Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2274: This woman is not simple

Chapter 2274, this woman, not simple

The glass cat with his hands on his hips, coldly sighed: "Otherwise, do you think we have to do something? Can we not be poisoned by an old woman?"

The woman's eyes widened, staring at the night and the glass cat looked at it for a while, and she only dubiously took back the weapon: "You...you don't want to kill the stepmother, then you are just... the stepping grandma is almost Who was killed by Xiao Wangye?"

The glass cat is a pretty face: "What are you talking about! We don't have a stepping grandmother!"

"Okay." Looking at the two little girls in front of you, you said a word, the night clearing said that some heads are big.

She took the shoulder of the glass cat and pulled it behind her.

Immediately smashed the head of the glazed cat, and smiled and looked at the woman in front of her eyes: "We are indeed the ones rescued by the grandmother."

The woman stared at the night and squirted a cold sputum in her nose.

Then I will ignore the night and the glass cat.

Turned straight and squatted down, gently touching the face of Grandma Chu.

The finger touched her grandmother's face for a while, and the woman seemed to be relieved, and turned her head again. She was suspiciously at night and looked up and down for a while: "You...will medical?"

"It will be a little." The night cleared and smiled.

Her gaze fell on the woman's hand.

Just... The gesture of a woman touching her face is definitely not just a simple face.

It is like... It is through the skin of the grandmother's face that the condition of the stepmother is found.

It can be easily seen that she has simply treated her grandmother.

This woman is not simple.

After confirming the safety of the step grandma, the hostility of the woman to the night and the glass cat was also reduced.

She will pick up her grandmother.

A small body, holding a step grandmother, seems to have not made much effort.

"Let's go, go to Grandma's house first." The woman threw a sentence and went straight ahead.

The night fell for a moment and stepped up to catch up.

The glass cat is playing with a small gang, an unhappy look: "Sister, let's go to the dancing sister!"

Mentioning the gentle dance, the night fell, and licked the head of the glass cat: "You go to the inn to tell the little dance, I will come back later."

"Sister!" The bright eyes of the glass cat are wide, and the mouth is flat, and the voice is low. "The cat and the sister go together! The cat does not remind you to go back to the inn, and the sister should not leave the cat!"

"Stupid cat." The night was cleared by the cuteness of the glass cat. "If we don't go to the inn, the little light dance will be worried. When she comes out to find us and can't find us, what should I do? do?"

the most important is……

She married Yuwen’s madness and will definitely upload the horse to Yuecheng.

Jun light dance once heard the news.

And she and the glass cat have no news.

The gentleman who dances with the gentleman...

Jun light dance will definitely rush to the War King House!

If it really develops to that point...

Then there is no way to end.

The glass cat indicates that the baby is not happy, and the baby needs the sister to kiss and hold high to be obedient.

I couldn’t help but laugh at the night.

Reaching out, holding the glass cat in his arms, gently patted: "Come and go to the little light dance, and my sister will go back later."

It was a good mood to be held by my sister.

Shaking the little tail, listening to the night clear, the fart turned away from the alley.

The night fell and immediately caught up with the woman's footsteps.

Xu is aware that the night is clear and offensive, and he can’t walk the road.

The roads that women take are all left and right.

In a short while, it stopped in front of a dilapidated log cabin.

The woman pushed the door and went in.

The night fell to the front.


[Thank you for the rewards of the babies~ Ask for a ticket and ask for a ticket for recommendation! Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a monthly ticket for a monthly ticket! 】

(喵喵喵) 1888+1888+1888 coins, (some) 388 coins, (Jun Qingcheng) 100+100 coins, (light dance @飞扬) 100 coins,

(End of this chapter)

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