Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2329: Beating a snake = a large snake?

Chapter 2329 is a stunned snake = a large snake?

"Then we want to be perfect, they pinch?" The glass cat blinked.

"Since they want to die so much, your sister is so kind and capable, and naturally they must fulfill them."

The night was clear and smiled and looked at the people in black lying on the ground: "Don't say that I don't give you the chance to live, it's your own, strongly demanding... want to die."

People in black are stunned.

They don't believe it, this looks beautiful, but the 14-year-old girl dared to kill them a dozen big men?

not to mention……

The girls want to kill them.

I have to look at it too, she still has that chance.

Just then, there was a sudden sound of noise in the grass of the woods.

At night, the police were calm and gaze, and their eyes swept around.

I saw the dense grass, and kept shaking, and the sound of the cymbal was getting closer.

In the grass, there is something!

One of the black people was hearing this sound.

The face immediately showed a smug look.

The night fell in love and immediately released his own feelings.

This group of black people still have a back hand!

This is really a big deal!

The War King seems to be tempted to let her go.

The night was clear and slightly stunned, and the bottom of the eyes was flowing with a cold mans.



After a while, the buzz.

I saw a poisonous snake that followed a **** scarlet letter and smashed it out.

The dense snakes are huge and small.

Wrapped together, constantly squirming.

This scene, around the night, is not caused by a scalp tingling.

The serpent directly ignored the black men lying on the ground, and the ones rushed to the night.

Soon, the center of the night was cleared, and the night was cleared in all directions.

The scarlet snake letter makes a "squeaky" sound.

"Ha ha ha... little girl, you are still tender!" The black people saw the viper had surrounded the night and the glass cat group.

They also braced their bodies and stood up.

Thanks to these two ignorant little girls.

No place to choose.

I have to come to this uninhabited forest.

Just let them... have the opportunity to attract a snake.

The war king said that this little girl is very insidious and cunning.

And it is a veteran of poison.

They naturally will be prepared for both hands.

"Snake! A lot of snakes, sister!" The glass cat saw the venomous snakes, and couldn't help but caress the goose bumps.

Glass cats are not afraid of snakes.

But in the face of so many snakes, it is too disgusting.

The night was clear and the face was slightly condensed, and the fascinating coldness was shot: "Don't move."

The glass cat shrinks to the side of the night, the bright eyes, staring at the poisonous snakes with vigilance.

"Ha ha ha... little girl, do you think you will not move, will these snakes not attack you? If you are strong, how can you do it in the face of thousands of poisonous snakes?"

A black man caressed his chest and staggered and stood up straight.

The glass cat grabbed the night's clear arms and clung to the lips: "Sister, why... they, they are not affected by the snakes?"

Not only is it not affected by snakes.

Those poisonous snakes have bypassed the people in black and climbed in their direction.

"They have a sachet that avoids the snake."

No wonder, the night clears always feel that those black people have a strange taste.


Just to disperse these snakes.

She chose this forest.

It is to prevent the grass from being a snake.

Unexpectedly, it caused a large snake.


[Updates can't be displayed without starting, and the wind is different every three, and the ink is so sad! 】

(End of this chapter)

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