Chapter 313: Wild Rose Bar

Tifa took the train alone to the upper town of Bafan Street.

Although in the past few months, I have come to the Stamp Mall alone to buy daily necessities and cheap clothes, but that’s because the brother took him through it, so it seems very familiar. And Stamp Mall is located in Bafan. In the corner area of ​​the street, the surrounding environment is not so prosperous, which is one of the reasons why Tifa reduces the pressure slightly.

Today, according to the address provided by Heather to Tifa, the target bar is located in a quite prosperous area of ​​Bafan Street.

Stumbled to find the wrong way several times, the pedestrians along the way are all beautiful and fashionable, and Tifa, who wears cheap and outdated clothes, is a little local girl from the country. But she doesn’t care much about the eyes of others. Everyone has their own way of living. Although she occasionally yearns for a lively and sparkling life, she still prefers days of peace and stability, without waves and accidents.

After more than half an hour, Tifa finally found a place.

This is a two-storey bar with a fairly large area. The exterior of the bar is decorated with luxurious black slate and metal inlays. The chic windows are beige. There are two huge pillars at the door. Above is the big sign with neon lights-[Wild Rose Bar].

Perhaps because of the day and working days, no one seems to be in or out of the bar, which seems a bit deserted.

After hesitating for a while at the door, Tifa pushed open the door of the bar and walked in.

As soon as he entered Tifa, he found himself stepping on the slightly reflective brown wooden floor, feeling very comfortable. If the brother is here, he will definitely sneer, ‘Is it comfortable to step on? If you are comfortable, the materials must be expensive. ’

There are tables and chairs on both sides in the wide bar hall, and there are dart targets and two vertical pinball machines in the corner. The overhead fan rotates slowly, not so much to lower the temperature as it is purely for the retro atmosphere of the bar.

Obliquely in front of the entrance is a bar counter with a bar chair. The counter is made of fine wood. Behind the counter is a luxurious wine cabinet full of wine bottles. It is very expensive.

“I’m sorry to bother you…Is anyone here?” Tifa was startled by her cowardly voice like a kitten. She plucked up the courage to clear her throat and raised her volume again.

Da da da……

With the sound of high-heeled shoes colliding with the wooden floor, a graceful beauty in an exotic robe with fringes came out from the side door behind the bar. She froze for a while when she saw Tifa, and then chuckled lightly: “Ah la la, is it the kid recommended by Heather? I didn’t expect to come so soon.”

She took a few steps forward and stretched out her tender palm with golden jewellery: “My name is Naya, the owner of this wild rose bar.”

“Hello, my name is Tifa.” Tifa quickly walked over and shook Naya’s hand gently.

Naya looked at Tifa up and down, and the smile on the corner of her mouth never disappeared: “It’s a pretty-looking child. Unlike her appearance, her arms and shoulders seem to be powerful, and she does have the potential to be a bartender. Then, Heather tells you. Have you ever received my apprentice bartender treatment here?”

Tifa shook his head.

“The training time is one month. During the period from 11:00 to 20:00, you need to work as a bartender. The salary is settled daily, 80 GIL per day, and the tip is handled by yourself. After one month, the assessment will be carried out. If the assessment is passed, you will become a trainee bartender in the bar. , There is no fixed salary but enjoy a 20% commission on the sale of wine.”

Naya walked to the back of the bar and blinked at Tifa: “Don’t underestimate the bartender of Wild Rose. Even a trainee, if he is skilled in his business and is called a lot of times by customers, he can get at least 500 GIL of commission every day. .”

“5, 500…” Tifa was already very happy with the treatment of the bartender, and he suddenly cried out in surprise when he heard the treatment of the trainee bartender. If you can maintain a 500 GIL commission every day, you can earn more than 10,000 GIL a month! Two months will be able to pay back all the treatment fees owed to Mare’s mother-in-law and senior brother!

Naya seemed to be very satisfied with Tifa’s reaction and said unhurriedly: “The bar is open for lunch every day from 11 am to 2 pm. A notice board will be used to indicate the dishes of the day. Generally speaking, they are one or two dishes. It seems that not many customers are interested because of the culinary skills. 2pm to 5pm is the afternoon tea time, and this service has recently been stopped due to lack of staff. It is bar time from 5pm until late at night. Provide wine and simple snacks. Understood?”

“Yes.” Tifa replied nervously.

“Although it’s a pity that you don’t need to have such a marked face and figure, Heather asked me to try to train you to be a bartender who can stand alone instead of a receptionist who can only show off. I owe him a favor so I only I can do it.”

Naya pressed her finger against her chin, her bright red lips evoked a nice curve:

“Look carefully again, the face alone can already become the top sign for attracting customers. Are you sure you want to study as a bartender? First declare that it is very difficult to become a bartender. If the assessment is not up to the standard one month later, I have a good reason to kick you back to Heather, and the favor is considered to be paid off by me. But just as a waiter and a sign of soliciting customers, I can let you stay in the bar without being assessed. It will be improved accordingly, don’t you think about it?”

Tifa was taken aback for a moment, and then an uncomfortable feeling surged in his heart. She doesn’t want to be regarded as a vase that only shows off her beauty to solicit customers, she wants to make her seniors admire!

“Please teach me how to become a qualified bartender!”

Tifa’s voice was very firm, and he bowed to Naya.

Naya resting her elbow on the bar counter with one hand on her cheek, her smile turned bright and bright: “Huh, did you choose a very difficult road? But with the toughness… I now somewhat believe that you are Heather’s younger sister. NS.”

Tifa blushed a little, but she did not flinch from Naya’s gaze, but looked back firmly.

Naya straightened up and stretched lazily: “Very good. So let’s start with lunch at noon? Go to the kitchen to prepare the corresponding ingredients and process them, then wipe the tables and chairs clean and pay attention to close them. There will always be a lot of ash at the door. 2 to 5 in the afternoon is the teaching time, and then I will teach you about wine knowledge and bartending techniques from the beginning, understand?”


In this way, Tifa’s apprenticeship as a bartender began.

At this time, Heather wandered in the slums of Ba Fan Street. It is often surrounded by the smell of steam and rotten water. The more prosperous the downtown area on Bafan Street, the more sewage will be discharged in the lower downtown area. Moreover, many areas of the Bafanjie slums do not have drainage systems, which causes the smell of rotting water to permeate the entire slums.

Heather wore a loose postman hat, dark blue coat and black trousers, and low-priced but very sturdy boots stepped in the stagnant water and walked towards the depths of the steam-filled slums of Bafan Street.

There is the lair of the underground ruler [Manson Gruppe] in the Bafan Street slum, and it is also the destination of Heather’s trip.

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