Overlord, Love Me Tender

Vol 2 Chapter 2273: Do not know the Entu newspaper

Chapter 2273 does not know the Entu newspaper

Not yet standing up, Yu Wen crazy directly pressed down.

Like the general's wife, biting Fan Jianren's flesh.

Tightly, the clothes of Fan Jianren were shredded.

Fan Jianren struggled.

A medicine slipped into the throat.

With his eyes wide open in horror, he saw the seemingly upright Liu elder standing in front of him, sprinkling a bottle of quirky fragrance and spilling it around.

This taste is exactly the same as the taste of the medicinal herb that he just fed!

Fan Jianren’s heart was in a bell, and he just wanted to escape.

Can be all over, but there is no strength at all.

Instead, there is an inexplicable craze.

Fan Jianren still doesn't understand...

Dr. Liu just fed his medicine, is...chun poison!

"General, General's wife, let's go out first." Liu Dafu looked at the general of the war king. "Let's find some guards and block this room. If these people can't alleviate the spring poison of Xiao Wangye, they will be the little queen." The women are all put in."

"This...this..." The general of the Warlord would not understand the meaning of Dr. Liu. "The mad child is still young, this kind of consumption, can he withstand it?"

"The syrup I sprinkled around, in addition to the spring poison, there is also the material of the qi dan, the water that is ground, just smell a drop, you can quickly recover your strength."

Dr. Liu waved his hand: "Little Wang is very talented and his physical condition is different from that of ordinary people. There should be no problem."

General Wang Wang looked at Yu Wen’s madness in Fan Jianren’s madness.

He tightened his fist and picked up his wife, then turned and left the room.

There are more than a dozen small donkeys and donkeys in the room.

They naturally heard the words of Dr. Liu.

Seeing the king of war has really left.

They screamed in horror and begged General Wang to be able to let go.

Yes, the door of the room was slammed shut.

A large lock was placed on the door.

In the room, the screams undulating... for a long time.



At night, the woman was wrapped up in a wound, and she was trying to pick up the woman and go back to the inn to find a gentle dance.

As soon as I stooped, the look of the night was suddenly gone.

Her hand quickly licked the arm of the glass cat.

The two went backwards together.

"call out--"

A sharp weapon, crossed the direction of the night, and plunged into the ground.

The end of the sharp weapon is still shaking.

The night was clear and charming, looking at the direction of the sharp weapon, Yang said: "Who?"

"Let your step grandma!"

A woman's resounding voice was far and near, and soon she saw a lotus-blue figure flying quickly.

The woman quickly stood in front of the woman, straightened her waist, and looked fiercely at night.

The woman is about 14 years old, her skin is white and tender, and she is extremely delicate. She has a playful feeling of a girl next door.

Especially the eyes of the waters.

Extremely clear, it is just a sight to her, so I can't help but like it.

"Step grandma?" The night cleared the line and swept the woman behind the woman. "Is this your grandma?"

"She is not my grandmother, but in my heart, she is my grandmother!" The woman's eyes became more and more fierce, and she found a weapon.

"Hey! You... how are you so ignorant of this person! My sister is obviously trying to save the grandmother. You said that she is your grandmother. You don't know about the Entu newspaper, but also the fierce sister!" The Qing Dynasty was insulted by others, and immediately rushed to the front, stopping in front of the night.

"Save... Salvation Grandma?" The woman blinked and had some doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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