Chapter 330 New Friends, New Clothes, New Ideas

In this way, Bullet took his daughter Ma Lin into Room 203 in Tianwangzhuang.

Originally, the landlord Mare was a little reluctant at first, probably because of Bullet’s fierce face and burly physique with claw-like scars. But Tifa couldn’t help but persuade him patiently, and coupled with Heather as force insurance, Mare reluctantly agreed to let Bullet live in first.

Well, an observation period of one month.

The rent problem was solved very well. Under Tifa’s coquettish offensive, Heather quickly lost the battle and agreed to add a post of [Bar Bodyguard] to Seventh Heaven. In addition to basic cleaning, Bullet’s daily job is to make good use of his fierce face, to deter drunks and brave guys who want to take advantage of Tifa, and throw it out if someone makes trouble.

The monthly salary is 3000GIL, in charge of lunch and dinner.

Bullet patted her chest to ensure that she would not disappoint everyone’s trust. Little Marlene, who was just one year old, couldn’t speak yet, but she couldn’t help raising her chubby hand and babbling when she saw her father’s cheerful smile.

On the slum side, because of the timely notification, even if a few sporadic demon wolves sneaked into the slums of Qifan Street, they failed to cause deaths. Volunteers and the young men from the slums who participated spontaneously killed all demon wolves with weapons. A few hapless eggs suffered minor injuries.

As usual, the Shenra Company still did not give any explanation for the invasion of the magic wolf, and the life or death of the slum residents did not matter to them at all.

Because Jesse performed well in the operation of eliminating the devil wolf, after a period of investigation, Helmer agreed to join her to join the [Avalanche] organization. Even this [Avalanche] in the slum of Qifan Street is just a small club that borrowed the name of the real [Avalanche]. But they firmly believe that one day the Qifanjie slum will become the first banner to overthrow the Shinra Corporation.

Soon, the cheerful Jesse, Biggs, and Wiggy formed the Iron Triangle combination. They seem to be wandering around all day long at the same age. In fact, they are secretly contacting like-minded friends who believe in astrology. And the avalanche chapters scattered elsewhere in Midgar.

Perhaps it is because the quantity of magic wolf meat and wolf skins transported from the Qifanjie slum is really astonishing, and Helmer’s Qifanjie Volunteer Team has also gained a lot of fame among the entire Midgar slum. Secretly, the [Avalanche] on Qifan Street is even called the ‘General Assembly’, attracting many avalanche members from all over the country to visit.

On the other hand, Shinra Corporation seemed to have noticed something, and began to dispatch helicopters and special forces from time to time to carry out surprise attacks on the members of the avalanche gathering in secret.

Sometimes it succeeds, sometimes it fails. When Avalanche members were arrested, they either flee or fought desperately. The battle with the Shinra Corporation sometimes affected the residents and buildings in the slums, causing considerable chaos.

In the slums, some people feel that the avalanche is the hope of overthrowing the Shinra company, and some people detest the organization, and feel that the avalanche has disrupted the originally quiet and peaceful Midgar, making everyone uneasy.

In any case, the undercurrent of Midgar seemed to be irrelevant to Heather, and he and Tifaan lived quietly in the seventh heaven.

After a bold hug that night, Tifa’s feelings for Heather also changed. She no longer regards this ordinary-looking man with glasses as the most respected and trusted family member, but more…different emotions.

At the same time, she also made her first friend after coming to Midgar-Jesse.

Jessie has a lively and cheerful personality, while speaking straightforwardly, she also has her unique tenderness and thoughtfulness. She quickly became close friends with Tifa. The two went out shopping together to relax. Tifa would teach Jesse some easy-to-learn fighting skills, while Jesse took Tifa to shop and choose good-looking ones. Clothes, in order to enhance Tifa’s aesthetic level.

With Jesse’s efforts, Tifa gradually changed her dressing style. In keeping with the half-fighting suit and half-casual style that she wanted with both beauty and convenience, Jesse gave her a brand new outfit.

A white sleeveless short T-shirt is put on the black close-fitting elastic short vest. The waist belt and black skirt are fastened with a black strap, exposing the abdomen with a clear vest line. Of course, Tifa’s strong insistence is still wearing black safety pants in the short skirt, her slender legs are wrapped in black knee socks, and her favorite red sneakers are on her feet. The arms are also wrapped in black tight sleeves, leaving only a small part of the upper arm and shoulder skin.

In terms of equipment, since the right hand glove is inlaid with magic spar, only the left arm is equipped with elbow guards and arm guards, and the style is also as strong, beautiful and practical as possible.

Tifa was very shy when she first walked out of the fitting room, but Jesse saw through her mind and whispered in Tifa’s ear and said, “Heather must really like watching you dress like this.”

Then Tifa obediently went to pay the money.

After returning to the Seventh Heaven, Tifa put on this one and showed it to Heather forbearing shyness. The famous name was to let the brother refer to the dressing style for him.

Heather is silly looking directly, isn’t this the new style of FF7RE Ritifa?

“very nice.”

Following the inner voice, Heather said truthfully.

He is not the type who would like his girlfriend to be tightly wrapped in a robe to prevent others from seeing. Tifa is even more conservative and simple than the young ladies seen on the streets of the original Earth Summer.

Tifa, with a red face, added superfluously: “I’m not going to be shackled for fighting.”

Heather nodded blankly, he still didn’t know how to take the next sentence when he was single.

Just as the atmosphere in the bar was freezing awkwardly, Bullet happily pushed open the door of the bar and walked in strode: “Listen to me! Helmer has promised me to join the avalanche! The custom-made single mobile phone has been turned off… Huh? Tifa, your clothes are so beautiful!”

“Really, really?”

Bullet gave a thumbs up: “I have a foreboding that my workload will soar tonight.”

Sure enough, Seventh Heaven’s turnover that night almost doubled compared to usual, and the drunks and troublemakers who were thrown out of the bar by Bullet also doubled.

The charm of the bartender and kanban girl of the seventh heaven, regardless of whether men, women, young or old are all killed, the business has become extremely hot. Because the manpower was too tight to greet him, Heather hired the trio of Jesse Biggsweige as a temporary worker, with daily pay. Jesse and Wiggy are in charge of serving as waiters, while Biggs is playing his specialty-cleaning.

The sweet-looking and heroic Jessie is not much less popular than Tifa, and she has a sweet mouth as an actor and can make a lot of money just by tipping.

Wiggy was finally able to enjoy Heather’s cooking treats for free, and was allowed to take some leftovers back to feed the stray cats he adopted. He was very motivated to work.

Biggs Tenten has completely cleaned the inside and out of Seventh Heaven. He has had a special obsession with cleaning stains since he was a child. Now Tenten can not only enjoy cleaning but also make money, and his life is simply earth-shaking.

On Heather’s side, he also had new ideas for Tifa’s next stage of training.

He wanted to start thinking about Tifa.

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