Chapter 318 Happy Birthday

When Heather and Tifa returned to Tianwangzhuang, Mare happened to lead the old dog Duo and arrived at the door on the first floor.

“Little Tifa came back so early today…Huh?”

Marley noticed Tifa’s red eyes and tears that had not yet been completely wiped off, and immediately furious: “What did you kid do to Tifa!? Why did you make her cry!”

“It’s not me! Don’t talk nonsense!” Heather quickly cried out: “Old lady, please open the door and enter the house.”

Mare drove Heather away immediately after entering the house, and took her to the table with her arms around Tifa’s shoulders, gently comforting her.

Heather and the old dog looked at each other, shaking their tails and slowly walking towards the doghouse in the back room, while Heather shrugged his shoulders and boiled the pot of hot water and started to make tea.

When he was furious just now, he subconsciously mobilized his mind to manifest [Narakawa], but he was targeted by the planet’s will. Now he is quite uncomfortable. He feels that this planet is like a voyeur staring at him, squinting his eyes and staring at him at 360 degrees without a dead corner. Isn’t it too pervert for the planet’s will to be active for this purpose?

On the other side, Tifa intermittently talked about what happened after he returned from the Wild Rose Bar.

At the end of hearing, Mare couldn’t help laughing: “Silly boy, how could we suddenly move without notifying you?”

At this time, Tifa also knew that he had a big oolong, clutching his blushing face and whispered: “But, but the person named Wiggie said too truthfully, so I also believed…”

“Heather and I did go to the Chocobo consignment station and took away a lot of goods. Those were the dilapidated furniture and old facilities in the Wildfire Bar, all of which are not suitable for continued use. Instead of discarding them directly, we should contact the waste. The merchant sold some money, so Heather contacted the boss of Manson on Bafan Street, and the other party ate the goods at a reasonable price that was not high or low.”

“That bar is…” Tifa suddenly remembered what Naya had told herself, that the villain named Kos who was killed by the brother, this bar was his property.

Marley pointed to Heather who was making tea: “Heather bought the Wildfire Bar. Although we still need to repay a fixed loan to the carpenter who is a builder every month, the property rights of the Wildfire Bar have been transferred to the sea. Under the name Se.”

Heather picked up the tea cup and raised it to the two of them: “The down payment is 200,000 GIL, which is very cheap, isn’t it?”

“Obviously, you have already emptied your pockets, so don’t pretend to be a grandfather.” Granny Mare said disdainfully.

“Tsk…” Heather stopped speaking, holding the tea cup and blowing the heat from the rim of the cup.

A big rock fell to the bottom of Tifa’s heart, and the brother did not intend to leave him. Speaking of, Brother is the owner of that bar. If you continue to work hard to learn bartending skills, can you help Brother?

Thinking of this, Tifa looked at Heather hopefully.

Heather said without looking up: “I’ll give you another month to learn all the bartending techniques of Naya’s blonde and little white face, and I will reserve the position of the chief bartender for you.”

“Yeah!” Tifa’s big eyes curled up with a smile.

Marley sneered, “I will ask Tifa to come and help you tomorrow morning. Wouldn’t you say it better? Apart from Tifa, can you find a second trustworthy and skilled bartender? Leave us In those days, you were called [Not cute Tsundere guy at all]!”

Heather was so embarrassed and angry: “Don’t talk nonsense! You old lady might as well get a birthday cake if you have time!”

Originally, Tifa was still covering his mouth and laughing, and when he heard the “birthday cake”, he subconsciously sat up straight, birthday cake?

Snapped! A wrapped box was thrown on the table in front of Tifa, and Heather turned his head to the side with his arms around him: “Here, birthday present.”

Brother remembers his birthday! Tifa held the box in his arms and looked at Heather with red eyes.

At this time, Mare also walked out of the kitchen with a cream cake: “The admirable cake I just bought from Wufan Street is delicious. Happy birthday to you, little Tifa!”

“Thank you, Granny Mare.” Tifa’s voice was choked.

Tifa shared the cake with everyone. Granny Mare also sang a birthday song for herself. Under the force of Granny Mare, the brother sang a few birthday songs perfunctorily and refused to sing it anymore, just burying his head in the cake. Pretend not to hear.

The warmth filled the heart, and Tifa felt that his heart was filled in whole again.

In the slums of Midgar, I regained my family.

After eating the cake, Marley’s mother-in-law teased Tifa to open the birthday present from Heather. Tifa was also curious and impatient, and couldn’t help looking at Heather for advice.

Heather looked very impatient: “Look at what I am doing? This thing has already been given to you, it’s up to you whether to take it apart or throw it away.”

Tifa, who had already figured out Heather’s temper, pursed his lips and laughed, expectantly tore open the package of the box, and then opened the lid.

I saw a pair of black fingerless gloves in the box, the fist bones of the gloves were inlaid with metal pieces, the back of the hand was covered by a peculiar metal shield, and the wrist was fixed by a metal bracelet. There are two hollow holes connected together in the wristband of the right glove, which are shining with green and blue gleams.

Tifa fondly stroked the glove in the box, and it seemed to fit his hand according to the size.

“The leather gloves customized from Wutai are very popular weapons for fighters on Wutai. [Cold Qi] and [Attributes] have been commissioned by Wufan Street Weapon Craftsmen to inlay them, and there is one [Qi Gua] left. ] After you can control the three magic spar, you can set it up.”

Heather motioned to Tifa to put on the gloves: “Try it. The right hand is your dominant hand. It is more appropriate to inlay the magic spar on the right glove.”

These three magic spars are useless for Heather himself, he can level most of the enemies in the world with a knife. When encountering a powerful enemy that can’t be balanced, it is a big deal to sacrifice a fierce knife and set off the table and run away. Instead of putting the magic spar, it is better to seal it in the weapon and give it to Tifa.

Anyway, you can only choose one. If you really want to use the [Mythological Weapon Catalog] to recast the magic spar, you have a better goal.

Tifa puts on his gloves, the size is right. Usually there is no response to touching objects normally, but if you swing your fist with the consciousness of hitting the enemy, the two magic spar on the fist glove will gush out energy, and every punch will bring cold and piercing frost power.

She touched the gloves and said with joy, “I like it very much, thank you brother!”

Heather couldn’t help but smile:

“……happy Birthday.”


That night, Tifa was lying on the bed with the gloves, tossing and turning.

I still think of the fire, and I still think of my father and mother. But for some reason, the water tower under the night sky and the figure of the blond boy with ponytails no longer haunted his mind.

Yes, I… not alone.

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