Chapter 317 Don’t Leave Me

It was not five o’clock in the afternoon when he returned to the slums on Qifan Street, and Tifa started happily towards Tianwangzhuang.

Although the roads of the Qifan Street slums have been slightly complicated due to the expansion of residential buildings in the past six months, Tifa has already been familiar with the roads, after all, he has lived here for so long.

When I arrived at Tianwang Village, I didn’t see Granny Mare who often stood smoking in the corridor on the first floor.

Strange, Granny Mare doesn’t usually go out at this time? Watching TV at home?

Tifa knocked on the door on the first floor, but no one answered, and even the old dog raised by Marley’s mother-in-law did not bark.

She walked up to the second floor and knocked on the door of 202, but no one responded either.

Tifa is a bit lost. Today is her birthday, and it is also a good day for Naya to be recognized as a bartender. I wanted to share this good news with my closest people for the first time. Why aren’t everyone at home?

Sitting alone on the steps of the first floor of Tianwangzhuang, she curled her legs around her knees, and looked at the side street from time to time, hoping to see a familiar figure.

At this moment, two people passed by and noticed Tifa.

Walking in the front is a slender young man whose age looks similar to Tifa, with a smile on his round face. The man walking behind was slightly older and slightly darker, with an earring on his right ear.

“Uh, hello?”

The chubby little fat man hesitated for a moment, and leaned in to say hello to Tifa.

Tifa, who had been instilled in crisis concepts by her seniors and Granny Mare, cautiously shrank back, but nodded politely in response: “Hello, is there anything wrong?”

“Hey! Wiggy, don’t worry about it.” The dark-skinned man had a lazy tone of helplessness.

“It’s okay Biggs, I just tell her.” The little fat man called Wiggy explained to his companion, then turned to look at Tifa. The girl’s beauty made him very cramped, but after hesitating, he still said, “Well, are you waiting for the landlord’s wife in Tianwangzhuang?”

“…Yes.” Tifa’s gaze became more wary.

“I, I, I’m not a bad person!” The little fat man was frightened by Tifa’s gaze, and he shook his hands casually, then scratched his head, plucked up the courage to speak out at a very fast speed: “I was in Lu today at noon. The trip bird consignment station saw the landlady of Tianwangzhuang and a black-haired elder brother wearing glasses. They consigned a lot of boxes and goods in chocobo trucks, as if…”

“Salute, move.” Biggs added behind him.

Wiggy gave Biggs a thumbs up, and then looked at Tifa. The girl’s super high-level beauty always made him subconsciously look erratic and dare not look at each other: “Right, right, moving. I heard that the landlord of Tianwangzhuang My wife is very well-connected, maybe she is determined to move out of the slums on Qifan Street? After all, the environment here is always a little bit better than other Xiacheng districts…”

“Wei–Ji–” Biggs’s impatient voice interrupted Wei Ji’s chattering.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m done right away.”

Wiggy quickly ended the conversation with Tifa: “Anyway, if you really want to find the landlady, you might as well go to the chocobo consignment station to find out where they have gone. That’s it, goodbye… Well, Biggs , Wait for me!”

The little fat Wei Ji hurriedly pursued his companion who left first, leaving only Tifa, who was sitting on the steps of the first floor in a daze.

salute? move Place?

why did not you tell me? Is it because I am an unnecessary burden?

I…become alone again.

He wanted to stand up, but his hands and feet were weak, and he wanted to shout out to vent his emotions but couldn’t even open his mouth. Tifa sat on the steps blankly as if lost.

I don’t know how long it took, the light of the magic oven above my head became dimmed, neon lights and warm lights lit up around, pedestrians became hurried, but Tifa was still sitting on the steps.

A small bastard wearing a nail leather jacket and combing Moxigan’s head passed by Tianwangzhuang several times, seemingly targeting Tifa. When he passed here for the fourth time, he finally confirmed that this beautiful and hot girl had no other companions nearby, so he sneaked in.

“Why does a beautiful woman with such a mark sit here alone? Is it because there is no place to stay because of lack of money?”

The little bastard huddled up to Tifa’s side and glanced greedily at Tifa’s pretty face: “This is a great opportunity to get rich overnight. The qualification for registration is your appearance. Do you want to use your beauty to make a lot of money? Just follow me. , You can get out of this dirty slum and live freely in the mansion on the walled commercial street…Puff!”

Before he could finish his words, his face closer and closer to Tifa was severely hit, and he couldn’t help but screamed and fell back.

Tifa didn’t seem to hear him at all, but stood up and ran towards the street with all his strength.

Don’t want to get rid of me! I am not a burden, I can work part-time, I can be a bartender, even a waiter, I am not afraid of being tired…Don’t leave me alone!

Tears blurred her vision, Tifa didn’t even know where to find her senior and Granny Mare, but she didn’t dare to stop. There was a feeling in her heart that if she stopped, the brother would leave her forever.

Bang! Tifa, running with her head sullenly running, slammed into a body she knew. She wiped her tears in a panic to apologize, but heard a familiar voice:

“Tifa? What are you doing?”

Through the blurred vision of tears, Tifa saw that the brother was looking at him strangely. It’s not an illusion, it’s brother!

She threw herself into Heather’s arms all of a sudden, and her words turned upside down in anxiety: “Take me… brother, don’t go… I can also make money…”

Heather is no longer the usual stern look, touching her head warmly and comforting: “I’m not going anywhere. Speak slowly, what’s wrong?”

At this moment, the young bastard who was hit with a red and swollen jaw chased him with a dagger in his hand, yelling as he ran: “Smelly woman, dare to hit me? I want to sell you to the surrounding…”

Halfway through his words, he couldn’t go on anymore, because the substantive murderous aura had completely enveloped him.

“Is she crying by you?”

Heather looked at the little bastard with extremely cold eyes, and his killing intent almost essentially spread around him. Not only the gangster, but the entire Qifan Street slums felt their heart palpitations for no reason.

The little bastard was foaming at his mouth and his eyes turned white, but Heather’s murderous aura was still rising, and black dragon scales began to appear and spread on his body. It’s the walled commercial street like a mud pool again, just completely destroy that ghost place and the entire Midgar…

Boom! There was a muffled noise, and the gangster fell softly to the ground. Behind him was Helmer, a member of the Avalanche Organization, who provided Heather with information about Coase.

Helmer kicked the unresponsive gangster, and then apologized to Heather: “Sorry, Heather, this guy doesn’t know where he sneaked into the Qifan Street slum. Recently, the Volunteer Police Team is somewhat understaffed… …”

One of the purposes of the Volunteer Police Force was to protect the residents of the Qifan Street slum from the intrusion of Warcraft and other gangsters in the Fan District. This is also the basis for a peaceful life on Qifan Street for the past year.

Heather’s murderous aura quickly dropped. He glanced at Helmer and did not speak. Instead, he lowered his head and said to Tifa: “Revolving Heaven, Wangzhuang, let’s talk about it. Mare should be back soon.”

“Yeah…” Tifa’s little hand held Heather’s sleeve tightly and refused to loosen it. Only then did she notice that Heather was still carrying a bulging satchel on his shoulder.

When the two passed by Helmer, Heather said in a voice that only Helmer could hear: “If the Volunteer and Avalanche are still so useless, then I will manage this slum in my own way. ”

Turning around and looking at the two people away, Helmer scratched his head, showing a helpless smile.

Really a grumpy underground emperor. However, only such a bold and powerful man can inherit Elfi’s position and continue to lead Avalanche against Shinra.

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