Chapter 362

The headquarters of the Shinra Corporation is located in the center of the Midgar Sky Disk, guarded by the surrounding eight blocks and the corresponding magic furnace.

Said to be a building, its scale is no less than a small city. The steel high-rises standing in the clouds overlook the steel city and the entire Midgar wilderness, like a -kun emperor facing the world.

Prior to this, the coalition forces of several countries tried to break into the headquarters of the Shinra Corporation to carry out beheading operations, but failed to break through the first main gate. The most elite troops of the Shinra Company are stationed here, guarding the huge Shinra headquarters like a city.

But just like the turning point that often happens in the story, even the perfect fortress will have back doors and small loopholes.

At this time, a group of people sneaked in from the parking lot behind the headquarters of Shinra Corporation.

Perhaps it was because a lot of troops were deployed to suppress the No. 7 steel pillar, and no one thought that there would be daring fanatics who would dare to invade the Shinra headquarters. At this time, the defense of the rear parking lot was not too tight.

Seven or eight Shinra soldiers stood at the entrance of the parking lot with guns, yawning from time to time. It’s almost time to take over the night shift, and they are all in their most relaxed moments.

At this time, a military truck with the Shinra logo drove up along the highway and stopped in front of the electric pole at the signal of the soldiers. The military truck braked slightly, and the tires brought a small black mark on the ground and gave off a faint smell of burnt rubber.

The Shinra soldiers looked at each other and laughed: “Hey, new driver? Don’t step on the brakes in such a hurry, be careful to hit us.”

The driver rolled down the window, and his face was under the brim of his military hat. He put his elbow on the window and smiled: “Sorry, it was a bit hurried. You know, I have to catch the last bus to go home. .”

“Understand and understand.”

The soldiers laughed and walked forward with their submachine guns hanging diagonally from their muzzles: “Okay, just take out the pass…”

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

There was a series of slight and extremely loud noises. These soldiers just shook their bodies and fell heavily to the ground one after another. Each soldier had a small blood hole in the center of his forehead.

Throwing away the remaining few small steel balls, the driver took off his hat to reveal an ordinary face wearing glasses, his face was flat: “Okay, let’s get to work.”

The door of the back of the truck opened suddenly, and Tifa and others jumped down one after another, stuffed the soldiers’ bodies into the truck according to Heather’s orders, and opened the electric lever.

When he parked, Heather jumped from the driving seat and threw his hat away. In his perception, there were few people guarding the parking lot. It seemed that someone had deliberately moved the garrisoned soldiers away.

It doesn’t matter, killing these ordinary soldiers is not the purpose of Heather’s trip. He is here to save people. It is more in line with him to do less and kill.

There is only one person he must kill, and that person is the head of the science department of Shinra Corporation——

Bao Tiao!


Baotiao Laboratory on the 66th floor of the headquarters of Shinra Corporation.

There are intertwined cables like blood vessels, pipes carrying unknown liquids, dim lights, all kinds of strange instruments and scary experiment equipment. This is one of Baotiao’s many laboratories.

There is a cylindrical prison in the center of the huge laboratory. The prison is hermetically sealed by thick and special glass, and cool light is poured from the top to shine on the ‘prisoner’ at the bottom of the prison.

There were many wounds on Alice’s body, and she was sitting on a small round stool at this time, looking outside through the glass prison without saying a word.

Standing outside the prison and staring at her was a middle-aged man with greasy black hair and ponytail. This man was Baotiao. He was wearing disc sunglasses and a grimace:

“Oh, dear, don’t look at me with that reluctant look. You should have been caught back when you were seven to continue the unfinished experiment, allowing you to spend more than ten years of’free time’ happily. Is there any dissatisfaction?”

Alice looked at Bojo in silence, motionless.

“Oh roar, silence is golden?”

Bao Tiao, wearing a white coat, rubbed the stubble on his chin, and carefully looked up and down Alice:

“I would also like to thank your teacher. Without his help, I am afraid you would not be able to awaken the power of the ancient species so quickly? After all, it is just a hybrid’bastard’… Oh sorry, I didn’t say this word for Humiliating you, just a simple interpretation.”

Facing the sarcasm in Bao Tiao’s words, Alice’s eyes were not moved at all.

Bao Tiao paced slowly in front of the glass cover, and finally stopped: “Okay, tell me about the [Promised Land].”

Of course, what Bao Tiao got was silence and gaze. He shrugged his shoulders artificially, and complained in a smooth tone:

“My dear, can’t you understand my forced position? I just want those greedy guys to shut up and concentrate on doing great research. Well, the ‘research’ with you as the protagonist.”

Looking at Alice, who was motionless like a clay sculpture, Bao Tiao put his hand on his chin and looked at Alice with a malicious look:

“In this way, you look more and more like your mother Ifaluna.”

Alice’s pupils shrank slightly when she heard her mother’s name, and the slender hands she held in front of her became tighter.

Of course, Bojo noticed these details, and said in an unhurried tone: “Ifaluna’s behavior is really regrettable. There is no need to run away, just tell me I will help her deal with all the troubles. NS.”

With that, Bao Tiao shook his head, as if he was really sorry for Efaluna’s escape behavior.

He rubbed his hands in front of him like a fly: “It’s really a pity that she is clearly the last pure-blooded ancient species.”

Having said this, he looked at Alice and spread his hands: “By the way, don’t you want to see your mother again?”

Alice was almost about to speak when she heard this, but she still held her hands tightly and forced herself to respond to Baojo with silence.

Seeing Alice’s expression, Hojo could no longer hold back his twisted psychology. He leaped over, pressing his hands on the glass cover fiercely, and the heat from his mouth and nose caused white mist on the glass cover: “It’s a pity, I can only use a microscope if I want to see her hahahaha! What am I going to do? Maybe not recycling such an important individual?”

He lay in front of the glass cover and kept twisting and wriggling his body, unabashedly releasing his deepest malice towards Alice: “I have carefully studied every inch of her body! Hair, skin, internal organs, even small Bones! The ancient species are so awesome!”

When talking about Ifaluna, Hojo screamed with excitement almost uncontrollably: “Ifaluna is so beautiful even with her cells! Be proud of your mother!”

If her gaze could kill people, Alice must have cut Baojo a thousand times.

Alice’s gaze made Bao Tiao very satisfied: “It’s a nostalgic expression, we have time to have fun…”

Suddenly, the communicator next to him made a series of noises, and Bao Tiao had a frustrated expression interrupted by the good game time: “Hey, the meeting time is coming. Then, see you later.”

After speaking, Baotiao put his hands in the pockets of his white coat and staggered out of the laboratory.

After the figure of the evil scientist left the laboratory, Alice gasped like a drowning man. After so many years, the fear that Bao Tiao brought to her still couldn’t subside.

When I thought that I was about to be subjected to various inhumane human experiments by Hojo, anger and fear immediately lingered in Alice’s heart.

Teacher, help me…

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