Chapter 363

The smooth tiled floor reflects the lights and figures. The interior decoration of the Shinra Corporation building is luxurious and magnificent, and the slums are basically two worlds.

“Wow… the damn Shinra company is so generous!”

Even in the biggest cleaner’s outfit, Bullet can only look like a hillbilly with his arms wide open as a waistcoat. As he walks, he raises his head and looks around, his mouth constantly exclaiming.

“Are you trying to say ‘luxury’?” Claude, who was also wearing a cleaner’s outfit and pushing the cleaning cart, couldn’t help but vomit.

Heather said impatiently, “Be quiet, and if you want to pretend, you have to pretend to be like that!”

He wore a formal suit of a Shinra employee. Although he was well-proportioned and tall, his face with glasses was so ordinary that he lost a lot of points.

Tifa followed Heather and pretended to be his subordinates. The ordinary secretary outfit was stunned by her to show the perfect effect of the model fashion show, except that the slender legs wrapped in black stockings were slightly better for stiletto heels. I can’t help it, walking is a little bit crooked.

“The costumes of the female employees of the Shinra Company are too, too shameful, right?”

She blushed and pulled on the tight hip skirt, trying to pull the skirt downwards, but she almost broke the chest button of the lady’s suit that she was barely wearing.

“Oh my dear, who asked you to take a secretary outfit? These are all for those senior executives, can you not be ashamed? Hurry up, the elevator is almost here.”

The best camouflage effect here is Jesse. Perhaps many years of actor career have played a role. She is dressed as a high-spirited department head female, leading everyone to the elevator in strides, and the high heels are constantly on the tile floor. The collision made a crisp sound.

There are basically no guards inside the Shinra company, which can be guessed. Because the main defensive forces have not returned to their original positions after being transferred, and most of the forces are concentrated in the barracks and the front gates of the ministries.

Even in the middle of the night, we can still occasionally see tired employees passing by within the company. No matter which world, the overtime life of social animals is so sad.

Although they did not have an ID card, the access control wherever they went was automatically opened, and it was obvious that someone was behind them to assist.

“Hey, Heather, I still don’t believe that Rufas Shinra, I always feel that he is hiding some bad thoughts.” Bullet leaned over to Heather and said in a low voice as much as possible.

Heather smiled slightly: “It’s a coincidence, I don’t believe him either. But as far as the current situation is concerned, he and his men are really good pawns. Let’s make do with them before rescuing Alice.”

While they were waiting for the elevator, Heather suddenly looked far away, and then involuntarily led everyone to hide by the other side wall.

I saw a few people in the distance walking towards the elevator, headed by a beautiful woman in a red skirt with enchanting figure, behind her were two soldiers of the Shinra who looked humble and humbled like hunting dogs.

While waiting for the elevator, the woman in the red dress clasped her arms in front of her impatiently and dragged up the two huge balls: “It’s really troublesome, we are going to have a meeting again…Is it still Baotiao’s home this time? Where is that wretched and disgusting old bastard? ?”

The soldier couldn’t help but took a sneak peek at the behemoth, and then returned to his senses and quickly said respectfully: “Report to Director Scarlet, Director Hojo should be in the private laboratory on the 66th floor at this time.”

“Hey! The ancient kind of kid who was just caught by Chongxing? It’s a nasty hobby. I hate waiting the most. The elevator is too slow!”

Scarlett, the head of the weapon development department, became more and more angry. Even though a genius who was so hardworking and talented like her was dedicated to maintaining the weapon development department, President Shinra still focused most of his attention on Baotiao and his science department. .

Damn it! Damn it! Wretched old pervert!

She didn’t get angry, turned around and kicked the soldier behind her. She filled her feet with high heels in desperation before venting her anger a little. The Shinra soldiers did not dare to resist, and curled up on the floor, letting Scarlett beat and scold them.

In the distance, everyone hiding behind the wall witnessed all this.

“It’s too much…” Tifa frowned, and Scarlett, who was wantonly torturing his soldiers, gave her a very bad impression.

Jesse squinted his eyes and looked at Scarlett carefully, and said:

“She should be the head of the weapon development department of Shinra Corporation [Scarlett]. It is rumored that she developed countless heavy war machines during the war between Shinra and Wutai, and artificial magic spar is also her main project. Because of her meritorious service, Penultimate, After the victory in the Wutai War, she was promoted to the head of the weapon development department and is currently one of the top decision-making members of Shinra Corporation.”

“…Do you want to hold her hostage?”

Crowder’s hand has reached the huge package under the cleaning vehicle, where his weapon [Destruction Sword] is hidden.

Bullet heard that he was about to rush out for a battle.

“A bunch of idiots, calm down.”

Heather waved his hand and signaled everyone to stay safe. “This woman is just a small role and has no value in kidnapping. But it seems that she should be attending the high-level council, and Bao Tiao must be among them. We will follow up after the meeting is over. Behind Baotiao, Alice will naturally be found.”

As the backbone of the team, Heather’s speech was recognized by everyone. They waited patiently until the elevator that Scarlet was riding on finally stopped on the 80th floor. After confirming the target floor, they ran up the stairs all the way.


The large conference hall on the 80th floor of the headquarters of Shinra Corporation.

At this time, fierce quarrels were erupting in the conference hall.

“I saw it, I really saw it!” Palmer, the head of the space development department, was standing at the conference table with his arms and legs dancing and shouting, “I saw [him] walking straight through the corridor with my own eyes. …”

Heidegger, the head of the public security maintenance department sitting at the table, impatiently interrupted Palmer’s speech: “Don’t spread false information!”

“No, no, really, I just passed by my eyes. I was so shocked at the time that I even lost a little weight! You see…” With that, the fat old man Palmer planned to show Heidegger that he’slimped down’ Belly.

Bang! Heidegger punched and shouted at the conference table: “Don’t stop talking! Our department will be responsible for dealing with all intruders. Are you doubting the ability of the security management department?”

Palmer, who lost most of his right to speak because of the failure of the rocket launch plan a few years ago, gave Heidegger a fearful look, and ran to the president to try to explain: “President, please believe me, I really…”

President Shinra raised his hand to signal Palmer to shut up for the time being, and then pointed behind Palmer: “…Heidegger.”

The burly Heidegger owes his body, like a giant bear who knows politeness: “Yes. According to the report just now, about two hundred soldiers were lost in the blasting plan of Pillar 7 and a total of 4 helicopter gunships crashed. Special forces A total of 1 winner was lost, 1 winner was 2nd, and 5 winners were 3rd.”

“Um…now I don’t have time to pay attention to the small flies like avalanche. When you find the [Promised Land], I will blow up the No. 7 pillar as a celebration.” President Shinra took a sip of his cigar and slowly spit out bursts. White smoke.

Li Wei of the Urban Development Department was startled when he heard the words, and stood up with his hands on the table, “Whh… hasn’t the combat goal been achieved? Why do you want to destroy Qifan Street? I don’t understand, Mr. President!”

“Oh, what an idiot. With [Promise Land], Midgar is just a cumbersome.” Scarlett mocked Li Wei, and then smiled flatteringly at President Shinra.

The President of Shinra smiled: “As long as we find the [Promised Land], we can build a brand-new magic city. There will be no shortage of resources, no disputes, no worries, and it will be Shinra’s achievement of eternal hegemony. The foundation! And those slum rats in the lower realms are not qualified to live in such a flawless country.”

Li Wei said anxiously: “Please wait! We don’t even have the truth about the Promised Land…”

The words came to an abrupt end, and the president of Shenluo raised his hand to stop Li Wei’s upright speech, and the upright head of the urban development department sat back in his chair.

President Shinra raised his hand and clicked on the side of Bao Tiao, his voice was quite polite: “Doctor Bao Tiao.”

Bao Tiao responded with a slippery smile: “The result of the inspection is as predicted. Although the value is inferior to the current purebred species, she is indeed considered to be an ancient species.”

“When will I know where [Promised Land] is?” President Shinra didn’t bother to care about the value or ancient bloodlines. He only cared about one thing, that is, the location of [Promised Land].

Bao Tiao made a strange laugh:

“About this matter, I have a suggestion.”

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