Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2275: Suddenly regretted, the abuse of the general manager is too light

Chapter 2275 suddenly regrets, the abuse of the general manager is too light

The chalet is not spacious.

The furnishings are neat and clean.

The clear vision of the night, fixed on the wall in the middle of the wooden house, two black and white portraits hanging.

In the portrait, there is a young man and a young girl.

In front of the portrait, there is a black wooden table with a incense burner.

"The two men... are the grandchildren and granddaughters of Grandma."

The woman put her grandmother on the bed and the voice was extremely soft.

She squinted slightly, looking at the two people in the portrait, the light of the eyes, gradually emptied.

It seems to recall the things of the past.

"They... very kind, very caring for me, a foreigner, I really like the atmosphere of my grandmother's house." The woman's eyes were blurred, with a touch of smile on her lips.

I can tell.

She is real and likes this family very much.


Look at the colors of these two portraits.

There is also a wooden table and incense burner in front of this portrait.

The night cleared, and I guessed something.

Sure enough, the woman took a deep breath and half-squatted at the bedside, holding her grandmother's hand in one hand: "They...have left Grandma and left for three years."

"Yes...because, Yuwen mad?" The night fell to the thoughts, and her grandmother pleaded for her.

Heart, squatting slightly tight.

The woman squinted and widened her eyes, wondering: "How do you know?"

"Because... In front of Yuwen mad, she wants to save me and my sister, I can see that it is sincere." The night settled and closed, "She must have seen me and thought of her granddaughter." With the grandson, I don’t want to die in the hands of Yuwen’s madman..."

"Yes, Grandma has always been a kind-hearted person." The woman's eyebrows are gentle. "At the time, I have already heard of it. Step Grandma must want to use his life in exchange for the life of you and your sister." ""

The night is clear.

There are really such good people in the world.

I don’t know each other.

But in a critical moment, she decided to protect her.

"Fortunately, none of you have been injured, the Fan general manager, also fell a deserved end!" The woman suddenly, the voice has become a lot more.

She looked up and her eyes were cold: "The kind of person can't make him die so easily! It should be like that, abolish his qualifications for being a man! Let him become a waste person and be trampled!"

Listening to the voice of the woman's indignation, the night fell faintly.

She will ruin Fan General.

It is because of this.

How many people have been doing with the Yuwen madness?

How many innocent blood has been contaminated on your hands?

Death, for Fan, it is liberation.

How could she let Fan General die easily?

It was abolished, but it was the beginning.

"Step grandma's grandson and granddaughter, that is... by Fan, who is alive... tortured to death." The woman's tone is full of hatred.

She clenched her fists and her fingers trembled a little: "I want to avenge my step brother and step sister, but... I won't let my grandmother step, I don't want me to offend Yuwen's family because of her..."

The dawn of the night clearing, a slight glimpse.

She suddenly regretted that when she was in the abuse of the general manager, it was too light!

"Yes..." The woman jerked her head up and looked at the night, and opened her mouth to call her name, but for a moment she stopped, "That, what is your name?"

"I..." The night was just about to say his name, but after thinking about it, her name was too loud in the world of Nirvana because of the war in the West.

After a pause, she said: "The night falls."

"Night..." The woman whispered these two words and immediately smiled. "My name is Miao Yiyi!"


[Flip the role of the reader for a long time, find the most suitable name ~ ~ love baby, you are flopped, get your character card: BIbibi - Miao Yiyi! 】

(End of this chapter)

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