Chapter 316 Magic Crystal Stone

“Magic spar?” Tifa looked up curiously and carefully observed the three cobblestone balls in the box.

The three spheres called “Magic Quartz” showed green, yellow and blue colors respectively, and the fluorescence emitted was very beautiful.

“To put it simply, it is the crystal formed after the magic crystal is highly concentrated. Naturally formed magic spar is very rare, so generally what you can see is the product obtained through artificial refining. Inlay the magic spar into your personal equipment You can use the power in it. If you are a [special soldier] who has been soaked in magic, you can also implant the magic spar of the corresponding attribute in the body, and the effect is more powerful.”

While explaining, Heather picked up the small card in the corner of the box. The card details the attributes and abilities of the three magic spars and their application.

The green one is the magic element-[Cold Air], which allows the user to cast cold spells, such as [Blizzard] and [Blizzard].

The yellow one is the command line-[Qi Gua]. After use, it can not only relieve the holder’s abnormal poisoning situation to a certain extent, but also speed up the wound healing to a certain extent. Of course, only minor wounds are not serious, fractures and other injuries still need to go to the hospital for treatment.

The blue one is the support system-[attribute], which needs to be combined with the previous [cold gas] magic spar. If both [cold air] and [attribute] are embedded in a handy weapon, you can give this weapon a strong The most wonderful thing about the cold attribute attack is that this attribute attack consumes little physical energy for the user.

[Cold Qi] Fortunately, [Qi Gua] and [Attribute] are very rare magic spar, the kind that money can’t buy. Naya’s family is worthy of being a high-level Shenluo, and even this kind of high-end goods can be obtained.

Heather played with the magic spar for a while, and then picked up the thick envelope. After opening it, both Tifa and Marley covered their mouths in surprise.

Because there is a thick stack of banknotes in the envelope, you can roughly count at least hundreds of them, all of which are brand new banknotes with a denomination of thousands of dollars that exudes the smell of ink.

“This idiot, did he take out all the working capital of Wild Rose?”

Heather stuffed the money back into the envelope, sealed it again, and then threw it to Tifa: “Send the money back to Naya tomorrow, just say [Magic Quartz] I’ll accept it, and [Money] don’t talk about it before. Within the scope of the conditions.”

100,000 GIL… Tifa held the thick envelope in both hands, feeling that the envelope was hot. She carefully put the envelope full of money back into her carry-on bag, preparing to put her bag on the pillow at night when she went to bed without leaving her body.

After eating the beef rolls, Heather left the washing up and tidying up to Tifa as usual, patted his butt and returned to the room with the box containing the magic spar.

Only Tifa who was washing the dishes and Mare who was sitting in a chair smoking a cigarette were left on the first floor.

“Hundred thousand GILs are not in the eye, should he say that Heather is sturdy, or should he be stupid?”

Mare slowly breathed out a burst of smoke, and shook her head: “However, this kid is capable after all, maybe one hundred thousand GIL is really nothing to him…”

Tifa slowed down when she was washing the dishes. She turned her head to look at Mare, and asked with some hesitation, “Mother Mare, what exactly does he do, brother?”

“You mean to say, see this guy is idle on weekdays, where does the money come from?”

“Um… I didn’t say that the seniors are idle…”

“Hehe, you can’t guess his job.” Mare took another cigarette and laughed.

Tifa couldn’t help asking softly and repeatedly, and Marley finally confessed the truth: “Okay, okay, Heather is a [novelist].”

“Little, novelist!?” Tifa’s tone revealed shock. She has guessed countless times about Heather’s source of money, [Black Eats Black], [Levy Protection Fee], [Professional Bodyguard], [Mysterious Killer]… After guessing so many options, Tifa actually heard the most from Marley. The impossible one.

“I don’t know the specific name of the novel, but it is said that it has not been published in Midgar, but it is very popular on Wutai. So you don’t have to worry about his funding, at least it is absolutely not a problem to support yourself.”

Hearing Marley’s words, Tifa suddenly remembered the first time he saw his brother. The desk in room 202, as well as the books and manuscripts stacked on it, turned out to be a novel written by brother? I thought it was the death list of the debtor.

He didn’t realize that his thoughts had been strayed by Heather. After Tifa finished washing the dishes, he said goodbye to Maret, and returned to his room with his satchel.

The brother is no longer as mysterious as he was at the beginning, which makes Tifa more trusted and more at ease in his heart.

She sat by the bed and looked at the wall. Perhaps the brother was writing a novel in the next room, or he was playing with the three magic spar. Tifa, who had been tiring for a day, was thinking about it, just lay down on the bed with his satchel and fell asleep.

In my dream, I can still see the overwhelming fire, the smile of my father, the warm embrace of my mother, the water tower under the night sky and the blond boy with ponytails. Only this time, her heart was no longer empty.


In the early morning of the next day, Tifa trained Heather’s Zanganliu fighting skills 1 and 2 and hurriedly bought breakfast and rushed to the downtown area on Bafan Street.

After receiving the envelope from Tifa, Naya sighed slightly, then smiled and shook her head and said that she didn’t need Tifa to explain anything. She understood what Heather meant.

In this way, Tifa has a busy and fulfilling life every day.

I don’t know if it’s because of martial arts, she is very quick to learn the bartending skills, and quickly learnt it in a good manner, which made Hiz and Naya amazed. Following Kokoli between the wine tables every day, she also gradually learned how to get along with those drunks and drinkers.

The beautiful waiters at the Wild Rose Bar have become a major attraction for customers.

Soon, April passed and May arrived, and it was the day of bartender qualification examination.

There is no need to worry and be nervous, both Naya and Tifa know that the test can only be regarded as a cutscene, because Tifa’s bartending skills are about to catch up with Hitz.

Naya imitates the guests sitting on the bar stool, while Tifa stands behind the bar as a bartender. She first answered in detail the origins and pros and cons of the five bottles of wine Naya ordered, and then demonstrated the SHAKE bartending skills.

“Well, this cup of [Golden Dream] has been adjusted very well.”

Naya left the rim of the cup, put down the cup and applauded gently to Tifa: “Congratulations to Tifa, you have indeed become a qualified bartender.”

Next to him, the handsome blond Hitz also clapped, and the little beauty Kokoli clasped her palms on her chest and smiled from ear to ear.

“Thank you, thank you everyone.”

Tifa bowed to the three of them and thanked them separately, grateful from the bottom of his heart.

Naya gave Tifa a long time off, and she was still flushed with excitement when she was sitting on the train. I am no longer the country girl who can only serve tea and water or wipe the table and floor, and I also have the ability to live in Midgar.

She wanted to return to Tianwangzhuang immediately and tell the good news to Granny Mare and senior brother.

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