Chapter 355-Battle of the Seven Steel Pillars

There are eight huge pillars in Midgar. These pillars are made of steel as a whole. Each pillar is as large as 300 meters in length. They silently support the steel discs in the eight districts and carry Midgar. Everything about this cosmopolitan super city.

Under normal circumstances, this super huge steel pillar is absolutely impossible to collapse, because the urban planning management department has already repeatedly calculated and planned all possible situations in the early stage of urban construction.

But because of this meticulousness, the urban planning management department left a secret door in accordance with the requirements of the high-level Shinra when designing these steel pillars, which is the “safety self-destruct system”. By entering the password, this system directly overloads the main transportation pipeline of the Mozhuang stock solution in the steel support, and then triggers a series of violent explosions at each key node of the steel support, achieving the goal of destroying the steel support in the shortest time.

Once the steel pillars are destroyed, the steel discs corresponding to the Fan District will collapse and fall, causing a disaster. Both the upper city above the disk and the slums below will be destroyed.

It is said that this plan was originally designed to deal with the final response strategy adopted when the enemy country invaded the disk. Because no one mentions this system anymore, the existence of the “safety self-destruct system” is gradually forgotten within the Shinra company over time.

However, as long as a thing exists, there will be a day when it will be effective.

At this time, the lights on the No. 7 steel pillar under the night sky were all turned on, and the surrounding searchlights were all aimed at the steel pillar.

I saw people constantly flashing on the metal stairs between the floors of the steel pillars, accompanied by intensive gunfire and shouting.

Several helicopter gunships with the logo of the Shinra Corporation hovered around the steel support, illuminating the figures of those fighting with lights while continuing to broadcast the long-established lines with amplifying equipment in a loop——

[Terrorist organization avalanche, listen! We know that your goal is the seventh district pillar! Shinra will never succumb to terrorist threats! Now you are required to leave the pillar immediately! 】

[Repeat, Shinra will never succumb to terrorist threats! Now ask you to leave the pillar immediately! 】

At the same time, all of Midgar’s TV channels were switched to live broadcasts by Shenra’s law enforcement officers. The people heard the gunshots on the TV and the shouts of the Shinra helicopters, and they thought of the No. 8 and No. 8 made by Avalanche. The No. 5 magic oven exploded, and he couldn’t help getting angry.

As everyone knows, the avalanche organization that is fighting to the death is the righteous party doing its best to protect the steel pillars from being destroyed, and the Shinra company is only using the people’s hatred of the avalanche to unify the public opinion of Midgar and expand the recruitment of the army at the same time. Let the slums’ stinky ditch mice that cannot create more value disappear from the world.

It can be said that Xue Beng had fallen into the trap of the Shinra Company when he was about to destroy the No. 8 Demon Furnace from the very beginning, because Shinra deliberately asked Bullet to find the plan of the [original Xue Beng].

Dense gunshots continued to emerge in the space inside the steel pillars, and Bullet, who had a lot of scars on his body, roared and raised the rotating machine gun loaded on his right arm, and fired at the incoming Shinra soldiers.

Beside him, Biggs, who had suffered a gunshot wound, leaned out of the makeshift bunker and kept shooting with a pistol.

Jesse shrank behind the temporary bunker on the other side, and blindly threw a grenade that he had modified in the direction of the gunfire without looking. The grenade landed at the feet of the Shinra soldiers with astonishing accuracy, and the flames of the explosion swallowed them instantly.

“Bullet! The ammunition and grenades are running out!”

The dusty Jesse wiped her cheeks casually, and shouted to Bullet, “Why haven’t Wigie come yet!?”

“I don’t know! I hope I didn’t meet the Shinra soldiers and were stopped.” Bullet turned over the temporary shelter and saw that the steel support in front had been exploded by a grenade, so he had to look around for other entrances to the upper level.

Jesse seized the time to pin all the grenades in front of him on the tactical belt, reinstalled the magazine for the submachine gun, and pinned the pistol with the ammunition behind his waist. Then she trot up to Biggs with her submachine gun, and knelt down in front of him worriedly and asked, “Bigs, can you still hold on?”

“Hey…cough…who do you think I am?”

Biggs gave a pale face and laughed hard, and stood up swayingly: “I’m fine, I can also help you hand grenades and load bullets. You must not let Shinra destroy the No. 7 steel pillar, otherwise the Qifan Street slums It’s over, we don’t have the face to see Boss Heather.”

“Idiot, we were already dead at that time. No matter how powerful, Heather can’t chase us in the river of life and scold us?”

Jessie smiled, her expression turned a little sad, she just found the candidate of her favorite boyfriend, and a good life is about to begin, but she did not expect to die in this place. The most annoying thing is that she would never see Crow before she died. The last side of Germany.

Everything was fine, Bullet and the others are temporarily staying in the basement of Seventh Heaven, Biggs is recovering from injuries, and Jesse and Tifa cook dinner for everyone. Suddenly, they heard the announcement of the Shenra helicopter coming from the sky, and then they realized with a pale face that they were being used by the Shenra company.

All aspects of the Shinra company are fully prepared, and the Shinra soldiers are specially sent to dress up like Bullet and their slum costumes run in the steel bracket and pretend to have a gunfight with the Shinra army. That is to say, no matter whether Bullet or they go to the steel pillar to snare the net, Shinra will detonate the No. 7 pillar as originally planned, and hold all charges on the avalanche and the five heads.

That pizza should already batter in the oven, right? When these people rushed out, they were so anxious that they didn’t even close the pot.

Damn it’s Shinra company, why did it do such a cruel thing!

At this time, Bullet shouted not far away: “There is a way here! Come on!”

They dashed all the way up the metal stairs, and along the way saw the corpses of soldiers dressed in slums, mixed with the corpses of Shinra soldiers.

Of course, it is not only Bullet who are fighting to protect the steel pillars. The headquarters of the Avalanche Association is also in the slums of Qifanjie. They naturally heard the announcement from the Shinra Corporation.

Although the concept is inconsistent with Bullet, the goal of opposing Shinra Corporation is the same no matter the general club or the branch, and they must not sit back and watch the No. 7 steel disc fall, otherwise everything they cherish will be destroyed.

After Bullet, they rushed to the two floors and encountered another wave of Shenra soldiers, but during the battle, Jesse saw sharply that there were huge claw marks with burn marks on the bodies of many Shenra soldiers around.

“It’s Jin Oga! Tifa and Jin Oga are still alive, and the progress is faster than us!” Jesse shrank behind the bunker, avoiding a series of shootings, and shouted at Bullet with joy. In fact, she was worried to death in her heart, for fear that Tifa’s body appeared in the corner when she went up. fine……

Bullet also gave a sigh of relief. He was about to say something when suddenly he was unstable and almost fell.

The surrounding steel structures shook violently amidst the sour squeaking sound. The three of them looked at each other ugly, their hearts sinking continuously.

Something went wrong above!

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