Chapter 319 Seventh Heaven

Once a person gets busy, it is sometimes difficult to notice the passage of time.

With precise goals, Tifa lives more fulfilling and busy every day.

The brother speeded up the training process of Zanganliu fighting skills, and Tifa himself officially entered the role of trainee bartender at the Wild Rose Bar.

Perhaps because of the pretty beauty and the increasingly spectacular tops, the number of guests calling for Tifa bartending is quite large. And Tifa’s gentle and patient attitude is different from that of the handsome Hitz, and it can even touch these shinra company’s social animals who have been busy for a day.

Heather was not idle either. He used the funds obtained from selling the second-hand goods in the store and the newly arrived author’s remuneration to buy a large number of good-quality and used bar equipment. Among them, Mare used her own contacts to make a lot of efforts. Naya also helped a lot with the purchase.

A month later, Tifa thought about it or quit his job as a bartender at the Wild Rose Bar and went to the slum to help his brother.

“I’m very sorry, I am ashamed of your cultivation.”

At the entrance of the Wild Rose Bar, Tifa was still wearing his cheap coat and short skirt, and bowed deeply to Naya.

Naya, in an exotic robe, helped Tifa up and hugged her into her arms: “When Heather asked me to help you train you, I didn’t think I could keep you. He needs you more, go. Remember, you must live happily and peacefully at all times.”

“Yeah!” Tifa hugged Naya tightly.

Watching the girl’s figure drift away, Naya hugged her hands in front of her, and sighed in melancholy.

“I’m so reluctant, why don’t you try to stay?” The handsome bartender Heitz’s voice came from behind.

Naya glanced back at the handsome blond leaning on the door frame and chuckled: “[Fate] This kind of thing can’t be forced. But you, why don’t you tell Xiao Tifa? I didn’t see Kokoli crying so much. Has Yu ran back to the kitchen?”

Hitz spread his hands: “Teach her all my bartending skills within a month. I have tried my best. And I hate saying goodbye. This kind of scene is always accompanied by sadness and tears, isn’t it?”

“…Speaking well, he deserves to be the young master Hitz who seduces the hearts of many beauties.”

Naya gave him a charming look, and walked towards the store: “Go and prepare. After learning that Tifa left in the evening, the regular customers will definitely be crying and howling, and I will rely on you to calm the scene, Shiz. ”


Hitz yawned gracefully and followed Naya into the Wild Rose Bar.

The world never revolves around someone, everyone in the world has his own destiny and future.

Leaving Tifa, [Wild Rose] is still the most popular bar in the downtown area on Bafan Street. Those old wine lovers will lose at most for a day or two, and then they will leave this superb face and body of the trainee bartender behind.

After all, Midgar has no shortage of handsome men and beauties.

In the Qifanjie slum, people who came and went began to spread the gossip that the bar that was originally called [Seventh Heaven] and then renamed [Wildfire] will soon reopen.

And the boss is that Heather!

Some expressed expectation, some expressed disgust, and some wondered if Heather was fighting fiercely but could he really mix drinks?

In the intricate onlookers, the bar is renovated day by day. The wooden walls were repainted, the broken glass windows were all replaced, boxes after boxes of good wine were transported into the bar, cleaned up, and some people even claimed to have seen two pinball machines transported into the house.

No matter what, the slums on Qifan Street will welcome their own bars.

The night in June has become hot and dry. The magic oven above the head can change the light but is not responsible for cooling. The weather should be hot or hot.

In the bar, the overhead ceiling fan rotates at an unhurried speed, and the lights in the room are bright.

Heather and Tifa sat on the bar stools in front of the bar, staring blankly at the spotless dark wooden floor.

Tifa couldn’t sit still, and grabbed the rag beside him: “I’d better wipe it again, it still feels a bit dirty…”

Heather quickly pulled her back: “I have wiped it so many times, do you want to wipe the floor?”

Tifa was so tired these days that he could not squeeze Heather and had to sit back. She looked around at the newly renewed bar. This bar was completely renovated and renovated step by step from scratch with her brother. From now on, this will be the new home for herself and brother?

It feels like dreaming…

This bar is not only spacious but also has a good location. It is located in a small square in the central area of ​​the slums on Qifan Street. The small square connects the three main streets of the slums.

Inside the bar, there is a back kitchen, a warehouse, a lounge, and a toilet. Whether it’s the necessary facilities for the bar or the game props such as pachinko targets, the best thing is that Monti, the first owner of the bar, has always been because he was a child. I wanted a secret base, so I set up an electric elevator mechanism in the hall close to the wall, and the basement of the lower level can be reached through the elevator.

As a secret place for rest, the basement was carefully arranged by Heather and Tifa. The soft bed, the high-end sofa I got from Naya, the cupboard for storing food and drinking water, the table and two high-back chairs, and even a TV.

No longer asking for more, Tifa just wants to protect this new home forever.

Heather supported his cheeks on the bar counter: “Speaking of which, I haven’t been able to decide what the bar’s name is.”

When Tifa heard it, he couldn’t get angry: “That’s not because your name, brother, is too weird!”

It was not that Heather didn’t suggest a bar name during this period, but they were all rejected by Tifa. Even Marley complained about it all, saying that Heather’s name was too old and weird.

“Where is it weird? [DevilMayCry], [The Gates of Hell], [Pig and Whistle] (Pigand Whistle)… They are all great names!”

Heather stretched out his hands helplessly: “Okay, then you choose the name. Anyway, you will be in charge of this store at that time, and I will be the shopkeeper.”

Seeing that the naming right really fell on him, Tifa became so nervous that his face flushed. She subconsciously wanted to rub the floor with her shoes, but she couldn’t bear it, so she walked around behind the bar, her head was about to smoke.

Heather shook his head helplessly: “Hey…just give it a name, isn’t it? It’s up to you, I won’t laugh at you.”

“[Seventh Heaven]!” Tifa’s firm voice suddenly sounded in the bar.

“Huh?” Heather was a little surprised, is this the closing of the world line?

“Mr. Monti, the first owner of the bar, gave the bar the name [Seventh Heaven], right? I like this name very much. If this bar can be a place for everyone to relax and relax after work in Qifan Street, the name must be very good. Appropriate. Surely Mr. Monty thought that way, right?”

Tifa’s eyes brightened as he talked about it, and his beautiful red pupils looked at Heather like rubies, asking for advice.

In the end it was called this name… Heather smiled and nodded.

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