Chapter 331

It was not Heather’s decision to start thinking for Tifa on a whim. He had this idea as early as a year ago.

If you don’t die and take the initiative to formulate those difficult to achieve taboo rules and constraints, [Nian] is actually a very high-quality and mature ability system, which has significant effects on physical enhancement and life extension.

The reason why [read] is subconsciously felt dangerous is that the entire world of full-time hunters is full of madness, as if there is great malice in this world, the human heart is deeply rooted, and the power of [read] makes this malice unlimited. Amplification causes the entire human world to be in a vicious circle, repeating itself again and again.

To put it bluntly, madness and malice are the tone of the entire world of full-time hunters, so that kindness is a very rare and precious quality in that world.

But the world of Final Fantasy 7 is different. This world will be transformed into a stream of life after death, washed, purified, and transformed into a new life again. The tone of the world is more peaceful and peaceful, living thousands of years ago. The ancient Saitras on the planet are the best example.

This planet has never considered the possibility of foreign invaders, so it was taken advantage of by the alien species’Xenovia’, and was almost slaughtered and corrupted the entire planet. It was still the ancient Saitras. The clan was almost destroyed before Xenovia was sealed and the planet was saved.

Because of this, the planet’s will that has suffered a loss is very sensitive to [outsiders], and Heather has always been in a state of vigilant surveillance.

Heather felt that the planetary will is still too naive. If he is the planetary will, the first thing he should do when he sees suspicious alien life forms is to summon [Planetary Weapon] to directly wash the ground in full-screen AOE, regardless of whether you threaten it or not. Besides, I don’t give any chance to escape or resist.

In the past few years, fighting against the planet’s will, Heather has a little touched the law of thinking of the planet’s will-as long as you don’t have the ability and motivation to threaten the planet, I can tolerate your survival on the planet.

Being able to release the old wolf (extremely reduced version) this time is a friendly signal.

After several years of observation, the World Will may feel that Heather does not have the threat of Xenovia, so he acquiesces that Heather can mobilize no more than a certain amount of [Nian] instead of the firm attitude of vetoing it before.

This caused Heather to start thinking about Tifa again.

But people in different worlds have different pores in the body. There is even no pores in the human body in the One Piece world, and there is no thought qi, and because of the existence of the flow of life in the human body in this world, there is a symbiosis problem with thought qi. It will be more complicated. Heather can use Jack as a guinea pig in the Pirates of the Caribbean world, but he will never let Tifa get into danger rashly.

It would be great if a suitable test product could be found.

In the Seventh Heaven Bar, Heather stood behind the bar while wiping the glass while sinking into thought. After thinking for a long time, he didn’t figure out who should be the test subject. I definitely can’t find people I know around him. If Tifa knows that he is experimenting with friends on human subjects, wouldn’t it be a direct human explosion?

People you don’t know… Looking for Manson in the slums of Bafan Street? He didn’t provoke himself but provided a lot of help. Even Heather couldn’t help but find him.

At this time, a sound of footsteps came from the stairs behind him.

Tifa, in a light combat outfit, walked to the hall first, followed by the young Thunder Wolf Dragon shaking his head. Tifa immediately waved his hand happily when he saw Heather: “Brother, I will take Jin Oga out for a walk.”

“Don’t leave the slum on Qifan Street, don’t approach the kindergarten.” Heather still wiped the cup with the rag, and said without looking back.

“I know! Let’s go, Jin Oga.” Tifa touched the soft white mane on the neck of Thunder Wolf Dragon. Thunder Wolf Dragon drooped his tongue and shook his head, his eyes narrowed.

Since the day when the old wolf rescued Tifa from the claws of the Demon Wolf King, Tifa has been very fond of the old wolf. After inquiring that the Thunder Wolf Dragon is Heather’s special summoned beast, he begged Heather to summon it every day. For two hours, he kept the old wolf as a pet.

Although a large part of this is due to the cuteness and deceptive appearance of the thunder wolf dragon juvenile, let alone Tifa, even Jesse and Mare couldn’t help screaming after seeing the thunder wolf dragon juvenile. Want to rush over to touch it.

The old wolf may be inherited from Heather’s attitude. Although he is not a bird of other people at all, his attitude towards Tifa is very gentle. No, it should be said that it completely degenerates into the shameful posture of a pet dog. If Heather hadn’t been able to see the old wolf’s name in the [Mythological Weapon Catalog], he would have thought that Tifa was the real owner of the old wolf.

When Tifa asked about the name of the old wolf, Heather thought for a long time and could only make up one [Jin Oga], anyway, it was the official name of Thunder Wolf Dragon.

After several months of edification, a volunteer team has repeatedly assured that the people in the Qifan Street slum have gradually adapted to Tifa’s new pet, but they have repeatedly emphasized that they should not be brought close to the kindergarten for fear that the old wolf cannot control the wild nature. Grab a few human cubs and chew them as snacks.

The old wolf doesn’t have this idea, he even occasionally allows Marlene to climb on his back to play as a slide. In view of the harmless appearance of the old wolf, Bullet is also relieved to let Marlene play like this.

Only Heather smiled secretly, waiting for you to see the true face of the old wolf will not be so calm.

After Tifa took the old wolf out for a stroll, Heather speeded up wiping the other glasses, changed his clothes and went out.

He took the train to the downtown area on Bafan Street and wandered the bustling streets. You can’t rush to find a test product for a while. Heather needs to go shopping and change his mood, by the way, to pick up on his novels.

Yes, he is still writing novels. The novels were not published on Midgar because of the subject matter, but sales on Wutai were surprisingly good. For Heather, writing novels is not only a way of making money, but also a hobby.

At noon, the crowds on the street are bustling, adding to the crowding of the already lively and bustling Bafan Street.

Heather found a café casually and sat at a white round table on the side of the street. The waiter brought steaming coffee and a plate of caramel apple pie. Cut a small piece of apple pie and put it in your mouth. The slightly crispy crust and sweet taste fill the mouth.

Midgar’s architectural style and dressing habits are similar to those of London, England, but the apple pie, one of Midgar’s specialties, is more like an American food in terms of practice.

Heather took out the leather-handled account book he carried with him, picked up the pen to write and draw on the book, and recorded his occasional inspiration.

Suddenly, he raised his head alertly and looked at the sidewalk across the street.

The intense flow of life converges here, what happened?

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