Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2302: Miao patriarch

Chapter 2302 Miao Patriarch


It’s really shaking M!

The more he abuses him, the more excited he is!

It seems that he is a distinguished position, so that everyone around him is bowing to him, without any temper.

Caused him to have such a good.

The night fell quickly and threw the dead branches in the hand to the ground, only to feel a cold.

Yu Wen’s madness appeared, and her plan was lost.

Miao Rongrong escaped and took away a bottle of antidote.

For at least a short time, she had no way to control Miao Rongrong.


After Miao Rongrong has finished the antidote, Miao Rongrong will come to her.

But wait until that time.

A lot of things have already left her control.

It was a real trouble.

"Little beauty..."

Excited Yuwen squirmed the fat body, the narrow stitched eyes, bent into a line.

The feeling of aversion to the cold, poured into my heart.

At night, when I saw Yuwen mad, I felt the stomach tumbling.

But Yu Wen is still stalking.

She simply condensed a mysterious force and took it to the back of the head of Yuwen.

"Who dares to let go in the War King House!"

Suddenly, a severe burst of screams came.

Then, at night, I felt a powerful force, and it came straight.

The action of clearing the hands in the night.

A quick rollover avoids the mystery that hits.

It is not far away, a dark figure from far and near.

A palm of the hand filled with great mystery, heading down.

The fierce force makes the surrounding air rotate into a huge vortex.

Strong strength!

In the clearing of the night, I sighed and immediately shunned.

Immediately, the mysterious force gathered, and immediately met the palm of the hand, straight down!


The two forces collided.

At the time, the vortex tears and the wind entangles.

This piece of the War King House was completely ruined.

Flying sand and stone, gravel splashing.

The airflow is scattered and the smoke is scattered.

Two figures stood in front of the night.

Standing in front is a middle-aged man who is similar to the age of the war king.

The war king is standing behind the man.

The middle-aged man, a weird navy blue dress.

It is different from the costumes of ordinary people.

The man's upper body was a very short navy blue costume, and the position where Jomovic was squeezing embroidered the invisible lines.

The lower body is a cloth like an apron, and under this cloth, wearing the same color pants.

This look is to let the night clear the thought of the "minority" wearing.

The night fell and immediately knew the identity of the middle-aged man - Miao patriarch, Miao Yixiong!

That is the father of Miao Rongrong.

"Who are you!" Miao Yixiong stared at the night and looked down at the night, and her heart was a little surprised.

This girl, it looks like a 14-year-old.

It was actually able to escape his offensive.

And can you be against him?

Who is she? How can there be such a powerful force?

At night, I raised my eyebrows and smiled. "It turned out to be the Miao chief. Is it for Ms. Miao Da? But... you are late, Miss Miao Da has escaped from the War King."

"What are you talking about!"

When the king of war heard the word "escape", his face suddenly changed.

In the face of Miao Yixiong, he did not dare to admit that he had imprisoned Miao Rongrong.

Before he left, Miao Rongrong almost cut off.

How could it be possible to escape?

"Would the war king be a guilty conscience? How is it so exciting?" The night fell and smiled and bent, and the two sides allowed the two to look at her and examine it. "Miss Miao Da has escaped, waiting for the Miao long. The Miao nationality will naturally understand."


[Reaffirmed again: this Miao is not a modern minority! Have nothing to do with ethnic minorities! Don't substitute! Just happened to be surnamed Miao, so it is called Miao! 】

(End of this chapter)

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