Chapter 335 I want to learn too! Learn now!

It was eight o’clock in the evening when Heather returned to the slum on Qifan Street.

A large number of workers in suits or overalls walked out of the train. The exhaustion on their faces due to a hard day disappeared when they saw their loved ones and lovers.

Inside the station, there are endless cheerful conversations and loud noises.

Wrapped in a windbreaker, Heather strode across the small bazaar, through the cramped alleys, passing the crowds of all kinds, and finally opened the gate of the seventh heaven.

The bar is very clean, because today is Wednesday, the fixed day of the seventh heaven.

Tifa was humming a song behind the bar while seriously wiping the counter with a rag. After hearing the door rang, she looked up at the door, her pretty face showing a gentle smile: “You are back.”

She walked around behind the bar and took the windbreaker that Heather handed over: “Soup is being cooked in the pot, do you want something else?”

“no need.”

Heather lifted the cake box in his hand: “The signature chocolate cake on Bafan Street [Tirmo Cake House], let’s eat together.”

Tifa happily folded his hands on his chest: “Jesse always mentioned this cake shop to me, saying that his signature chocolate cake is delicious… Is it expensive?”

“It’s okay, it just happens that the manuscript fee has been paid.”

Heather looked around: “Where is Marlene?”

“I was taken out by Bullet to play, and I haven’t come back yet. Ah, brother, is that…flower in your hand?”

Tifa noticed the daffodil lily in Heather’s hand and said curiously: “It turns out to be a real flower. It’s very rare in Midgar.”

“For you.” Heather handed the flower to Tifa.

Tifa gave a soft cry, took the flowers with a blushing face, took a peek at Heather, and then lowered his gaze to the flowers in his hand: “It’s so caring, unlike the style of a brother.”

Heather poured himself a glass of water when he walked to the bar: “It was given by someone else. Do you remember the flower girl we met when we went to Bafan Street for the first time?”

“Well, I still remember her pushing a small car.”

Tifa was a little bit disappointed when he heard that it was a flower given to his senior, but immediately became happy again. After all, this is the first time the brother gave flowers to himself, and it will be necessary to put them in the vase and put them in the most conspicuous position.

“I will go to Bafan Street to see her again in two days, because I made an appointment with her.”

Heather took a sip of warm water: “Probably teach her some techniques to strengthen her physical fitness.”

Actually take the initiative to teach strangers? Is this still the brother who is indifferent to the outside world?

And she’s still a girl…

For some reason, Tifa always felt a little uneasy in his heart, as if his own things had been taken away. She hesitated, and sat next to Heather and asked tentatively: “I didn’t see it clearly. Is that girl very beautiful?”

Heather turned to look at Tifa, and stretched out his hand to flick her head on her forehead: “Hey, what are you thinking about? It’s a test of the applicability of some fighting skills. The girl’s physique is very special. If she can practice successfully Then I can teach you how to use it step by step.”

Tifa let out a painful cry and rubbed his forehead: “Will it be dangerous? It won’t hurt the girl?”

“will not.”

Heather said seriously what he didn’t believe: “This may be a long-term project, but it’s worth a try.”

“What kind of fighting skills do you need to pay attention to, brother?” Tifa took a brightly polished cup as a mirror and took a look at his forehead to see if the brother had a red mark.

“It’s a completely different system from Zanganliu fighting technique. It’s a very interesting and practical fighting technique.”

Seeing that she was still struggling with the red mark on her forehead, Heather started to rub her gently: “If you are successful in cultivation, I dare not say that you will prolong your life for a hundred years, but it is completely guaranteed that you will stay youthful and not invade all diseases.”

Tifa blushed and let Heather rub his forehead lightly, his beautiful red pupils gleaming: “Youth is permanent? Really brother?”

“There have been examples. I have seen young cultivators who are nearly 60 years old and still look like a sixteen-year-old girl, and there are also a 120-year-old master who has a lot of physical strength than young people.”

Heather knew that women would definitely focus on the effect of [Permanent Youth]. Well, I also mention it to Alice when I look back, not afraid that she won’t work hard.

“I want to learn too! Learn now!” Tifa rarely expresses his wish so strongly. This time, not only was I attracted by the “Permanent Youth”, but also because I subconsciously didn’t want to be compared with the flower girl who had never met.

“Uh, wait for Alice first… it’s the flower girl who has successfully practiced, and then I will teach you again, okay?”

“Brother, don’t you say that cultivating this technique is not dangerous and takes time? If I can, I don’t want to fall behind too much. Please Brother.”

Tifa didn’t listen to Heather’s persuasion this time, and his whole mind was to learn.

Heather had no choice but to relax the requirements-when he lays the foundation for Alice, let them start learning at the same pace.

I’m too naive. With Alice’s body board, to lay a foundation to break through the fine hole, I am afraid that the time will be calculated in units of [years].

Seeing that Tifa was satisfied to go to the back kitchen to check the soup pot, Heather murmured inwardly.

While Heather was sitting at the bar waiting for Tifa, the bar door was pushed open again.

Bullet, who was already completely healed, laughed and wrapped little Marlene around his strong left arm: “Oh! Heather, you’re back!”


Little Marlene is almost two years old. Although her words are still a little fuzzy, she can distinguish and accurately call out the names of Heather and others.

For some reason, Marlene especially likes Heather and Tifa compared to Bullet, and Tenten sticks to them. In addition, Marlene is a little beauty, completely different from Bullet’s rough appearance. There are even rumours on Qifan Street that Marlene is the daughter of Tifa and Heather, and Bullet is just a nanny.

The nanny was furious with rumors, and often went out to fight because of this.

Seeing Marlene stepping on her short legs and running towards her, Heather leaned over and hugged her in her arms, with a lot less coldness on her face: “Is there anyone who is obedient today?”

“Very good! Marlene! Very good!” Marlene hugged Heather and laughed happily.

“Do you want to play with Jin Oga?”


Heather summoned the bewildered old wolf, and Marlene screamed in excitement, clutching the old wolf’s white mane and about to climb up.

Thunder Wolf Dragon reluctantly leaned down, using his claws and tail to help Ma Lin climb onto his back.

Tifa walked around from the back kitchen, carrying a steaming soup pot: “The chive and potato cream soup is ready, brother, you go get the bread, Bullet sets the tableware.”

The warm lights of the seventh heaven reflected outside through the glass windows, and laughter was heard from time to time.

Time flies quickly, and it’s time for Heather and Alice to agree.

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