Chapter 356

Along with the violent explosion, Tifa was directly overturned to the ground by the strong air current generated by the explosion, almost falling off the edge of the platform.

A series of explosions exploded on Thunder Wolf Dragon’s body, and Jin Aoga, who was just a juvenile form, was blown up to keep making immature roars.

There is only one floor away from the operating platform on the top platform, but Tifa and Jin Oga are surrounded by a large number of Shinra soldiers and gunship helicopters on the second floor.

The Shinra soldiers held submachine guns and kept leaning the bullets towards Tifa and Jin Oga. Thunder Wolf Dragon used its body to block most of the bullets for Tifa, but it was only in a juvenile state after all. We must know that the larvae of Thunder Wolf Dragon are very weak among the cubs of the powerful creatures in the monster world. Therefore, Thunder Wolf Dragon will evolve into extremely rare gregarious creatures in the strange hunting world. The wolf dragon gathered to protect the weak cubs.

A series of grenades and rockets bombarded Jin Aoga’s body, and the golden carapace that was shattered mixed with blood was scattered on the floor, and the light of thunder that hadn’t been too strong on its surface became dimmed.

“The second team step forward! Stay suppressed!” A 2nd special soldier carrying a standard sword and holding his arms to command the soldiers present, his voice even overwhelmed the intensive gunfire: “It’s just a big head. It’s just an upgraded wolf, it’s almost dead! Keep shooting!”

This man has long black hair tied into a ponytail, a very long face, and a short beard on his chin.

His name is Benjamin, and he is one of the 2nd Special Forces of the Shinra Corporation and he is quite ambitious. The collapse of the Seventh Pillar Operation conducted a large number of internal conscriptions of special forces. Several powerful special forces with personalities and a sense of justice found reasons to avoid the conscription. Instead of escaping, Benjamin actively asked for it. He felt that this mission would be a high-quality step for him to climb towards the 1st class.

He believes that his strength will not be inferior to those 1st fighters, what he lacks is just a chance!

Benjamin did get a chance. He was appointed as the captain of the first unit. He was responsible for leading two 3rd fighters and a large number of Shinra soldiers to guard the second to fifth floors of Pillar 7 and kill all the avalanche organizations that came to “break through”. member.

In the beginning, their actions were very smooth, no one could rush to the fifth floor, and there were corpses and burnt smoke everywhere. In the face of ordinary people, the powerful suppressing power of dozens of submachine guns is enough to crush all the voices of opposition.

However, when the big breasted woman and the weird wolf capable of discharging came up, the situation immediately changed.

The woman’s movements are so fast that she can hardly catch her eyes. Every heavy punch or kick will knock down a heavily armed Shinra soldier, completely incapacitating. Even so, it is not impossible to kill this woman if you use a large number of submachine guns to shoot at the same time without considering the accidental injury of your own soldiers.

The trouble is the wolf.

Although the strange giant wolf full of electricity looks cute, its fierce claws are enough to cut ordinary people into pieces. Even the large war machine specially borrowed from the weapon research and development department can’t stop its lightning giant claws… …Is it an unknown summoned beast?

Soon, this weird combination of man and wolf broke through the fifth to the third level, and even the two 3rd fighters dispatched by Benjamin to the third and fourth volumes were defeated by them. If this continues, not only is Benjamin hopeless to be promoted, he may even be drawn to Baotiao’s laboratory as a [consumable material] because of the mission failure.

Can’t continue like this. The strong sense of crisis prompted Benjamin to think of a coping strategy in a short period of time. Will it be effective to hit the woman with firepower and force the wolf to give up attack and turn to defense?

Under Benjamin’s order, two helicopter gunships hovered on both sides of the second platform, continuously shooting at the location of Tifa with machine guns. At the same time, a large number of Shinra soldiers also held firearms to block all the passages leading to the third and first floors, gradually approaching while holding guns continuously pouring firepower.

In order to protect Tifa, Thunder Wolf Dragon had to retreat to Tifa and use his five-meter-long body to protect her as much as possible. The golden outer armor of the larvae is still very weak, and bloody muscles and white bones can even be seen in the wounds after being bombed by a grenade or rocket.

Tifa’s eyes were flushed red and was tightly guarded by the Thunder Wolf Dragon. Everything was going well. I didn’t expect that the Shinra Corporation had placed so many troops on the top of the steel pillars, and even used large armored machines.

From the beginning, Shinra had no plans to leave any way to survive the slums of Qifan Street and the avalanche.

Everything that I cherish is in the slums of Qifan Street. The brother who is determined to spend her life with her, the mother-in-law Mare, who is regarded as the elder of the family, and the brother, who are rebuilt bit by bit, are regarded as the seventh heaven bar of [home], friends, girlfriends, everything they know… It must not be taken away by Shinra Corporation again in this way!

Tifa ignited intense thoughts all over his body, more vigorous than Alice’s thoughts! More enthusiastic! If someone with the ability to think is present, you can even see Tifa’s location exploding like a huge fireball.


I saw Tifa raised his right fist covered in leather gloves high, and the thought energy on the surface of the fist was like a hundred unstable bombs that could explode at any time.

Even if she fights this life, she has to make a way to survive for everything she cherishes!

Da Da Da Da——! !

At this moment, another intensive gunfire came from the lower level, and the Shinra soldiers guarding at the third floor screamed, either being swept by a machine gun or being unstable at the foot directly from the railing next to the step. Falling in the direction of a slum more than two hundred meters deep.

“Tifa!! Here we are!”

I saw Bullet directly carrying a large heavy metal plate full of potholes and bullet marks as a shield in front of him. The right arm of the machine gun protruded from the side and fired continuously. Jesse and Biggs also held firearms and followed them continuously to cover. Shooting, the three of them went to the second floor of the No. 7 Steel Pillar in such a bloody way!

Benjamin was furious, and came to the second floor one by one?

“Fire! Kill them all! Use rockets!!”

Hearing Benjamin’s roar, the Shinra soldiers hurriedly raised their guns, and the gunships hovering in the air opened their ammunition racks ready to attack.

They are here with Bullet, but Tifa is not easy to use her [reading ability] for fear of hurting them by mistake. But if you don’t make a move, everyone will die here in vain!

Suddenly, her expression froze. In her perception, two [similars] were running fast up the steel pillar, and the mind of one of them was so familiar to her.

Brother is back! ?

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