Chapter 357 The King of the Slums

In the second layer, a series of explosions caused by grenades and rockets caused the entire steel support bracket to shake.

Claude smashed the garrison soldiers at the lower level with a sword, and shouted at Heather: “There must be a fierce exchange of fire above. You must rush over immediately!”

Alice also picked up a metal staff and knocked over a soldier severely, and said worriedly: “The air is full of the smell of burnt and gunpowder…”

Heather found that something was wrong and immediately picked up Alice and rushed towards the No. 7 steel pillar. Claude tried his best to follow behind Heather and was not thrown away. When they rushed to the steel pillars, they saw corpses everywhere, weapons and firearms scattered on the ground, and dozens of Shinra gunships hovering under the night sky.

The entire steel pillar was emitting billowing black smoke everywhere, and gunshots continued to be heard in it, and the higher the floor, the more intense the gunshots.

Heather led the two to rush to the top of the steel pillar. There were many Shinra soldiers stationed along the way guarding the stairs, but they weren’t the opponents of Heather and others at all.

Having just experienced the fierce battle with the evil spirit carriage Elig, Alice and Crowder are in really bad condition, but the two of them, who could not sit by and watch the innocent life on Chichiban Street, were killed by the Shinra Company at will. A friend from the same hometown who would not allow the Shinra Company to kill himself, so they mustered all their strength to fight bravely and constantly pushed up the floor.

Heather just swiped a claw to bring up a dense series of dull bones, and several Shinra soldiers couldn’t even pull the trigger of the submachine gun, so their limbs twisted their necks and turned sharply, and fell heavily to the ground.

It is true that Heather with glasses is more temperamental and rational than when he is not wearing glasses, but this does not mean that he will not kill in this state.

Another violent explosion sounded, and Heather could sense that the [Thunder Wolf Dragon] in the [Mythological Weapon Catalog] was in a very poor state, and it might be forcibly cancelled at any time.

Tifa is in danger!

He grabbed the railing and leaned out, only to see the flames exploding in the direction of the far upper top floor, it seemed that the fighting was extremely fierce. Two helicopter gunships hovered around the second floor below the top floor, and they continued to attack with airborne rotating machine guns.

Heather gave a “tsk” and looked back at Claude and Alice: “You two get out of here quickly, it’s not a plot that you can mix up next.”

“Teacher, you…” As soon as Alice raised her head, she found that golden fire flashed in Heather’s hand and condensed into a golden cross sword with a thin chain.

“Leave quickly and go back to the train cemetery. It’s safer there.”

Heather grabbed the railing with his left hand and turned over the steel pillar. He threw the absolute kingship out with a sharp throw with his right hand. The golden cross sword flew high up in an instant, directly piercing the cabin of an armed helicopter that was strafing the second floor, and the huge impact caused the helicopter to sway and sway greatly.

“What’s the situation?” The Shinra pilot who was operating the helicopter was startled and couldn’t help looking back.

“Then, that is the sword? It came from the lower level!” Another pilot sitting in the co-pilot’s position ran into the cabin, and was shocked to find that the Shinra soldier who was operating the rapid-fire gun in the cabin was directly attacked by a golden cross sword. Nailed to the bulkhead, vomiting blood.

“No, John was pierced by this sword and nailed to the cabin bulkhead… Can’t pull it out!” The pilot tried his best to pull the cross sword from the hapless soldier. Suddenly he A faint golden light seemed to flash across the tail of the hilt.

Below, Heather’s wrist spreads a thin golden chain that is invisible to ordinary people and continues to extend to the sky, directly connected to the end of the hilt of the Absolute Kingship in the helicopter cabin.

He grabbed the thin chain, and the golden chain began to shrink rapidly and flew quickly upwards with him.

The helicopter pilot was surprised to find a figure in the dark night sky below that was accelerating and soaring towards the sky, and in a flash, it jumped to the edge of the helicopter’s hatch.

“You, who are you!” The pilot hurriedly tried to pull out the pistol, but he felt the helicopter shake violently again.

Heather stomped hard on the side of the helicopter fuselage, and slammed the “Shinra” printed on the outer fuselage. Heather also used this force to turn over and jump to the railing at the edge of the second layer of the steel pillar. At the same time, he twitched the thin chain in his hand smoothly.

The helicopter was instantly cut into two parts by the absolute kingship incarnate as a sickle blade, and it fell down with billowing smoke, and the pilot’s screams were drowned in the whistling wing rotation and explosions.

The golden cross sword drew a curved arc in the air and was firmly held in his hand by Heather, and then threw it out suddenly! This time, there was no thin chain behind the hilt of Absolute Kingship to connect with Heather’s wrist.

I saw that Absolute King instantly crossed the entire second-tier battlefield with a super high speed that the naked eye could not capture, and brought a loud roar like thunder! A series of Shenluo soldiers exploded into a large amount of blood mist and turned into fragments and exploded. Then the propellers of the helicopter hovering on the opposite side of the second floor exploded directly, and also smashed downwards.

Everything happened between the electric light and flint, and everyone present realized Heather’s series of operations.



Bullet and others shouted in surprise, and Tifa was about to cry. It was only a short while before they were completely dumped by Shinra soldiers and helicopters. Should they be called Heather? In an instant, they shot down two extremely difficult Shinra gunships. You must know that the Shinra gunship is the proud work of the weapons research and development department. Even if the Bullet continues to shoot with the arm machine gun, it cannot break through the defense of its fuselage.

On the other side, Benjamin looked at the black-haired spectacle man squatting on the railing with his hands empty, and his whole body was streaked with sweat for no reason. Extremely dangerous! Benjamin seemed to recall the sense of despair in the face of a powerful monster that could not be defeated.

“He has no weapons! Attack immediately…” Benjamin saw that Heather used his only weapon as a throwing weapon and fell the gunship, and he planned to order the soldiers to intensively suppress Heather.

But he was horrified to find that another beautiful translucent crystal blue scimitar made entirely of crystal appeared in Heather’s hand. I don’t know if it is an illusion, he vaguely heard bursts of laughter from the mermaid?

“Remember your vows, the warriors who defended the mermaid prince to the death?”

Heather raised the scimitar flat and sneered: “It’s time to fulfill your vow… Stand up!”

There was a surge of blood scattered on the ground because of being bombarded by absolute kingship, and then they condensed into one after another blood-red mermaid warriors. They have terrifying faces and dark red cheeks and long beards, and they hold dark red in their hands. Rusty trident.

As soon as they showed up, the mermaid fighters rushed to the nearest Shenluo soldiers and started killing frantically. The Shinra soldiers fought back with firearms in horror, but they could not cause any damage other than hitting a series of ripples on the mermaid soldier and hitting the Shinra soldier behind.

The screams of horror and the sound of sharp blades piercing the flesh one after another, Heather was still squatting on the railing, the machete “Prince Mermaid” was lightly carried on his shoulders, and the cool night wind made his windbreaker hunt and hunt. .

“I said a long time ago that the Qifanjie slum is my site, but it seems that Shinra Corporation didn’t take my words seriously. It doesn’t matter, this time we have plenty of time and reason to get to know each other.”

Heather’s voice echoed at the top of the steel pillar, with a cold tone:

“This time, you must be able to figure out one thing-who owns Qifan Street.”

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