Chapter 361 Princess Rescue Operation

Now that an oral agreement has been reached initially, Lufas doesn’t mind revealing more information. He told Heather no longer to worry about the fall of the disc in the Seventh Fan District, because the goal of the Shinra Company from the beginning was to use Alice, the last ancient species of Setra, to obtain the coordinates of the [Promised Land].

Avalanche and Qifan Street are no different from a rat in the ditch to the aloft President Shinra. It doesn’t matter whether they are destroyed or not.

Heather noticed that the lights around the pillars suddenly dimmed, and even the light of the No. 7 magic oven disappeared, and the entire area around the top of the No. 7 pillar suddenly fell into darkness.

At this time, Rufas has recovered from the pain after the joint was removed and recovered, and his face was filled with a polite and faint smile: “When the happy chatting time is finally over, my subordinates will come to pick you up. I am. So, when do you plan to leave to rescue Her Royal Highness?”

“Soon, get your people ready.” Heather said lightly, as if what he was about to face was not the suppression of the Shinra company around the world, but a small shop on the side of the road.

Rufas’s smile faded slightly. He once met someone who was as confident of his own strength as Heather, the former 1st special soldier known as the world’s strongest fighter, Sephiroth. Such a person is proud and possesses terrible power. As a partner of the same front, he is absolutely reliable. If he goes against his will or betrays him, he will suffer merciless backlash.

This is a terrible double-edged sword. If you use it well, you can smoothly overthrow your father and let yourself sit on the throne of President Shinra, but if you don’t use it well…

Thinking of this, Rufas looked at the supervisor [Zeng] on the screen and nodded at him: “Go, get ready for the upcoming princess rescue operation.”


Zeng suddenly bowed slightly, turned and left, and the screen turned black immediately.

In the end, Heather put his hands in Kabuto’s black helicopter carrying Rufas Shinra gradually disappearing in the night sky.

He looked at the console in the distance. In the game, if the correct password is entered on the console (only President Shinra knows this password), it will cause the magic pipe to explode and cause the entire No. 7 steel pillar to collapse.

With absolute kingship in Heather’s hand, he squeezed it and then hurled it towards the console. Only a loud bang was heard, and the console and screen suddenly exploded into debris.

Before long, messy footsteps came from the steps below, and Tifa and others rushed to the top platform one by one.

Under the dark night sky, Heather was the only one standing on the huge platform in the night breeze.

At a glance, Bullet saw the remains of the console sparkling at the far end of the platform, and shouted excitedly: “Heather! Did you stop the explosion?”

The loudness of the voice made his voice echo around the entire platform.

Heather frowned: “It’s so noisy… this steel pillar won’t explode anymore, so relax for the time being.”

Hearing Heather’s words, everyone was greatly relieved. Everyone had already taken a mortal determination to prevent the pillar from exploding, and it turned out that Heather was the most reliable.

“Great brother…” Tifa stroked his high chest, his eyes reddened. In this way, the [home] of myself and the senior will not be destroyed, and everything can return to peace.

Jesse cheered and hugged Claude with courage, and smiled blushingly: “It’s already late. Would you like Claude to rest in my dormitory together?”

“Don’t be stupid.” Claude pushed Jesse away with an unnatural expression, then looked at Heather: “I’m going to find Alice. She should still be evacuating the crowd below.”

“Don’t go, she’s not there.”

Heather walked to the edge of the top platform and looked down. Sure enough, all the remaining Shinra gunships had disappeared. Did he receive the order to retreat? Catching Alice was the real purpose of this operation, and he was tricked by the old dogs of the Shinra Company.

Withdrawing his gaze, Heather looked at everyone: “Alice was captured by the Shinra Company. I have to save her and come back. You quickly find a chance to leave Midgar.”


Everyone present knew about Alice’s relationship with Heather, and knew that she was Heather’s proud disciple. So, in the end, is it still going to be a decisive battle with Shinra Corporation?

Claude frowned: “Impossible! I just separated from Alice not long ago, how could the scattered soldiers of the Shinra be able to catch Alice?”

Fighting with Alice for so long, Claude has full affirmation of Alice’s combat effectiveness from the bottom of his heart. The Shinra soldiers on the lower layer and around the bottom of the steel pillar had been cleared by them a long time ago, and even if there were a few slippery fish, there would be no chance to capture Alice.

But looking at Heather’s face, Claude gradually turned pale. The teacher whose opponent is Alice definitely won’t make fun of this kind of thing…Is it because she left Alice that she was taken away alone? Obviously Heather told him to let himself and Alice act together… Blame me!

“It’s the Shinra Confidential Combat Troop [Abyss]. They have been staring at Alice early in the morning. They just waited for Alice to separate from you and I and acted alone, and then immediately started. You are not to blame for this… it’s my responsibility.”

Heather no longer had the joking smile on his face, only seriousness remained: “Bullet, you take everyone back to the slum and immediately pack up and prepare to leave Midgar.”

“Brother, you want to go by yourself? No!” Tifa heard Heather’s meaning all at once. She rushed to Heather and grabbed his hand, and said anxiously: “I’ll go with you!” ”

“Tifa, obedient…”

“No! I must go with you to save Alice!” Tifa looked resolute and held Heather’s hand tightly.

Claude took two steps forward: “I will go too. Alice’s arrest has a lot to do with me, and I will rescue her with you.”

Jessie followed Claude with a smile, and patted the submachine gun in his hand: “How can you do without me, a super hacker, if you want to enter Shinra Corporation?”

Bullet patted his chest and laughed: “Everyone is going together, how can I be missing?”

Biggs, who was extremely pale, raised his hand and just wanted to say that he would go too. Before he could say anything, he was interrupted by a violent cough. He had several gunshot wounds on his body, and his ability to survive to this point was already the limit.

Heather sighed: “You guys, you have never heard me… Biggs, your injury can’t be dragged down, hurry up and find Wigge, there should be many members of the Avalanche Association between the pillar floors. . Find an opportunity to take the old lady Marley and leave Midgar as soon as possible.”

“You…you must successfully rescue Alice.” Biggs wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Heather.

Heather nodded: “We will meet at Zhunong Port then.”

Originally, Jesse, Biggs, and Wiggy would die in the blasting incident of Pillar Seven, which changed their destiny. That being the case, you might as well change a little bit more.

Thinking of this, Heather looked up at the huge steel disc.

Bao Tiao, if you want to die that way, I will fulfill you.

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