

She picked up her small mouth and bowed her head in disappointment: "The cat still wants to continue shopping..."

"It’s late, if the little dance dances back, we find that we are not there, we will definitely worry about us.” The night fell on the shoulder of the glass cat. "There are some minor troubles to solve."

The glass cat has a round and beautiful look.

Suddenly heard the second half of the night, she suddenly opened her eyes.

Immediately, some angrily and unpleasantly hold the little claws, and muttered in his mouth: "A group of people who died, even dared to disturb their sisters to accompany cats and cats, cats and cats must scratch them!"

The two left the lively streets in tandem.

During this time, the night clearing has been nestled in the basement of the Peach Blossom Restaurant.

The route to Hyatt City is not particularly clear.

To lead people who follow them.

Must find a quiet place.


If it is in the city of Moet.

Once you start, you will be scared.

I want to find out from whom these people are tracking who they are.

You can't do it in Moet Cheng.

The night was clear with cats and cats, and the surface was light and cloudy. They also discussed the small topic of the little girl family.

Go to a remote and quiet place.

About Momo walked for about half an hour.

Both have already walked out of the city.

It was about two quarters of an hour after leaving the city.

The road ahead is already a forest trail.

Looking at it, it is very dense, and it is extremely messy bamboo and various trees.

The night fell and the glass cat looked at each other and stepped into the woods.

Just step into the forest.

At night, I felt a strong murderousness and spread throughout the forest.

It seems that those who are tracking can't wait.


In the next moment, a dozen black figures were drawn up from all sides.

Rushing in the foremost killer, the goal is very clear, directly against this night, the palm of the hand moves, Xuan Mang is like a flying dragon, swooping down!

(End of this chapter)

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