Chapter 324

The steel disk above his head obscured the moonlight, leaving only the faint light of the magic oven shining in the slum below.

The girl rushed along the unmanned small radial direction, and the debris piled up on both sides of the road couldn’t stop her at all.

Because he practiced fighting skills in the open area every morning, Tifa was familiar with this road, and he ran to the open area in less than ten minutes.

The open space looked pale and infiltrating under the shining of the ‘moonlight’, with Madara Madara’s little Bloodline scattered on the ground, as well as piles of planks and scrap iron sheets that collapsed into a pile. It was a makeshift residence for the brawny man with the baby.

Biggs said that the brawny man fled to the depths of the open space, where it was usually reduced to a den of monsters. At this time, it was the night of the invasion of the magic wolf, and the danger was self-evident.

Don’t be afraid, Tifa, take a deep breath.

Tifa took a few deep breaths, feeling of fear suppressed by the urgency of trying to save someone, she used her feet to chase into the depths of the clearing.

Said to be an open space, in fact, this is a waste dump very close to the outer wall area. There are piles of scrap iron and trash that fell from the disc or dumped down when Midgar was built. The terrain is chaotic, because there have been no humans approaching and approaching. The outer wall has caused a large number of Midgar Wilderness Warcraft to take root here. For decades, either small warcraft that survive in clusters or large warcraft that are extremely dangerous can survive here.

Tifa repelled several magic rats and half-human monsters along the way. Heather’s targeted training for more than a year showed results at this time. She found that she was very easy to deal with these monsters, and she only needed to use herself. Good at high speed and attack while running.

As it gradually penetrates into the empty area, the surrounding terrain becomes more and more disorderly, and there are blood traces and messy footprints on the ground.

It’s the footprints of wolves, and humans… that brawny man!

While Tifa was running, I suddenly heard the howling of wolves and the roar of human beings, mixed with the cry of children.

I saw a burly figure holding a small child in his arms on the trash mountain made of rusty steel in front of him, struggling to climb the dangerous rusty iron mountain. Below, the demon wolf that was as big as a calf roared and darted upwards to bite the man. In this scenario, humans are actually more flexible than the magic wolf. When the magic wolf is running wildly and climbing, it will always lose its foothold because the steel bars under his feet roll down, but the burly man continues to climb forward very tenaciously. .

It’s just that safety is only temporary. A large number of magic wolves bypassed the trash mountain and ran forward, intending to cut off the man’s path.Because of the large-scale extraction of magic in these years, all the areas around Midgar have become barren wilderness. Even the monsters are becoming more and more difficult to survive. This makes the magic wolves take the risk and force through the outer wall area of ​​Midgar, intending to enter the slums. Feast on it.

For them, the man and the young child in front of them will be the best appetizers.

“hold onto!”

Tifa yelled loudly, his whole body leaping quickly on the steel trash mountain like a whirlwind, and soon came to the burly man’s side.

This is a burly, dark-skinned man who looks like he is in his thirties. He has short greasy black hair drooping sloppily on top of his head. His fierce face is full of careless messy stubble, and his muscles are very strong.

Tifa noticed that his right arm was empty from the elbow, with only a layer of rags wrapped around the fracture, and his left hand held a black-haired girl tightly in his arms. The girl was just over a year old, and her face was full of snot and tears at this time, as if she was frightened.

“You…who are you…whoo…”

The brawny man panted heavily, and kept climbing forward under his feet. There are already several claw marks and bites on his body. Thanks to his strong muscles, he has not lost the ability to move like Biggs, but the blood that is constantly flowing out is also continuing to take away his physical strength. The girl was well protected by him, but the crying was a bit hoarse.

Tifa looked around and found that the wolves had blocked his way, and couldn’t help but clenched his fists covered in leather gloves nervously. She put on a posture of Zhan Gan Liu fighting skills while observing the movements of the surrounding magic wolves vigilantly, and said quickly: “I’m here to save you. I will try my best to make a way out of the wolves in a while. Come, you must follow up.”

At this time, a demon wolf seemed to be unable to restrain the desire to eat, and suddenly jumped up high, rushing towards Tifa and the brawny man.

Tifa stood in front of the father and daughter, his whole body’s [qi] gathered on the surface of his fists. Brother’s lesson seemed to sound in his ears, unless he was absolutely sure and had no worries when attacking, he could never use 100% strength. Thinking of this, Tifa collected a three-point force, and his fist gleaming with ice blue energy accurately blasted the abdomen of the demon wolf that was leaping forward.

The strong cold exploded, and the devil wolf couldn’t even wailed, so he was slammed back by this heavy blow, and slammed into the messy pile of rust-iron steel bars. The rust-covered steel bars immediately pierced its chest and abdomen, and blood stained the frost-covered fur.

At the moment when Tifa smashed the first demon wolf, two demon wolves rushed over. The brawny man smashed his right shoulder into one of them, and the other end was sent to a fierce roundabout kick by Tifa, who was recruited in time. The red sneakers shattered a large number of fangs in the mouth of the demon wolf, and even the jaw was kicked. With a squeaky crack, the wailing demon wolf also spun out.

Fortunately, the first punch didn’t use all the strength. Tifa also learned the tricks of actual combat at this time, but she ran over without changing her clothes, feeling very tight and inconvenient during the battle.

In the future, you must buy clothes that are easy to move and beautiful…if you can go back.

Tifa’s unstoppable palms beat the two demon wolves who wanted to sneak attack into rigid frozen wolves, covering the strong man and the girl from moving forward.

The number of magic wolves seems to be endless. If one is killed, two will be made up. More and more magic wolves are gathered here. Tifa felt that the entire Midgar Wilderness was here.

At this time, a mournful wolf howling sounded from the top of the ruined high-rise building in the distance.

Looking along the voice, I saw a giant five-meter-long giant demon wolf standing on the top of the ruined wall, looking in the direction where Tifa and the strong man were.

Demon Wolf King! ?

Tifa only feels cold all over, if it is an ordinary wolf pack, she still has a little hope that she can disrupt the wolf pack formation and escort the father and daughter away. If the Demon Wolf King is present, it would definitely not be so simple…

She clenched her fists and gritted her silver teeth, preparing to do her best to create an opportunity to help the two escape. But as soon as she was about to act, a small body was tucked into her arms, and the sturdy voice of the strong man: “I’m here to attract the attention of the wolves, you run!”


Tifa turned his head to look, and saw the brawny man rushing to meet the wolves, making a meaningless howling as he ran.

Was it rushing over with the strong man and then the three of them were swallowed by the wolves? Or take the little girl to fight for a living?

Tifa has already made a decision between the lightning and the fire, and at least one must be saved! With tears in her eyes, she hugged the crying girl tightly, and a strong “qi” burst out of her slender body, and her whole person rushed toward the thinnest wolves like an arrow from a string.

Even if a large number of magic wolves were attracted away by the strong man, even if Tifa was going to the weakest link in the wolf pack, there were still countless fangs and claws attacking Tifa.

[Spinning Kick], [Pressing Kick], [Water Surface Kick]… Tifa uses all his fighting skills to fight back the attacking magic wolf while running. She cannot use her hands freely because she wants to hold the girl. His legs were constantly scratched with bleeding marks by sharp claws and fangs.


The sudden violent impact knocked Tifa to the ground severely. She fell heavily to the ground and rolled a few times. Even so, she curled up and tightly protected the girl in her arms.

Without the imaginary bites and scratches, Tifa looked up and saw the huge five-meter-long demon wolf king appearing not far in front of him. Although the surrounding demon wolves were baring their teeth and constantly roaring threateningly. All of them retreated obediently, leaving a large enough space for the Wolf King to eat, and at the same time completely sealed all Tifa’s paths.

It seems that the wolf king plans to enjoy the tender human and cubs in front of him.

Tifa hugged the girl tightly in his arms, and his body began to tremble. Fear, a strong fear swept through her body. She didn’t regret coming to save people, but she regretted why she didn’t work harder when she was practicing. If I can be as strong as my brother…

Seeing the giant Demon Wolf King approaching step by step, Tifa suddenly remembered the water tower under the night sky for some reason, and the promise he made with the blond boy——

[If I’m in a crisis, you have to rescue me like a hero. It’s an appointment.]

However, the image of the blond boy had already unknowingly changed to the appearance of Heather.

The huge Demon Wolf King rose into the air and rushed towards Tifa.

The girl closed her eyes in despair, leaving only a faint regret in her heart-she still had a lot to say to the senior, but it was a pity that she never had a chance again.

I don’t know if it is an illusion, Tifa seems to have heard a completely different wolf howling, more wild and stronger, accompanied by a strong electric sound!

Opening his eyes, Tifa saw an unforgettable scene.

The huge magic oven looked like a full moon, and under the ‘moonlight’, the huge magic wolf king slammed into a [wolf] covered in cyan electric current.

The five-meter-long Demon Wolf King let out a painful cry, fell to the ground and immediately rolled in a circle and climbed up, protruding himself into a threatening growl at the front.

The other [wolf] fell heavily to Tifa’s side. This is a young wolf whose neck, back and chest are all wrapped in white mane. Its big dark blue eyes are very cute, and the body surface is wrapped in cyan scales. There is a golden carapace on the part, and there are two small golden horns on the top of the head.

Although it was young, it was three meters long. It paced around Tifa slowly, and roared threateningly at the Demon Wolf King and the surrounding wolves.

Ugh? This wolf is so cute…No, why does it protect me?

Before Tifa could figure it out, the violent sound of breaking through the air blasted from far and near, and several huge three-meter-long steel bars threw across the night sky like a javelin, and bombarded the wolves heavily. The demon wolf that was hit had a miserable end. The shock wave generated when the steel javelin hit the ground even created several small open spaces among the wolves.

A figure fell from the air and landed firmly beside Tifa. Tifa suddenly choked up when he saw this figure:


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