Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2276: Going to hide from me?

Chapter 2276 Going to me to hide?

Miao Yiyi released her grandmother's hand and walked to the front of the night. She looked heavy and said: "The night girl, the general of the king of war is not easy to provoke, you have abolished the general manager today, and injured the little prince, the general of the war king is absolutely I won’t give up..."

She raised her brow: "What are you going to do?"

"No problem." The night fell faintly shaking his head.

She came to the mainland, just to find a nursery family.

It is only this face that offends the Yuwen family.

When she found the nursery family, please move the people of the nursery family to suppress the poison.

She left the mainland directly.

It is impossible to find her on the head of Yu Wen’s mad thoughts.

Of course, she can change another face.

Night clearing said: Yi Rongshu is in hand, the world I have!

"You are the people from other continents. I don't know what the status of General Wang is in the Beibei mainland. If the generals of the king want to intervene in this matter... you can't fly."

Miao Yiyi sat down on the chair in the side, holding her chin in her hands.

The eyes of Shui Lingling are flickering.

The night fell and looked at Miao Yiyi's extremely cute daze, and some helplessly shook his head.

This girl, the emotions jump really fast.

It’s wind for a while, it’s rain for a while.

Thinking is jumping too much.

But... such a little girl.

It will be very easy to live and it will be very happy.

Suddenly, Miao Yiyi slammed the table and stood up: "Would you like? You go to me to hide? I am safe there, no one can find it!"

"..." Night clear said that she really did not want to hide!

Miao Yiyi has already rushed to the side of the night with his own enthusiasm: "It doesn't matter, you are welcome! You have abolished Fan, and you have revenge for your step brother and step sister! It is my great benefactor!"

The night cleared and just wanted to refuse.

But when I heard the door, there was a rude knock on the door.

The night cleared the ears and moved.

There are about twenty people outside the door.

And all are mysterious.

Miao Yiyi has stepped up and walked in the direction of the door. His face was displeased and said: "Who is it? Can you knock on the door and can't make a small noise? If you knock it, will you train it?!"

The night was clear and the face was slightly dark. At the moment when Miao Yiyi opened the wooden door, the figure swayed and rolled out from the open window in the corner of the wooden house.

Miao Yiyi will open the wooden door.

At the door, standing in a row of neatly guarded, holding two pictures in the hand.

As soon as the door opened, the two guards slammed into the cabin very arrogantly.

Miao Yiyi's face changed and slammed in front of the two guards.

These people are obviously the guards of the War King.

Are they coming to catch the night?

"Let's get out!" A guard guarded the shoulders of Miao Yiyi impatiently and wanted to push her away.

"What are you going to do! Do you force the house?!" Miao Yiyi was pushed a few steps and wanted to pounce on the two guards.

As soon as he turned around, he found that there was no other figure in the wooden house except the step grandmother lying on the bed.

Her hanging heart sank.

Fortunately... the night is not there.

After confirming that the night was not in the wooden house, Miao Yiyi’s suffocation came.

She put her hands on her hips, twisted her brows, and pointed at the two guards and yelled: "Don't think that you are the guard of the war king's house, you can force the house! The generals of the war kings are outstanding, and they are the first-class mighty generals of Beibei. If it is the people under the command of the generals of the War King, who are good at squatting in the houses, bullying the people, and spreading them to other continents, I see how you are responsible for the reputation of General War King!"

(End of this chapter)

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