Chapter 336

The second meeting was in the alley that no one passed by.

Alice was immersed in the luminescence of the dots of life, and she was looking at Heather with enthusiasm.

“First of all, we must declare that this is an ability that requires talent and hard work. I call it [read].”

“[Read] (NEN)?”

Alice tilted her head and read the pronunciation of the word that had a little tongue.

“Sense (SENSE), thought (NEN), super power (EF), you can call it anything.”

Heather, who was still wrapped in a dark blue windbreaker, leaned against the alley wall, his face was enveloped by the water vapor in the alley, and his voice seemed to float from a distance:

“Its main principle is to use the life energy in the human body to move the fine holes in the body to achieve the smooth flow of [qi], allowing you to freely manipulate the life energy in the body.”

Alice uttered a prolonged sound of ‘Ah–’: “Then, can this ability called [read] make me as powerful as you?”

“The ultimate effect of [Nian] will vary from person to person, but the four basic effects of’permanent youth’,’invasion of all diseases’,’extending life’, and’strengthening the body’ are common.”

Alice nodded ignorantly. She thought that this comrade was going to teach her about the exclusive abilities of the Saitras. But after thinking about it, I can understand that if Shinra Corporation finds out that the ability of the Saitra clan becomes stronger, isn’t it possible to be arrested and locked up in Tenten for human testing?

And “youth is permanent”…

Thinking of this, she clenched her small fist and shook her forcefully in front of her: “Don’t worry, I will definitely work hard!”

Because Alice was afraid of being discovered by the Shinra Company, the time for this secret meeting was limited. Heather took the time to ask some questions about her preferred weapon and desired fighting style, and through shaking hands, let the mind flow into her body. Get the bottom line.

I have to say that the ancient Saitras are indeed a unique species. Their appearance is no different from humans, but they are born with the ability to mobilize the flow of life, and they are also very sensitive to life energy. Even though Alice is only an ancient Saitra race, she still has the amazing potential to exert all the abilities of the Saitra race.

If ordinary people want to use [magic], they must rely on magic spar, then the ancient Setra tribe can easily perform [magic] by simply leveraging the surrounding life stream.

But if you want to move the sperm hole, it is not enough to have a high sensitivity to life energy, and you must have a strong enough physical fitness, which is what Alice lacks.

After repeated considerations, Alice decided to use the [Long Stick] as her weapon. Long-handled weapons can bring her a sense of security from a sufficient distance, and weapons without blades will not worry her too much.

“Don’t all the powerful magicians in the story use long wands?” Alice said.

And this kind of remark was immediately relentlessly complained by Heather: “The powerful magician in the story is still Grandpa Whitebeard, do you want to grow Whitebeard?”

Alice was startled and shook her head quickly.

After making a preliminary training plan for Alice, the two agreed to meet again in this alley a week later.

After watching Heather leave, Alice waved goodbye to the fading Fluorescence of the Flow of Life, and walked out of the alley with a relaxed pace.

She feels like she is the kind of lucky protagonist in the novel who is guided by the mysterious grandfather. As long as she exercises step by step, she will be able to break free from the shackles of the Shinra Company, step out of Midgar freely and see the vast world outside with her own eyes.

But dreams are always short-lived.

Just a few steps out of the alley, she was stopped by a few figures.

This is a group of Takster workers in black suits, headed by Director Taksi, who has long black hair and a mole on his eyebrows-Zeng.

“Alice, can you talk about it?”

Although it was a gentle inquiry, Alice understood that there were coercions and orders both inside and outside the words, and there was no room for dealing with it.

Once not a foolish Renault or a gentle and kind Luther, he can sit on the position of leader of Tux not by gentleness and kindness. How can a dangerous person who can make all anti-Shinra organizations and forces be extremely jealous?

Without any excuse, Alice was taken back to her home in the slums of Wufan Street in silence like this.

In the living room, Alice was sitting at the table. Wearing a black suit and black gloves, Zeng took a photo out of her arms and put it on the table, gently pushing it in front of Alice, her voice still gentle:

“Alice, have you made new friends?”

The photo is a distant photo of Heather, which seems to be the photo taken when he left the alley after the first meeting with Alice.

Alice plucked up the courage to look at Zeng and said loudly, “Does Shinra even care about whom I want to make friends with?”

“Of course not. From my personal point of view, I am actually very happy to see you making more new friends. A good mood will help your Saitra awakening. But…”

Zeng bent down slightly, and his slender fingers wrapped in black leather gloves clicked on the photo:

“Do you really know this man?”

“I think he is handsome and I want to date him, that’s all!” Alice said angrily with her cheeks puffed up.

“Pretending to be angry to conceal personal purpose, the immature performance of the beginner stage.”

Once took a look at the ordinary face of Shanghai Sena, smiled and shook his head, and then took another photo from Kabuto in the suit and placed it in front of Alice.

Alice looked down and saw that Heather in the photo was standing among the wolf corpses in the mountains, attacking the huge demon wolf with a grinning smile.

Zeng’s gentle voice full of magnetism rang in Alice’s ears:

“Even Renault can’t handle the Demon Wolf King, he can easily capture it alive in just 15 seconds. Unlike you, he has no awe or compassion for life. In his opinion, both humans and demon wolves can only be divided into [ Can kill] and [Can’t kill]. Would you like me to explain in detail how he slaughtered an entire underground gang in two hours?”

Alice’s hands were clenched tightly, her face turned pale.

“You don’t know this man. Suddenly being attracted by his’powerful’ and’mysterious’ is just a mistake that most girls will make. There is nothing to be shy about.”

Once pulled a wooden chair, sat next to Alice, staring at her closely:

“Alice, in order to prevent you from misunderstanding, I will repeat it again-Shinra will not interfere in your private life. It is your freedom to make friends with him. However, I do not want to look at it out of [friendship] after all. You are stuck in the quagmire, so I am here to remind you two more words. It doesn’t matter if you bother me to listen in, this matter has nothing to do with me anymore, understand?”


After a moment of silence, Alice nodded stiffly.

“Good girl.” For a moment, Zeng’s hand seemed to touch Alice’s head, but after all, he took it back in time.

He stood up, glanced at Alice, and then at the photo on the table: “The photo will be given to you. By the way, to give you information, his name is Heather. He is the owner of a bar in the slums of Qifan Street. Kind of human, nothing more.”

After speaking, he pushed the door and left the villa.

In the living room, only Alice was sitting alone at the table, steadily looking at the pictures on the table.

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