Chapter 332 Alice Gainsborough

At the end of the street opposite the cafe, there is a deserted and quiet alley deep in the corner. The bricks and stones on the floor of the alley are uneven and there is a lot of water in the depression. The magic pipes at the bottom of the wall extend to both sides of the alley.

A girl with brown hair and braided braids squatted in front of the magic pipe, holding a flower basket full of flowers in her hand, closing her eyes and bathing in the star-spotted green light overflowing from the broken pipe, seeming to be listening What’s going on.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes vigilantly and looked at the end of the alley in a little panic.

There was a young man with glasses and black curly short hair standing there at some point, and Kabuto was looking at the girl with his hands in it.

Because of being targeted by the will of the planet all the year round and the specificity of the fire from outsiders, Heather can now slightly sense the large-scale convergence of the flow of life. When he drank coffee just now, he felt that the stream of life had gathered beyond the ordinary level. Out of curiosity, he walked to the alley to find out, and then he saw the scene in front of him.

Alice Gainesborough, another heroine in the original FF7.

She is the last ancient species of Saitra in the world. In the original work, she was only 22 years old and died under the sword of Sephiroth without leaving any offspring, declaring the complete destruction of the once powerful ancient species of Saitra.

At the same time, due to the favor of the planet and the characteristics of the ancient Setra people, Alice cruised the life river inside the planet with a mental body posture, and eventually became the spokesperson of the planet.

I didn’t expect to meet her in this place.

According to the timeline, Alice should still be living in the Wufanjie slum with her adoptive mother, Emina, and under the 24-hour surveillance of Tucks, the secret agency of the Shinra Corporation. She usually earns some pocket money by selling flowers she grows. money. In other words, the phenomenon of the large-scale convergence of the flow of life just now was caused by her? It seems that she can talk to the planet now.

Although a little curious, Heather had no interest in Alice at all. According to the original work, Gu Liugenwei’s subordinates’ speech-[Although he looks very cute, but his body is like that], and Heather is not the kind of temper to see a lover, he still can’t figure out himself and his wife. How can the relationship between the law provoke other girls?

On the other side, Alice clenched the flower basket in her hand and looked at the black-haired spectacled man not far away alertly.

She just communicated with the little bit of life stream leaked from the magic channel, which is similar to the messy voices of many people whispering in the ear. If you don’t concentrate, it is difficult to sense what the stream of life wants to express. Of course, there are only a few cases where the life stream will show its meaning. But Alice listened patiently every time she had a chance to communicate with the stream of life.

Communicating with the planet, this is her unique ability as an ancient Saitra, but she never shows it in front of outsiders.

This time, she walked back and forth twice to make sure that there was no one around the alley. Then she squatted safely in front of the pipe and listened to the voice of the stream of life. It was just not long before she heard a clear response from the stream of life.

It is the first time since childhood that Alice has discovered that the flow of life can produce such complex emotions. It was a peculiar emotional fluctuation mixed with doubt, alertness, and a strong thirst for knowledge, and the intensity of its emotions even made Alice a little dizzy.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the root cause of the ‘emotion’ in the flow of life-the weird man standing at the entrance of the alley.

What to do, do you want to escape? Seeing that he was blocking the entrance of the alley, he didn’t intend to move away at all. Did he discover the secret of his ability to communicate with the flow of life? No, no, no, I squatted there and didn’t speak at all, and the eyesight of others was just closing their eyes to rest. However, it can make life like this…

Wait a moment, Alice suddenly remembered something.

In addition to her, only the biological mother, Ifaluna, can attract the attention of the life stream, and this is all due to the ability of their ancient species of Setra. The man in front of him can also cause disturbances in the flow of life. Is he also an ancient Setra?

Think about it in a different direction, maybe the other party came to find out because they felt the flow of life converge, and the other party can also sense the flow of life!

I am not the last Saitra, I have a clan! ?

Thinking of this possibility, Alice’s little head felt a little dizzy. For a long time, the strong sense of loneliness of being the last Sittra has lingered in her heart. The sense of mission that no one can help her weighed on her shoulders. Witnessing her mother’s tragic fate from a young age made her because of her own I feel panic and restrained by my identity.

But now, Alice seemed to feel a ray of sunlight shining in her heart, dispelling all fear and loneliness.

“You… hello?” Alice held the flower basket tightly and greeted Heather hesitantly.

Heather didn’t expect it to be such a start, and nodded to Alice: “Hello.”

Alice didn’t know what to say next, she looked at the pipe that leaked a little bit of the flow of life, then looked at Heather, and stopped talking.

Heather immediately understood the meaning, she didn’t want to reveal her ability to communicate with the planet, right? learn.

Thinking of this, Heather spread out his hand and tried to make his speech more gentle: “I just passed by accidentally and found that there was a magic leak before I came over to take a look. You are fine.”

Passing by accidentally? Found Mo Xun leaked? Lie! Alice has a bottom in her heart all at once, and the other party can definitely sense the disturbance of the flow of life, but he is also covering up the truth.

Alice took out a daffodil lily from the flower basket, walked up to Heather and handed it over: “I give it to you.”


“Thank you for your concern from the’Stranger’, this flower is for you.” Alice emphasized the’Stranger’, insisting on passing the flower in her hand to Heather.

Heather had no choice but to reach out and take the flower. The flower turned into a’bridge’ when they connected the two fingers. The green light spots around Alice suddenly became brighter and brighter, and some light spots fell on Alice. .

As if listening to the voice of the stream of life, Alice sensed the powerful vitality of the man in front of her through the streamer of life that actively merged into it. It was the first time that she had this kind of novel experience. Is this also one of the abilities of the Saitra? This fellow is teaching himself how to use the power of the Saitra clan correctly?

But in the next second, she was scared by Heather’s terrifying vitality. It didn’t seem to be a human being before her eyes, but a terrifying behemoth that entangled a huge body, the kind that didn’t have any malice.

Heather also noticed the disturbance of the flow of life in an instant, the planet was observing itself through Alice’s senses? That’s the case, so you can use the ability of the ancient Setra race to see if you have enough power to threaten the planet.

Given that Alice did not have any malice at all, and the planet did not produce additional hostility, Heather didn’t care much about this temptation.


At this moment, Alice looked at Heather with bright eyes and couldn’t help but ask:

“Can you please teach me?”

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