Chapter 333 Weird Master and Apprentice

“Teach? What to teach?”

Heather found that he couldn’t keep up with Alice’s thinking at all. Although Alice’s thinking was very jumpy in the game, he did not expect that this phenomenon became more and more outrageous when he came into contact with real people.

Alice, ‘huh? With a cry, I found out that my fellow clan could play stupidly. Great, this is also the link that I have to learn. If I can disguise myself well, I won’t be awakened by the Shinra Company and indirectly kill my mother.

She pondered for a moment, pointed to the light spots of life lingering around her, and then gestured with her hands in front of Heather: “I want to be as strong as you, too. If it’s you, you can teach me, right?”

It should be said that only he can teach himself how to control the true abilities of the Saitras. For the only surviving Sitra family, Alice regarded him as a trustworthy and not too polite object.

Heather rubbed his chin and frowned. Does this woman want to learn [read]? It seems that she has discovered her secret through observation of the planet.

Although she is indeed looking for a test product for enlightenment, she may have enough talent to enlighten thought as an ancient Setra, but there will be a certain risk in the end…Wait, isn’t this a perfect opportunity? ?

If Alice is allowed to learn [Nian], the planet can use her to understand the nature of the ability of mind. This is a completely harmless system with many advantages. How the planet really understands [Nian] is bound to warn itself Greatly reduced.

In this way, the estrangement caused by the inability to communicate with the planet will surely be resolved.

Although I don’t know why Alice is so familiar, but considering that the planet’s will can communicate with her, maybe this is an instruction from the planet? Think about it again, the ancient Saitras who can communicate with the planets and the flow of life may be the most suitable test subjects. She is not going to do bad things like Baotiao. If she succeeds in cultivation, she can stay youthful and permanent. Not invaded by the disease, Alice won’t lose even if it counts.

Thinking of this, Heather smiled at the corner of his mouth: “It seems that you want to become stronger? This kind of power is not something that everyone can master, not only requires hard work, but also has enough talent.”

Let go! Alice nodded hurriedly: “I’m not afraid of hardship!”

The implication is that she is confident of her talents. Since the comrades in front of you can develop their abilities to this point, there is no reason why you can’t do it. If she can be as strong as her fellow clan, maybe she has a chance to get rid of the surveillance of the Shinra Company and take a look outside?

From birth to the age of seven, Alice has been living in the laboratory of Shinra Corporation, and her knowledge of the outside world is limited to picture books and her mother’s dictation. Later, even if she fled to a slum on Wufan Street to live with her adoptive mother, Emina, she was still unable to take a half step out of Midgar due to the close monitoring of Tucks, the secret agency of the Shinra Corporation.

Even once, she really wanted to step out of Midgar as a free body to see the outside world.

Heather raised his eyebrows, and Alice’s unreasonable self-confidence surprised him a bit. Is the will of the planet as the backing that gave her absolute confidence?

It didn’t matter, I didn’t intend to use the method of forcibly opening the mind to promote the cultivation. It happened that the last time I returned to the full-time hunter world, I asked Jin and Nitro about how to guide the apprentice to open the mind correctly. This method will take more time than forced thinking, but it is also safer and more stable.

“Since you are so confident, then I have nothing to say. Then, the belated self-introduction…”

Heather stretched out a broad palm to Alice: “Heather.”

Alice was so happy that she raised her hands and cheered for joy, and then quickly held Heather’s big hand and shook it: “My name is Alice, Alice Gainsborough! Please advise me in the future, Mr. Heather!”

“Just call me Heather.”

Heather shook his head, and he could judge Alice’s physical fitness just by shaking his hands. Slender and thin, unless she actively awakens her traits based on mindfulness, there is absolutely no way for her physical fitness to break through the fine pores in her body to form a flow, that is, she cannot initiate mindfulness on her own.

Looking at this small body again, Heather decided to go back and work out a detailed training plan for her. You must know that even Jack, who is talented and has good physical fitness, took half a year to barely reach the level of forced reading. If Alice wants to start reading on his own, it may take several times longer.

Alice didn’t notice the thought of Kabuto Kabuto in Heather’s heart, but went around Heather enthusiastically, chatting non-stop:

“Heather, do you also live in Midgar? I live in a slum on Wufan Street and live with my mother. What about you? By the way, would you like to try my mother’s cheese-baked noodles with meat sauce? It’s delicious Yeah. Do you like flowers? Do you have a girlfriend? Where did you buy your glasses? They look so beautiful~ Can you lend me to wear them?”

She wanted to ask if Heather had any other relatives, and whether she and Heather were the only two ancient Setras in the world that survived. But she still resisted asking. In case Heather lost his parents like herself, asking him rashly would only poke the scar in his heart.

Heather took two steps back to prevent Alice from getting closer: “You live with your mother, does your mother have this… ability?”

He gestured to the stream of life lingering beside Alice.

Oh, Heather is asking if his mother is also from Setra? She shook her head and said vaguely: “Mom doesn’t have this ability, only I have this kind of power.”

Heather nodded: “Understood. I will go back to make a training plan for you, and meet in this alley at 12 noon three days later.”


Alice prolonged her voice, reluctantly: “Don’t you go to my house and sit down?”

She still has a lot to say to her fellow clan. Because it was the last relationship of the same race, Alice subconsciously ignored her vigilance towards strange men. Although the meeting time was less than five minutes, she already regarded Heather as a trusted elder brother.

On Heather’s side, because playing games is quite familiar with Alice, he did not subconsciously regard Alice as an outsider too.

The personality of a man and a woman is a bit weird. The relationship between the teacher and the apprentice was confirmed within only five minutes of the first meeting. This kind of scene that was completely incomprehensible to outsiders seemed to be totally incomprehensible to them.

After finalizing the time and place for the second contact, Heather left the alley with the narcissus lily that Alice had given him.

Alice completely lost the thought of continuing to sell flowers, and almost returned to the slums of Wufan Street with joy.

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