Chapter 354

The dark wagon of evil spirits was only surrounded by the black fog to eliminate the frost on the surface of the body. As the black giant horse raised its front hoofs and screamed, the entire carriage of evil spirits flew directly into the air!

“Before the ‘horse carriage’ was the leading one, now is the ‘evil spirit’ leading the way?”

Heather sneered. If it’s a carriage state that is extremely resistant to physics, he might have to spend some tricks, but the current state of evil spirits…Do you think my ‘absolute kingship’ is for watching a show?

The holy magic circle under Alice’s feet also dissipated right at this time. After a series of magic bombardment, her own magic power was also consumed a lot, and she was in a relatively weak state. The evil spirit carriage Ellig was very good at it to some extent. Seize the opportunity.

The evil spirit carriage Ellig hovered under the black night sky. The linen cloak on the surface of the body was hunting in the night wind. He raised the double-edged long-handled battle axe in his hand and aimed at Alice, and the surface of the axe blade began to gather strong thunder light. .

Thunder? This is the thunder and lightning energy that it has been intentionally stored in the body before being attacked by the big thunder and lightning magic!

If you are directly hit by this thunder and lightning axe, and not to mention whether it is a weapon made of [steel], you will not be completely immune to [Throw] and [Thunder and lightning], even if you risk using its third ability. Chance.

Only then did Alice realize that she had used her ability to think sloppily, and she used up the precious first two abilities too easily, causing her to be restrained in the face of a real strong enemy.

Eligor accumulated enough power and lightning, and suddenly threw the lightning tomahawk in his hand at Alice.

A huge double-edged battle axe wrapped in a sorrowful thunder light, with a huge impact, blasted towards Alice from far and near, but at the same time, a golden light flashed on the battlefield below, dragging it up. The golden flame light hit the thunder light battle axe straight!

The golden cross sword “Absolute Kingship” no longer has a chain to link with Heather, but as a throwing weapon, it brings a huge impact and hits the thunder light tomahawk. The lightning and fire exploded in an instant, and the lightning entwined on the double-edged battle axe was directly dissipated. It rotated at a high speed to draw a curved arc in the sky, and slanted into the ground.

Absolute Throne immediately canceled the summoning when he hit it. Heather used the [Mythological Weapon Catalogue] to make the Absolute Throne as a throwing weapon that can be recycled indefinitely regardless of the distance. If necessary, he can also use the chain link to treat the Absolute Throne. The chain knife for distance combat is also the method of combat he wants to show Alice-to use his abilities flexibly according to the enemy’s situation.

The evil spirit carriage swooped down from the sky at high speed, rushing towards the double-edged battle axe stuck in the ground.

Ta Ta Ta Ta… There was a rapid sound of footsteps from far and near. With a lot of scars on his body, Claude leaped high from a section of the carriage, holding the destruction sword in both hands, and slamming towards the evil spirit carriage!

The Evil Wagon was unexpectedly agile, and it was able to avoid Crowder’s heavy blow, but it also lost the opportunity to get the double-edged battle axe. Crowder’s destructive sword cut a deep crack directly on the ground. He took a few heavy breaths and then held his sword to open his posture. He glanced at Alice’s side and saw that she had no obvious trauma. Tone.

Because he was worried about Alice’s safety before, he directly gave up the defensive firepower, and literally broke out the strength of the 1st rank fighter. The multi-clawed evil spirit was cut and disappeared by him before long.

When Claude ran out of the train storage warehouse and was struggling to look for Alice, he suddenly saw a blue-white thunder light shining under the night sky in the distance. He had seen this thunder light before Alice had used it before, so he moved in that direction. Rushed over.

Now, on the open battlefield, Ellig and Crowder are facing each other far away, and further away are Alice, who is hurrying to recover her mind and magic power, and Heather, who enters the theater mode with empty hands.

Heather had planned to kill Allige, but when he saw Claude arrived, he suddenly became interested in the theater: “I’m tired, this guy will leave it to you two, is it okay?”

Upon hearing this, Claude and Alice looked at Heather in amazement at the same time, seeming to be surprised that this man could say such shameless words.

Claude was covered with scars, and Alice’s magical thought energy had not yet returned to half of the level and the thought ability was also consumed twice, the state is really not that good.

Heather pointed behind Crowder: “If I were you, I would focus on the enemy instead of glaring at my teammate.”

Crowder was shocked, he had no time to lift the destruction sword in front of him, and then he felt a huge force coming from the sword, and he was knocked down and flew out.

The black giant horse at the front of the evil spirit carriage lowered its body and used the giant sickle horns to push Claude away, and rushed straight towards Alice.

Crowder rolled his feet on the spot and swung his sword directly towards the ghost figure at the rear of the car and swung a horizontal cut, forcing the ghost carriage to tilt its wheels and use the metal wheels to block the sword. At the same time, Eliger shook his arm full of rusty chains, several chains flew out and entangled the handle of the double-edged battle axe not far away, pulling the chopping axe out of the ground and back. In their own hands.

In just one or two seconds, Crowder slashed several slashes on the ghost Ellig and the black giant. Ellig’s metal armor, which was impossible for ordinary people to break through, could not withstand Krishna. Lauder’s powerful destruction sword hit directly, and blue light particles sprayed out from the cracked wound, as if blood splashed.

Ellig gripped the double-edged battle axe with both hands and swept the axe handle directly, and the fierce attack wrapped in the gale was blocked by Claude’s destructive sword.

clang! clang! clang!

The dull and jerky sound of iron clashes continued to sound, and Eligues kept swinging the double-edged battle axe to Crowder from all angles in a wide open and close posture, but the latter always used a destructive sword to block it at the very moment. Attack, and the speed gradually keeps up with Ellig.

After another weapon exchange, the black giant horse took the opportunity to raise its head and swept towards Claude’s waist with the giant sickle horns on top of its head.

At this time, a light beam composed entirely of pure magic flew past Claude from far and near, and blasted accurately on the black giant horse’s head. The black horse shook his body with a violent neigh and retreated, and even the ghost Ellig had to retract the double-edged battle axe to open the distance.

In the distance, the top of the metal wand in Alice’s hand exudes a bright light, and the magic beam continuously bombards the black giant horse, which has won Crowder a precious breathing opportunity.

This is the flow of life in the surrounding earth that she used her own magical power to converge into a highly condensed pure magical beam with the help of the pure energy in it. The power cannot be underestimated.

This is also the magic application skill of the ancient Setra race developed by her with the help of Heather-[Judgement Beam].

The two of them cooperated more and more tacitly, one far and one close, one object attacking one magic, and Ellig gradually became unable to parry. And Heather just sat at the top of the car statue not far away, watching the fighting cooperation of the original protagonist duo.

In Heather’s view, Claude’s fighting style is still very jerky, as if he is copying the memory template in his mind. But it is undeniable that Claude has excellent physical fitness, and the scars on the surface of the body have actually shown signs of scabs during the battle. The huge metal sword [Destruction Sword] is also incomparably brave with his wide opening. The fighting style is very good.

As for Alice, she was quite clever. In the battle, he found out the flexible use of mind and magic conversion skills, always able to use extremely accurate ice magic and judgment beam to create opportunities for Crowder or interrupt Eligg’s attack. She had been too fond of the ability to use the mind ability itself, but she did not realize that [Nian Qi] itself is a very efficient combat resource system. Can also deal with most enemies.


On the battlefield in the distance, Claude slapped his triumphant skill [Ferocious Slash], and was hitting the black giant horse at the front of the evil spirit carriage, and a large number of blue light spots floated out under the night sky.

The giant sickle horn on the head of the black giant horse was already shaky under the impact of Alice’s [Judgment Beam]. The head is only half left.

Seeing this, Alice immediately seized the opportunity to mobilize the magic and thoughts of her whole body, and raised her metal wand to point at the ghost Ellig far away. As the light burst at the end of the rod, a silver magical beam struck Ellig’s chest across the night sky.

Click! Click!

Ellig wailed sharply, trying to wave the double-edged battle axe to block the magic beam, but Claude directly suppressed the axe blade with his sword to prevent it from succeeding.

Under the impact of the magic beam, the metal armor on the chest of the evil spirit kept cracking. In the end, the magical beam blasted through its body, and this powerful evil spirit that had been entrenched in the train graveyard for a long time was finally coming to an end.

The linen cloak gradually turned into ashes and dissipated in the night wind as if it had been scorched. Under the cloak, Ellig’s broken body, which resembled a metal skeleton, also gradually collapsed and dissipated. As the last remnant of the evil spirit dissipated in the air, the surrounding black mist gradually dissipated, revealing the huge magic furnace and the steel disc above the head, leaving only the broken double-edged battle axe lying quietly on the ground. .

Alice sat down on the ground all of a sudden, she was really exhausted, and the magic and mental energy in her body were almost exhausted. And Claude also stood in place with a huge sword, breathing heavily. The continuous battles since the Wufan Street slums have made him very exhausted, let alone just defeated an extremely difficult enemy.

Heather jumped from the carriage and walked to the double-edged battle axe to carefully examine the weapon held by the evil spirit. Well, although it has been damaged, it should be a very good weapon if it is remodeled, and it will be made into a staff as a new weapon for Alice.

Suddenly, one after another sack ghosts emerged from the side of the crowd, slowly rising to the sky along with the faint blue light of the stars.

“The evil spirits that bound them have died, and they are finally free.”

Alice stood up and looked up at the sky, clasping her hands in front of her with a happy smile.

A small sack ghost floated in front of her, with an abstract crying face painted on the ghost’s face. It was the child who had warned Alice and Crowder before. It nodded slowly to Alice, and ascended to the sky to join the group of other ghosts after Alice waved goodbye.

In the end, all sacks ghosts recovered into dim ghost human forms and dissipated in the night sky.

Alice closed her eyes, opened it slowly after a while, and looked at Heather: “They are all returned to the stream of life, great.”

Heather had torn apart the broken double-edged battle axe to pieces, leaving only part of the axe handle suitable for Alice to hold. He carried the axe handle on his shoulders and nodded to Alice and Crowder. : “Although the process is a bit ugly, in general you two did a good job.”

Hearing Heather’s rare compliment, Alice glanced back at Crowder triumphantly, who also nodded in embarrassment.

When the people were waiting for a few words, Heather suddenly condensed his eyes and suddenly turned to look towards Qifan Street.

Shinra Company… Are you looking for death! ?

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