Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2304: I am a dignified smile.

Chapter 2304 I am a dignified smile

Yu Wen was once spoiled by his childhood and grew up in his hand.

But it does not mean that he is stupid, no brain.

He is lawless.

It is precisely because this Yuwen family is up and down, only he is such a son.

But now...

He has no fertility.

It also means Yu Wenjia, never!

This is equivalent to, he is not a complete man at all!

Yu Wen crazy can not accept this matter.

Can fight the king's expression.

The night is clear, it looks like a smile and a mocking look.

It is stated that this is indeed a fact.

"Isn't Xiao Wang liked me very much? Now I don't even believe in my words." The night fell and smiled.

"You...you are a curse!"

Yu Wen’s mad and obese body kept shaking.

He likes to be clear at night.

But this kind of like, is not love.

Now that I know my future, I am ruined by the night.

In his heart, there was only a lot of anger.

"Oh..." The night fell and smirked. "On the last moment, I said that I liked it. The next moment I became a monk. The little lord likes it, it is really cheap."

The night cleared the blue silk of the shoulders: "It’s a pity, I have no interest, I am accompanying you here."

After all, she raised her hand and waved at them with a smile.

The next moment, the figure of the night, has disappeared in front of their eyes.


The War King quickly caught up with the first few steps.

But at the moment when the night disappeared, her breath disappeared.

"Ah, ah-"

Yu Wen’s mad mouth broke out with a scream of anger.

Like the body of a huge meat ball, the fat flutters.

The powerful mysterious force formed a circle of vortex around it.

Yu Wen madly knees on the ground.

The five fingers clenched into a fist, like a fist like a meat ball, and slammed on the ground.


The ground instantly spread like a spider web in all directions.

The gravel is splashed and the sand is flying.

The entire War King House was caught in a fierce sway.

"Frenzy!" The War King saw that Yuwen was so out of control, worried that he wanted to stop Yuwen.

But the vortex that was made by the powerful Xuan Li forced him back.

The name of the first child prodigy of Yueyue City.

Yu Wen mad his talent, in this north of the mainland.

It’s not a name!

Yu Wen madly double eyes: "Hey! I must let that monk, life is better than death!"


After the night fell away from the Wangfu House, he went to the restaurant of Taohua Sanqian.

Miao Rongrong is now back to Miao Village.

I am afraid that in the near future, she has no way to see Miao Rongrong.

Don't say she doesn't have a map of the Miao Zhaizi.

Even if she did, she did not dare to rush to the Miao village.

That is the site of the Miao nationality.

Hundreds of thousands of locusts in minutes.

She can't help it!

However, she is not in a hurry.

The bottle that Miao Rongrong snatched, but ten medicinal herbs.

One is in her hand.

There are only nine left in the medicine bottle.

One day.

However, on the 9th, Miao Rongrong had to come to her personally.

There are also Miao patriarchs...

For the sake of Miao Rongrong's position of the Virgin.

This bottle of medicinal herbs, the Miao patriarch... has to pay the price it deserves.

Just walked into the restaurant from the back door and went to the basement.

On the head, I saw the peaches clasping their chests with both hands, and looked at her with a look of uneasiness: "Hey... I laughed so insidiously, and I was thinking about some intrigues."

At night, I raised my eyebrows: "I am a dignified and generous smile. How can I say insidious?"

(End of this chapter)

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