Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2303: Blood sacrifices the descendants of my Yuwen family!

Chapter 2303 Blood sacrifices the descendants of my Yuwen family!

"Small monks, in the territory of the generals, dare to be so arrogant!"

The war king looked gloomy and recognized the girl in front of her eyes, the girl in the portrait.

When I think of this monk, I dare to start with Yu Wen.

They still hurt their Yu Wenjia.

In the heart of the war king, full of hatred.

He looked at Miao Yixiong, whispering his teeth: "The Miao chief, this woman, is the woman I said that has poisoned the dog in the dog!"

Miao Yixiong’s eyes stared at the night without blinking.

It seems that I want to see through, the level of the night is clear, what level is it.

But let him see what he thinks.

Can not see through the night of the Ming Mang.

Miao Yixiong’s heart stunned.

In general, you can't see the opponent's mystery, or even the mystery of the opponent.

Either the other side has an artifact that hides its own mystery.

Either the strength of the other side, above him.

Miao Yixiong naturally believes in the former.

But... for the latter, there are also inexplicable surprises.

"Where is Rong Rong." Miao Yixiong stared at the clear eyes of the night and asked softly.

"Running." The night was clear and calm, "I took my things and ran. After the patriarchs went back, I remember to check out Miss Miao, my things, never free."

Miao Yixiong is silent for a moment.

His eyes were deeply looked back and forth at night.

Finally, turn straight and leave.

"Miao chief!" The war king did not expect Miao Yixiong to hesitate to choose the words that believe in the night.

Miao Yixiong paused and stunned the warlord: "I will go back and confirm that if the girl lie, my Miao will cooperate with the king of war and seize her."

After all, I didn’t return.

The king of war was overcast and clenched his fist: "Small monk! You can deceive the Miao chief, but the general will not let you go!"

He took a five-finger move and took out a battle axe from his pocket.

"This general will use your blood today, and blood will sacrifice the descendants of my Yuwen family!"

He screamed in anger, raised the tomahawk in his hand, and went straight to the night to attack the past.


Clearing the eyebrows at night, it seems strange to repeat these two words.

Immediately, the body quickly jumped back.

The lightness is like a butterfly spreading its wings, suspended in the air.

She smiled and looked at Yuwen mad, and the tone revealed a hint of ridicule: "The original little prince has no ability to extend the descendants... but also, Xiao Wangye is young, so ruining his body, naturally it will In some ways, it has a huge impact."

Her slender fingers covered her lips and she smiled so sweetly.

It is not a stunning face that is bright.

At this time, it was a breathtaking charm.

Yu Wen’s madness was the first laughter that was cleared by the night, and it was fascinating to laugh.

But in the words of the night, his whole person, as if immersed in the cold water in December.

Being a stunned spirit, his mind was clear and clear.

"No, no ability to extend the generations... What does it mean?" Yu Wen was so stiff and unbelievably looked at the War King.

The war king was seen by Yu Wen’s mad eyes, and the high battle tomahawk could not waver.

His sword brows upside down and slightly removes his gaze: "The mad child let go! The general wants to kill this monk!"

"Why should the king of war squat with the little prince, after all... this kind of thing will be known sooner or later." The night fell gently and smiled.

Yu Wen arrogantly tightened, and he grabbed the arm of the war king: "Hey! You told me that what she said... is fake... is fake, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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