Chapter 323: Invasion

Since Heather took the girl named Jesse into the lounge, Tifa, who remained in the front hall, seemed a little absent-minded. He grabbed a glass and kept wiping it, and looked in the direction of the lounge from time to time.

The young men in the bar or those who think they are young look at Tifa, with more or less undisguised affection and even love in their eyes.

Looking at the entire Qifan Street slums, it is hard to find the second beauty. The exaggerated breasts, the slender waist that can be held, the straight and long legs, and the most important thing-intoxicating. Gentle temperament.

One year since Seventh Heaven opened, Tifa has long become the dream goddess of many men on Qifan Street.

If it wasn’t for Damn it’s Heather to get in the way, I’m afraid Tifa would receive piles of love letters and confession every day, right?

Thinking of Heather, these young and restless men seemed to be thrown with cold water.

Although Tifa is usually gentle with customers, her gentlest smile will always be reserved for Heather.

They really couldn’t figure out why a goddess like Tifa would have blue eyes on Heather, obviously just a mediocre looking wretched man with glasses, that is, a little bit high in fighting skills.

It’s really only a little bit higher… the men reluctantly thought about it, and raised Heather’s fighting level a little higher-it’s not a problem at all to beat them.

As the atmosphere in the bar gradually became deserted, the bar door was suddenly knocked open.

The chubby Wiggy rushed in with Biggs covered in blood, and shouted in panic, “Tifa! Tifa! Is Brother Helmer here?”

Tifa ran over immediately and found that Biggs had fallen into a semi-conscious state. There were several huge claw marks with deep bones on his body, blood was constantly pouring out, and the wooden floor under his feet was stained red.

“Put him down and lie down. Please come to see a doctor, please hurry up!”

Tifa assisted Wiggy to lay Biggs flat on the floor, ignoring that his clothes were stained red with blood. Several young men rushed out of the bar immediately after hearing Tifa’s request, apparently looking for a doctor.

Realizing that Biggs’s injury could not be delayed, Tifa immediately ran to the back room and knocked on the door of the lounge.

Heather opened the door and saw that there were many traces of blood staining Tifa’s body. His eyes condensed first, and then he found that these were other people’s blood, and then he was relieved: “Tifa, what’s the matter?”

Tifa explained the situation in the outside hall as quickly as possible, and at the same time, he digs out the medicine cabinet from the cabinet in the lounge, picks it up and ran to the outside hall.

Wiggy and Biggs are members of the [Volunteer Team] on the surface, but they are actually members of the [Avalanche] organization. Helmer is both the captain of their Volunteer Team and the Senior Avalanche. Hearing that Biggs was injured, he was naturally very worried. Followed Tifa rushed to the hall.

Heather and Jesse looked at each other and followed.

In the hall, Helmer half-kneeled in front of Biggs and fully drove the [recovery] magic spar inlaid on his metal short club. The pale green light lingered on his hands and gathered into dots of energy water. It dripped on Biggs’ wound.

These seemingly hideous wounds are actually skin wounds. Under the influence of [Healing] magic, the bleeding situation has gradually improved. Tifa quickly applied ointment to the treated wounds and then bandaged them.

After using four [healing] magic, Helmer’s face turned pale, and his forehead and back were soaked with sweat. He sat down on the ground, panting, and finally looked at Wei Ji, “Wei Ji, what’s the matter?”

“I, I, I, I went to Biggs after I came out of the seventh heaven, today it’s our turn to watch the night. Then, then…I never found Biggs, so I walked along West Street towards the outer wall, Biggs has Sometimes I will go there to collect waste materials to make some small parts and sell them for money.”

Wiggy’s chubby face had both Bloodline and sweat, and was very embarrassed:

“After walking for a while, I saw Biggs lying on the open space near the outer wall with signs of fighting around. Then I took him to the doctor, but the clinic did not open today. I think Boss Helmer, you are also in seventh heaven, so come and ask for help…Thank you, Tifa.”

Tifa shook his head, wiped the sweat oozing from Biggs’ forehead with a handkerchief, and said worriedly: “If the clinic is not open, you can only go to the doctor’s house to find someone. Biggs was seriously injured. Healing] Magic and basic medicine are not good.”


At this moment, Biggs groaned and opened his eyes. He just wanted to sit up and lay back on the floor due to the pain caused by the wound, his eyes were a little hard to focus: “I am…saved?”

“Bigs, is it a monster?” Helmer hurried over and asked.

Biggs gritted his teeth and leaned his elbow on the floor to get up: “It’s a huge magic wolf. There are a lot of them and they are very close to the slums of Qifan Street. I don’t know where they got in!”

“How did you find them?”

“I didn’t wait for Wigee to patrol by myself. By the way, I wanted to pick up some rubbish and go back to make some parts in exchange for money. When I got to the open space, I saw the brawny man with the baby built a nest out of discarded wooden boards in the open space. I just wanted to say hello when I saw several demon wolves come out of the corner.”

Biggs paled with pain, was helped by Tifa and lay back on the floor, and said weakly:

“The strong man with the baby knocked over a few demon wolves and fled toward the depths of the open space. I wanted to help him stop the demon wolf, but was successfully attacked by the demon wolf that appeared from behind, so I had to run towards the slum and ran away. I fainted as I ran, and then I woke up to the seventh heaven.”

Hearing what Biggs said, Helmer’s face immediately became very ugly. The magic wolf is not the kind of low-level monster that can be solved with ordinary pistols and cold weapons. Even an ordinary magic wolf needs to use powerful firearms to attack the deadly place. Group activities are carried out in units of more than ten.

If the slums are invaded by the magic wolf, it will be a terrible disaster!

Thinking of this, Helmer stood up immediately: “I’m going to call a volunteer team to search the slums one by one and organize personnel to build a defense line on West Street to prevent the wolf invasion. Wiggy, you stay and take care of Biggs. ”

“Helmer, can you… can you help the brawny man with the child?” Biggs pleaded with a pale face.

Helmer paused and shook his head with difficulty: “Sorry Biggs, there is a shortage of manpower, and the outer wall area at night is too dangerous… sorry.”

After speaking, he ran out of the bar with a metal short rod.

Not only Helmer, but the other drinkers heard the conversation between the two and all rushed out of the bar to report to relatives and friends or go back to protect their families. Of course, most alcoholics put their alcohol and meal expenses on the table before leaving.

The seventh heaven suddenly became empty.

Jesse, who had been forgotten by Helmer, approached Biggs and took the gauze and plaster from Tifa’s hands: “Beauty boss, let me do it.”

Tifa’s heart was numb, and Jesse took the drug bandage from his hand and did not say much. He just stood up and walked around behind the bar, and secretly took out the leather glove inlaid with magic spar. She knew that the brother never liked to help strangers and did not allow herself to be nosy, but… she couldn’t bear to hear the whereabouts of the brawny man and the baby but stood by.

And he has been receiving the training of seniors all the time. Didn’t Brother also say that his own Zanganliu fighting skills can already deal with those punks and ordinary monsters. It’s just a magic wolf, no problem!

I’m sorry, brother, no matter how you punish me, I can accept it when I get back. I must save those two people.

While Heather squatted down to check Biggs’ injury, Tifa slipped out of the seventh heaven, and then ran all the way towards the clearing.

As everyone knows, when she left the bar, Heather looked up at the girl’s leaving back, and sighed helplessly:

“…What a nosy idiot sister.”

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