Chapter 322 This is also the unspoken rule?

What came in was a dark-haired man wearing a long dark blue trench coat.

His black curly hair is a little messy, he wears old-fashioned glasses, looks plain, and has a very well-proportioned figure. It’s just that there is a slight smile on his face, and he looks like a stranger shouldn’t be near.

The whole bar was originally noisy and lively, but when the man came in, it immediately became quiet. Not only that, as the man’s leather boots collided with the wooden floor and made a creaking sound, wherever he went, his voice would be two lower grades.

Who is this person? Gangster in the slums of Qifan Street? He came here because of the beautiful female owner who fell in love with the bar, ready to stage a robbing girl?

Jesse is worthy of being an actor. In just two seconds, she sketched a tragic picture in her mind. The more I think about it, the more rosy her face is, and there is a little excitement and panting.

Of course, although the images in her mind are exciting enough, Jessie would not sit back and watch the beauty boss being taken captive by a bully without being indifferent. She quietly stretched her hand into the inner pocket of her coat, where a tear gas bomb was hidden.

As long as the black-haired bully dared to do something, she immediately threw the tear gas canister and fleeed with the beauty boss.

Just as Jesse looked around which side was the most suitable escape route, the black-haired man had already walked behind the bar. Tifa very naturally and smoothly took the black-haired man’s trench coat and straightened the black-haired man smoothly. The collar of his shirt said softly, “You are back, do you want to eat something first? I’m going to warm up the noon soup.”

At this time, the bar returned to the hustle and bustle it was just now, but there were a lot of young men’s sighs out of thin air. It seemed that this scene happened frequently.

“No, I ate on the way back.” Heather shook his head, then looked around at the bustling bar: “There are a lot of guests today, are you tired?”

“Really, don’t underestimate me brother.”

Tifa pursed his mouth, and couldn’t hold back a smile without holding his defiant expression for a second:

“There are a lot of guests here for your cooking. I was disappointed when I knew you were away.”

Heather disagrees: “In the future, it should be changed to have a special menu every Monday and Friday, and the supply should be limited. The top ten customers who consume each day have the right to choose the menu, and the monthly card recharge has a discount.”

Tifa patted Heather’s arm lightly: “I’m talking nonsense again…Oh yes, Wiggy and Biggs just came and said recently that a strong man with a baby came to Qifan Street. Looking fierce, they don’t know if they should drive away.”

“It should be the problem that they can’t rush away? The two of them are not suitable to be volunteers at all. I still said that, with Biggs’s talent as a housekeeping cleaner, the monthly income has been over 10,000. As for. Wiggy, isn’t it good to open a pet hospital? The cat he adopted last month is the 21st, right?”

“Twenty-four.” Tifa corrected in time.

“It’s still worth showing off?”

Heather was furious: “Thanks to him, Qifan Street is now crowded with wild cats!”

Tifa smiled and comforted Heather. Jesse sitting in front of the bar erected his ears to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two. It is a pity that Heather and Tifa stood at the innermost position of the bar. They were too far away and the surroundings were too noisy to cause Jesse. Can only overhear a word.

Are these two lovers? Uh, it doesn’t seem to be the kind of intimacy peculiar to couples, but it is definitely not an ordinary friend, at least the attitude of the beautiful boss to the black-haired bully is definitely not.

“Uh, Tifa…My [Life Flow]…” A weak voice came from beside Jesse.

“Ah, sorry, Mr. Helmer, I’ll mix the wine for you right away.” At this time, Tifa remembered that Helmer’s wine hadn’t been tuned yet. She hurried over to mix the wine for Helmer, and said to Heather at the same time: “Brother , I promised Mr. Helmer to have a tonkatsu sandwich. Can you help me make one?”

Heather curled his lips: “Helmer doesn’t need you to treat him, his precious organization has money.”


Under Tifa’s death gaze, Heather had to go to the back kitchen to make dishes.

And Helmer seems to be Vinono, in fact, in secret, that cold and almost impersonal Heather will always subconsciously put away his terrible aggression when he is next to his precious sister, changing from [Warcraft] to 【Humanity】. As long as Tifa is nearby, Helmer is not afraid of Heather violently hurting people.

Of course, the prerequisite for not hurting people is that no one provokes Tifa. When Seventh Heaven first opened, someone pretended to be drunk and tried to take advantage of Tifa. Heather broke his wrists and threw them out of the bar. The civilian hospitals in the slums of Qifan Street did not even dare to treat them.

After that, no one dared to talk with Tifa in Seventh Heaven, let alone move hands and feet.

After a while, the plate with three tonkatsu sandwiches was placed on the bar in front of Helmer, and at the same time Tifa’s cocktail [The Flow of Life] was also brought to Helmer.

Heather stopped worrying about Helmer who was gorging himself, turned his head to look at Jesse who was pretending to be asleep, and asked, “It’s a messy heartbeat, who are you?”


Jesse, who was lying on the table, didn’t know whether to raise her head to say hello to introduce herself or continue to pretend to sleep.

Helmer, who is familiar with Heather’s character, immediately stabbed Jesse with his elbow, and then whispered: “She came to Qifan Street to participate in the rally of [Astrology], newcomer…”

Heather interrupted Helmer impatiently: “I’ve already said that the Qifanjie slum does not allow [Astrology] rally to be held. The group of bastards Latifah went to the rally and thought I didn’t know? I didn’t twist their heads to save your face, Helmer.”

Helmer began to sweat on his forehead, smirking not knowing what to say.

Heather also came up with a few words of sarcasm, and suddenly his arm was held by Tifa and shook slightly. Seeing Tifa’s worried gaze, Heather rubbed his eyebrows, his tone softened: “…Take this woman to the back lounge. I have something to ask her.”

Jessie raised her head suddenly, raising her arms to her chest with a look of astonishment.

Finding a astrologer gathering in a slum is also subject to unspoken rules?


“…So, not only do you want to find [Xing Ming Xue] rally, but you also want to join [Avalanche]?”

In the spacious lounge, Helmer’s eyes twitched and looked at Jesse with a smile on his face: “You never thought about whether we would betray you to Shinra?”

“This, this is not because you have a good position in Qifan Street, and you know the’Flow of Life’, so you can feel trustworthy…”

“[Avalanche] You don’t need such a member who has no sense of crisis and alertness! Take care of your mouth and go back quickly!”

Helmer didn’t want to drag such a young girl into the avalanche. What Avalanche wanted to fight against was the Shenluo company that dominates the world. At first glance, this girl is a child in Shangcheng District. She must have a bright future. She can’t commit herself to living a poor and hopeless life in a slum.

“Don’t… don’t!” Jessie grabbed Helmer’s sleeve with a coveted face, but didn’t let go. The beautiful melon seeds wrinkled into an exaggerated crying face: “I really want to join the avalanche! I have very clever hands and I am good at operation. Machinery and making some explosive gadgets are also very good for the computer system of Heishenra Corporation! Are you short of high-end talents like me? Take me one, okay?”

“Hey, do you know? [Avalanche] The current situation is very different from what you imagined.”

Standing on the side with his arms folded, Heather suddenly said:

“The leader [Elphi] who can rival Sephiroth, the strongest warrior of Shinra, has disappeared a year ago, and his subordinates ran to the death. Now the avalanche exists in name only, and only a few fragments remain. Small clubs composed of members are scattered all over Midgar, and they are constantly being searched and pursued by Shinra Corporation. The image of the vigorous resistance against Shinra Corporation that you are pursuing will not even appear in your dreams. Think about it again?”

Helmer was also silent, and what Heather said was ugly but factual. Now the avalanche is really just lingering, and it may be annihilated by the special forces of the Shinra Corporation by airborne at any time.

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