Chapter 334 The Promised Land

The style of the Wufanjie slum is different from that of Qifanjie. The layout of the buildings here is more standardized and there are a large number of high-rise buildings over three floors. It is like a small town. A large number of worn-out curtains and sun visors cover the streets above, and scattered green leafy plants spread and grow on street corners. This is an extremely rare phenomenon for Midgar and the surrounding wilderness, which is not growing because of excessive extraction of magic.

The more you walk in, the greenery becomes more luxuriant, and the door of the small but warmly decorated orphanage ‘Green Leaf’s Home’ is lined with a long dilapidated wooden table and a large number of children gather in front of the table.

“Alice! Alice!” When many children saw Alice, they waved their arms and ran towards her.

Although her personality is a little weird, the kind-hearted Alice always does her best to relieve the troubles of the children in the orphanage and play together. In Wufan Street, both adults and children like this lovely and kind girl very much.

“Hello everyone~ I will go back a little bit in advance today, and I will see you to play with you tomorrow.”

Alice waved her hand, greeted the children with a smile, and then walked briskly past the Green Leaf House and walked towards the trail behind.

The children looked at each other, a little girl put her finger on her chin, and said in confusion, “Alice seems to be very happy today?”

“Is she always like this?” A little boy habitually lifted the bar.

“No, no, her happiness today is about to overflow~~~~ coming out!” The little girl opened her arms, showing off the words she had just learned today.

The path behind the Green Leaf House became more and more winding, and the ‘sunlight’ spilled down through the cracks of the worn sun visor above, drawing dots of light Madara on the ground underfoot. There are lush vegetation on the roadside from time to time, and even flowers are in full bloom occasionally.

When you reach the end of the path, you will see a canyon surrounded by towering rock walls. Just below the canyon is a pond with lotus leaves. The waterfall falls from the top of the canyon and hits the edge of the pond. A small wooden bridge spans the pond. Above, it connects the stone brick road at the end of the road and the flower field in the distance.

The stone brick road by the pond is full of flowers and grass, and there is a low wall of neatly built stones, and at the end is a beautifully constructed three-story villa. The villa is in a conical shape as a whole, the exterior walls are all painted dark red, and the surrounding circular balcony on the first floor is filled with flower pots, and flowers of different styles bloom in the pots.

Alice ran to the door of the villa in three steps and two steps, and opened the door suddenly:

“Mom, I’m back!”

There is a round dining table and a few wooden chairs in the center of the living room on the first floor. There are many vases with flowers in the home, and there is an old-style TV set next to the bookcase. Next to the window is the open kitchen, and the kettle on the stove is boiling hot water.

“Have you come back so early today?”

A woman in her early forties walked around from the kitchen neatly, rubbing her wet hands on her apron and looking at her daughter: “I’m in such a good mood, have you encountered good things?”

She is Alice’s adoptive mother, Emina Gainsborough.

It can be seen that Emina has been vicissitudes of life because of the hardships of her early life, but her big blue eyes are still piercing, her brown hair is pulled back into a capable bun, because of the hair color. She does have a mother and daughter relationship with Alice.

Alice swooped into Emina’s arms and acted like a baby: “Mom, I’m so happy today!”

Emina gently stroked Alice’s hair, jokingly: “Oh? Let mom guess, the flowers are selling well?”


“Is the letter sent finally answered?”


“That’s when you meet the handsome boy you like.”

“certainly not!”

Alice broke away from Emina’s arms, and akimbo her hips and turned around two times triumphantly, her eyes glowing with excitement: “Mom, I ran into another [same clan] today! It’s on Bafan Street! ”

Emina was startled, she knew what was special about her adopted daughter. I thought she was the last ancient Saitra in the world. Didn’t expect that there are other living comrades? And also in Midgar?

The experienced Emina immediately thought of some bad things and asked tentatively: “Alice, how can you be sure that he is your kin?”

In case a bad-hearted villain takes advantage of the Shinra company’s watchdog and sneaks over to deceive Alice, who is not deeply involved in the world, with words, it will be very troublesome.

Alice shook her finger: “Really, I am not a kid who is easy to be deceived. That person…”

She looked around, and whispered in Emina’s ear: “That person can also attract the flow of life, and I can feel [Planet] paying attention to him.”

“Are you sure?” Emina doesn’t understand the abilities of the Setra people, but Alice’s judgment of the flow of life is very accurate. Is it true?

“Yeah!” Alice nodded heavily and whispered, “He is much better at developing the abilities of the Saitra tribe than me. Mom, do you know? I saw his vitality through the planet, as if he were alive The flow of life is amazing! And mother, listen to me, he is willing to teach me how to control and develop the abilities of the Saitras! So happy, this is the first time anyone wants to be my teacher!”

Alice was happier as she talked, her big beautiful eyes gleaming.

Emina clasped her hands together unconsciously: “Then you…Do you want to go with him?”

The smile on Alice’s face suddenly froze, and she realized that she was disturbing her adoptive mother Emina. Emina is afraid, afraid of losing her daughter who has worked so hard to raise and grow up.

“No, mother. I won’t leave you…” Alice hugged Emina tightly: “I’m not going anywhere.”

Emina embraced Alice, and the mother and daughter hugged quietly.

Bang bang bang!

At this moment, the door of the room was knocked suddenly.

Emina wiped the corners of her eyes, and Alice ran to open the door, and she opened the door to find a red-haired young man in a black suit: “Ah, Renault.”


This person is one of the Takster workers who had previously traded with Heather, Renault. He still looked like a fool, and his index finger was brought together and the middle finger crossed his forehead and said hello: “Miss, you can make me look for it.”

“Huh?” Alice put her finger on her chin and tilted her head, and began to pretend to be a fool.

“You won’t be able to find you in the time to buy a cup of milk tea. You didn’t know that Director Zeng almost ate me.” Renault shrugged, “Aren’t you selling flowers on Bafan Street? Why did you suddenly run away? Lost?”

“Didn’t you say that it won’t disturb my life? Why did you come to find me?” Alice asked instead.

This has to be talked about more than ten years ago, when Ifaluna and Alice, mother and daughter, were captured by Shinra Corporation and locked in the Shinra Corporation headquarters building because they were the last ancient species. The mother was taken away every day to assist the researchers in the experiments, while the daughter was kept in the room.

Alice accidentally awakened the ancient abilities when she was seven years old, and she was discovered by the leader of the science department of Shinra Corporation [Bao Tiao]. Feeling that Ifaluna had a substitute, the treasure began to get overwhelmed, and carried out various cruel and inhumane experiments on Ifaluna. Soon, Yifaluna was on the verge of collapse. In order to save her daughter, she did not hesitate to use her body as a bargaining chip to lure a scientific researcher named Faz to help them escape from the Shinra headquarters.

On the way to escape, Yifaluna could no longer support her body and fell near the station in the slum on Wufan Street. At that time, Emina, who came to the station every day to wait for the return of her husband who had been with the Shinra troops, found the mother and daughter. Ifaluna summoned her last strength and courage to beg Emina to take Alice away. After getting the affirmative answer, Ifaluna closed her eyes safely and returned to the flow of life.

In this way, the kind-hearted Emina began to raise Alice as a daughter.

The good times didn’t last long, and the Shinra company found Alice based on clues. But this time, perhaps because of a lesson learned, Shinra changed its strategy.

They sent Tux’s to see Alice and Emina, and bluntly stated that the Shinra Company only wanted to use the power of the Setra clan to find the legendary [Promised Land], and they would no longer say that Alice was imprisoned in Shinra headquarters will not use drugs or do terrible experiments on her either.

The young Alice was scared, but Emina plucked up the courage to fight with the powerful Shinra Corporation.

In the end, I made an agreement with Emina after requesting instructions from her superiors-Emina, the person who gets along with Alice day and night, observes Alice, and if there are signs of awakening, Emina will notify Shinra Corporation. Before that, Shinra Corporation would not approach Alice anymore, just observe from a distance.

Of course, the agreement was like this, but Emina didn’t even plan to report her daughter’s every move to Shinra Corporation.

Year after year, as time passed, Alice and Emina also gradually got to know some Tucks members who appeared frequently. Zeng with a handsome face and a serious face, the dastardly red-haired Renault, always wears sunglasses but a very gentle bald Rudd… They abide by the agreement and will not interfere with Alice’s daily life, but occasionally come with Amy Na routinely exchanged information.

This time, because of a ghost in her heart, Alice reacted very seriously. She pushed Renault outside the house: “It’s annoying! Get out, get out Renault!”

“Oh? I’m just here to see if you are safe! I said, let me drink some water, okay?” Renault was pushed out of the door when he was confused. He wanted to say something but found the door banged. Closed.

“There is a lot of water in the pond outside, drink whatever you want!” Alice’s muffled voice came from behind the door.

Renault shrugged helplessly, and waved his fingers at the Shinra soldiers gathered outside: “What are you doing in a daze? Go back.”

“But monitor the target…” a Shinra soldier hesitated and asked.

“Please, this is Midgar, the headquarters of the Shinra Corporation. As long as the eldest is safe, it doesn’t matter how she plays around.”

Renault put his hands in Kabuto and looked back at the three-story villa:

“But it’s hard to say after finding [Promised Land]…”

Miss, please don’t cause trouble, don’t let yourself be exposed to Baotiao’s vision again.

That treasure can no longer be called a [human]!

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