Chapter 312: Four Months

When Heather returned to the slums on Qifan Street, it was late at night.

Most of the houses in the slums on Qifan Street have their lights off, and only the cheap neon lights piled up from the upper layer of waste materials on the street are still shining colorfully.

Heather walked through the dark streets shrouded in shadows and stunned several wild cats that were tumbling through the trash can.

Stepping silently on the metal stairs of Tianwang Village, Heather walked to the door of Room 202 and took out the key to unscrew the door. As he was about to enter the door, the door of room 201 next to him opened with a creak.

Tifa stood in front of the door, clasped his hands in front of his lower abdomen and twisted his fingers together, looking at Heather timidly.

“Brother, Granny Mare has already told me about the Walled Commercial Street.” Tifa summoned up the courage to say to Heather, “I will never work there.”


Heather looked at her quietly for a few seconds, then walked into Room 202 and closed the door of her own accord, leaving a floating sentence:

“Come to me at six tomorrow morning.”

Looking at the closed door, Tifa suddenly became relaxed, and after a gentle goodnight in the direction of 202, he tiptoedly closed the door.

The relationship between the brothers and sisters has returned to normal, which is gratifying.


In the first month, Tifa’s life was not easy.

She has recovered from a serious illness, and there is still a metal stent in her body, and her physical strength is much weaker than before admission. But she still insisted on exercising with Heather every day, never slacking off.

Heather formulated a rehabilitation training plan for Tifa’s physical function, and always observed her physical progress to make adjustments to the exercise plan.

And the repertoire after training every morning is breakfast time.

The two of them ate the breakfast stalls in the station square of the Qifan Street slum, and they would make their own comments on the food tastes of each stall with great interest. Regarding this point, Heather is obviously much harsher, and most of them have been criticized earlier for nothing. On the contrary, Tifa thinks that most of the early flavors are delicious, except for Tang Xinzi noodles. She is really unaccustomed to eating this thing.

For a month, Tifa also met some residents of the slums on Qifan Street under the introduction of Granny Mare. But there is no one who can be called a [friend].

On the fourth day of staying at Tianwangzhuang, Tifa got a job-working for the Dimo ​​restaurant in the slum of Qifan Street. Washing dishes, cleaning, and serving as a guest waiter, from the beginning, she became proficient and gradually became proficient, and it didn’t take her too much time.

The restaurant owner is called Dimo, a bald old man with a beard, and an old friend of Granny Mare’s. In the face of Maret, Dimo ​​took care of Tifa. Compared with other slums, the atmosphere of Qifanjie slums is not bad, and other ‘temporary workers’ who work in restaurants did not show hostility towards Tifa.

On the one hand, they don’t believe that such a beautiful girl will stay in the old Dimo’s broken restaurant, and of course it is not too threatening to their job position. On the other hand, they heard that Tifa is Heather’s distant relative and junior sister, who came from a rural village named Gongjiajia to join the well-known senior brother Heather.

Is Heather really famous? They don’t know, but they can be sure-no one in the slums of Qifan Street dared to provoke Heather. From this point of view, Heather can indeed cover it.

In this way, Tifa gets up at 5:30 a.m. every morning, washes and then warms up in the room on his own. When it was almost 6 o’clock, they went out to find the seniors. The two set out to exercise in the open space near the outer wall. They returned to the Qifanjie station near 7 o’clock for breakfast.

Then Brother Heather would often disappear mysteriously, and according to Granny Mare, he was busy with his own affairs. Tifa went back to the room to wash up and rushed to Dimo’s restaurant to start work.

Lunch was settled at Dimo’s restaurant. It was not a greasy meal, but it was a free work meal. Tifa still ate very happily.

Working until around 8 o’clock in the evening, Tifa changed shifts with his replacement, and then went to the market to select some cheap and good-quality ingredients, and tried to learn the bargaining method of the seniors. Even if the bargaining experience is severely lacking, the victory lies in the sweet face, and the right ingredients can always be bought at preferential prices.

After returning to Revolving Heaven, Tifa will cook dinner with Granny Mare, or she will teach Difa some home-cooked dishes unilaterally. Sometimes Heather would come to eat together, and sometimes he would come back very late, but he never stayed out all night.

Marley said that this kind of situation is very rare. Heather used to not Revolving Heaven for several days in a row.

One month, two months…

Gradually, Tifa’s body became healthy and full of vitality again with plenty of nutrition and targeted rehabilitation exercises, and his face was no longer the pale appearance of recovering from a serious illness.

She even had the courage to take the train by herself to the Staples Mall on Bafan Street to buy two cheap clothes and add some daily necessities.

The Dimo ​​restaurant paid very little wages. Thanks to Tifa’s own frugality and free lunch, Tifanu tried his best to save some money. She hid all the money in the shoebox in the closet in the room, and counted it every few days to calculate how long it would take to pay off the rent and treatment fees owed to Granny Mare.

In the third month, Tifa paid off the rent owed before, which was a huge victory for her.

Marley smiled and congratulated her, but Heather just said ‘oh’ and didn’t react.

Tifa hadn’t been hit by the seniors, and he was still very motivated. She even plans to take advantage of the intermittent time to take an extra job. The treatment fees owed to Granny Mare and brothers have not yet been paid off, so she must continue to work hard!

In the fourth month of Tifa’s arrival in Midgar, in May 2003, Heather announced that Tifa’s rehabilitation training had come to an end.

“Your recent activities are no different from ordinary people. The metal bracket is no longer uncomfortable, right?”

In the deserted clearing in the early morning, Heather said to Tifa:

“Physical stamina is no different from ordinary people, and even stronger than some men with poor living habits. Coupled with flexible posture and Zankanliu fighting skills, I think you can already have some means of self-protection.”

Tifa wears a black short sleeve and short skirt that is easy to move, and the red sneakers on his feet. Compared to when she first came four months ago, she is no longer pale and cowardly, and has become much more cheerful: “Brother, don’t you need to continue the rehabilitation training?”

Heather said slightly: “Well, the next step is to start the advanced practice of Zankan Liu fighting technique, or come to me at six o’clock every morning. Be mentally prepared, this is much harder than rehabilitation training.”

“I won’t slack off.”

“Also, go to Dimo ​​today to suspend work. I have found you a new job.”

“Huh? So suddenly, Mr. Dimo’s side…”

“I’ll tell him on Dimo’s side that if you want to repay the treatment fee, working in a restaurant is not a good option.”

“Well, what kind of job is it?”

Tifa didn’t worry about where the brother would abduct him, but he just got used to working in a restaurant and suddenly had to change to a new environment, a little uneasy. Speaking of which, when she first met Master Zangan, she regarded him as a trafficker who abducted children.

Heather pointed to it: “Go to be an apprentice bartender in the uptown area of ​​Bafan Street. There is a salary and it is higher than a restaurant. The most important thing is to learn something. I said…”

“As long as you learn it by yourself, no one can take it away. I always remember it, brother.” The girl’s smile was very bright.

“…I’ll rush to answer. It seems that you still have the strength to run three more laps around the open space! Hurry up!”


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