Chapter 321

Walked all the way in the direction pointed by the passer-by, and soon reached the end of the street.

What you see is a small square with a dense flow of people, where three streets meet together, which is very lively. To the north of the small square is a beautifully decorated bar.

The bar has three floors. The first floor occupies the largest area and the front entrance has a spacious wooden step with an arched porch. On the outside of the first floor, there is a circle of terraces on which are placed some empty wine barrels, tables and chairs, and light strips are hung in the arches. There are only two windows on the second floor but they are all tightly closed. Above the arch, there is a huge sign-[SEVENTHHEAVEN]. On both sides of the sign are dazzling lights, and there are also light strips entwined around it. The third layer is a bit like a post-added container, with a curved lightning cartoon icon painted on the side directly above the sign.

Very beautiful bar… Jessie subconsciously pressed his chin to comment on the bar owner’s aesthetics, and then remembered what he was here for.

The ponytail on the back of her head flickered, strode up the steps and pushed open the door of the bar.

As if a switch was turned on, the lively and uproarious atmosphere suddenly rushed to the face. The taste of wine, the aroma of food, the noise of laughter and the collision of wine glasses with the tabletop, and even the slick electronic sound effects of a pinball machine.

Jesse had imagined how lively this bar was, but he still lost to his impoverished imagination. The popularity of Seventh Heaven’s business is not lost to those luxury bars in the Shangcheng District, and even more outrageous.

She looked around and quickly locked the target to the bar counter.

The bar stool in front of the bar is almost full. There are male and female customers. One of the chubby young people is sitting on the bar stool and happily talking to the beauty behind the bar, and the beauty is wiping the glass in his hand. Cup, face the bombardment of the little fat man’s language from time to time, smiling and nodding, obviously the two are familiar.

Going closer and taking a closer look, Jesse discovered that the beauty of the beauty behind the bar was not lost to her at all. If she counted that outrageous figure, it would be a unilateral sling. She has black hair and waist, a hot figure and an innocent and beautiful face like an angel. The pupil color like a ruby ​​is very rare. The most important thing is her temperament, which is gentle and soft with strength and self-confidence.

She seems to be the boss here?

Jessie walked to the bar. It happened that the brunette beauty had just finished talking to the chubby little fat man, and the little fat man waved to the brunette beauty: “I’m full…I’m leaving Tifa, the account is still on Bigger Over there.”

The black-haired beauty called Tifa smiled and waved to the little fat man, and then put the clean glass in her hand into the cup holder while looking at Jesse, her voice was gentle and pleasant: “Welcome to the seventh heaven, may I ask do you need anything?”

“Uh… I’m a little hungry, can I order some food?” Jesse is indeed hungry. Isn’t it a black shop that is so popular here?

“Please sit here.” Tifa signaled that Jessie could sit on the bar stool that the little fat man had just vacated, and then said in a quick tone: “Today’s evening menu is [Thick Cut Pork Cutlet Sandwich] and [Potato Ham Salad] , I wonder if you…”

“You want both, let me have one for each.”

“OK, just a second.”

Watching Tifa turn around and walk to the back kitchen to start cooking, through the empty window behind the bar, you can clearly see the pretty face of the beautiful boss dedicated to her work.

Jesse felt intoxicated for a moment and then suddenly woke up, and found that all the guests around were looking at Tifa either intentionally or unintentionally. Is it the boss and the bartender or the chef is the kanban girl? It’s amazing to see that he is younger than himself but has multiple jobs.

After a while, Tifa took the tray and returned to the back of the bar: “Please try, our signature dishes [Thick Cut Tonkatsu Sandwich] and [Potato Ham Salad].”

Jessie picked up a tonkatsu sandwich, and just squeezed it hard, and you could see the gravy overflowing on the thick cut surface of the tonkatsu. After a bite, the rich smell of meat and sauce filled the mouth. It’s delicious, even better than the tonkatsu sandwiches sold in Shangcheng District. Is it the homemade sauce?

The two sandwiches were quickly killed by Jesse, and the potato and ham salad tasted superb. Jesse somewhat understood why Seventh Heaven’s business was so hot.

Even if it’s a restaurant, there’s no problem. I’m afraid the bartending skills will be better if the cooking is so good? This beautiful boss named Tifa is not easy.

Jesse repositioned Tifa as a hidden master in his heart. While fiddled with the salad on the plate with a fork, he watched Tifa mix drinks for the guests.

The most customers order is a cocktail named [Seventh Heaven], followed by [Universal Canyon]. Only two people have ordered [Golden Dream]. Is it because it is expensive?

Seeing the guests cheering on Tifa’s bartending skills while generously tipping, Jesse felt that the fatigue and tension accumulated in recent days had been resolved, and the whole person felt a little drowsy.

“A cup of [LifeStream] (LifeStream).”

Suddenly, a customer’s order made Jesse wake up from her drowsiness. The flow of life? [Astrology]? Are there astrologers companions here too?

She hurriedly looked at the ordering customer. It was a middle-aged man with brown hair pulled back, his clothes tightly stretched with muscles, and a metal short stick hung around his waist. He sat down on the empty bar stool next to Jesse and said hello to Tifa: “Yeah, isn’t Heather out?”

“It’s been a long time since I saw Mr. Helmer.”

Tifa smiled and nodded in response: “Brother is out, I should be back soon after counting the time. If you want to wait for him, I will make you a tonkatsu sandwich, right?”

“No, no, a cup of [The Flow of Life] is enough.” Helmer waved his hand quickly: “You know, the Volunteer Police Force currently has limited funds and can’t use it at will…”

“Don’t worry, whether it’s [Life] or tonkatsu sandwiches, I will treat you as a treaty police force.” Tifa blinked.

Jesse, who was lying next to him on the bar pretending to be sleeping, had ears pricked up. Volunteer team! Listen to this name, this one named Helmer must know the clues to the [Astrology] rally! As long as you go to that rally, it is possible to find [Avalanche] members!

Jesse thought for a while, secretly wrote a note and pressed it under the cup, then pushed the cup in front of Helmer.

Helmer glanced at the girl next to him in a weird manner. He moved the cup and glanced at the note, which read-[Astrology? 】

Isn’t this girl too reckless? Is there anyone asking about secret gatherings like this?

Helmer resisted the urge to turn over Byakugan and pushed the cup back intact, only pinching the strip of paper into a ball of paper and stuffing it into his pocket.

This time it’s Jesse’s turn to wonder, what do you mean? Give me a good word.

Helmer leaned into Jesse’s ear and whispered: “Don’t bother. In the slums of Qifan Street, if you want to hold a [Astrology] rally, you must get the consent of one person.”

“Who?” Jessie looked up, curious.

Before Helmer answered, the door of the bar behind him suddenly opened with a bang.

Seeing the figure coming in, the voice in the whole bar dropped by two notches.

There is no need to look back, Helmer already knows who came in through the reactions of the drinkers, and whispered to Jesse’s question without looking back:


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