Chapter 314 Romantic Assassin

Manson Goop’s old nest is a huge courtyard, entrenched in the deepest part of the slum on Ba Fan Street and close to the outer wall.

The high wall outside the courtyard is entirely made up of discarded iron plates and wooden boards, which are bound by spiked steel cables and thick iron wires. The surface of the wall is full of random spray paintings.

Two burly men in studded leather jackets stood guarding their posts in front of the gate of the fence. The two who were chatting suddenly noticed that a figure appeared at the end of the steam-filled street in the distance.

Black hair, glasses, unremarkable appearance, cheap dress and thin body, no threatening feeling, just like the residents of slums.

One of the brawny guys laughed: “Hey boy, you are in the wrong place! This is Boss Manson’s site, be careful of your life!”

The other brawny laughed wantonly: “Is you want to find your mother to have milk? Then you have to go to the Walled Commercial Street, hahaha…”


The second ridiculous brawny hadn’t finished speaking, suddenly his jaw was numb. In the sight of his companion, the awkward man had his chin removed, his limbs and joints were also twisted into weird shapes, and his whole person collapsed on the ground and made a panic and painful sound of “hoho”.

Heather quietly appeared behind the first strong doorman, with a calm tone: “Do you want to be like this too?”

The strong guard shook his head desperately.

“Open the door, and then notify Manson Grupp that [Heather] is coming to visit.”

Heather? The strong doorman felt that the name was familiar at first, and then suddenly became horrified. It was the super ruthless man who wiped out the boss of Dolge in the slums of Qifan Street in just two hours! Isn’t he only active in Qifanjie? Why did he come to the slums of Bafanjie?

The thought just turned in his mind quickly, and the strong man immediately pressed the red button of the remote control in Kabuto without hesitation, and the dark red door covered with rust behind him slowly opened with a creaking sound.

Under Heather’s gaze, the brawny man tremblingly took out the walkie-talkie and pressed the call button: “Is Boss Manson in?”

[The boss is having a meal, what’s the matter? 】

“Yes, some guests are here.”

【Um? guest? 】

“It’s [Heather]!”

[His…] The walkie-talkie took a breath, and it was silent for a long time before it sounded again——

[The boss said, please move to the main hall of Manson House. 】The brawny man hung up the walkie-talkie and looked at Heather with a wince: “Boss Heather, look… or I will take you there?”

“Lead the way.” Heather said concisely.

The Manson Yard was transformed from a huge garbage dump. There are discarded cars, huge metal parts, and mechanical facilities everywhere from the upper floors, forming a mountain of waste products. There is a fairly wide passage between the steam-filled mountains and the mountains. At the end of the passage is a three-storey metal part. Unique villas built up.

And Manson Grupp himself has taken the lead to greet Heather at the door of the villa.

This is a dark-skinned middle-aged man with an unusually strong build. He is wearing an open red leather jacket and black leather pants. There are horrible claw marks on the corners of his mouth and bare chest. There are dark sunglasses on the bridge of his nose and his hair is combed. Dirty braids of all sizes hung behind his head.

Manson Goop, the underground king of the slums on Ba Fan Street.

When Heather looked at Manson, the latter also looked at Heather through his sunglasses.

Dolege in the slums of Qifan Street is a big brother with many younger brothers. Although his influence is not as powerful as that of Guliu Genwei, who has controlled the walled commercial street for many years, the lives and deaths of ordinary people in the slums of Qifan Street are irrelevant. My own strength is almost the same.

It was such a big underground man who was razed to the ground under the hands of this shameless young man who hadn’t held it for two hours. Since then, the name Dolge has completely disappeared in Midgar, and the slums of Qifan Street have become the “land of freedom”.

Manson didn’t dare to bet that Heather would be ready to settle in the slums of Bafan Street on a whim. He could only secretly pray that Heather really had something to come to him for help, and then he could make this evil star satisfy him as much as possible. Fuck off.

Revolt? Don’t be silly, the guy in front of him has at least the strength of the 2nd level [special forces] of the Shinra Company, and his subordinates are simply a gift for him.

After a simple greeting, Manson invited Heather to the living room. He first politely asked if Heather had a meal together. After being rejected, he tentatively asked: “Brother Heather, I don’t know what’s going on. Can I help?”

Heather puts his hands in. Kabuto is looking at the layout of the living room. Unexpectedly, Manson is quite tasteful. The layout here is full of the metal punk feeling of hard core waste, a bit like “Crazy Max”. He heard Manson’s question and said without looking back:

“I heard that you accepted a novice named [Coase]?”


Manson was stunned for a moment: “It was probably a few months ago. I did accept such a subordinate. This guy… got into trouble? Not long after he came to the slum, he might not be sensible to provoke you to Brother Heather. I wonder if I can…”

If it were other subordinates, Manson would have handed it over immediately without saying a word. But Koss is different. This kid was originally a sturdy figure in the downtown area on Bafan Street. Even though his family was broken and living in the lower-level slums, he still had a lot of money and connections. I didn’t so much accept a younger brother as I found a partner. Manson has recently made a lot of money relying on Coase’s contacts. It was a bit reluctant to ask him to hand over Coase rashly.

“He hasn’t provoke me yet, it depends on his answer and attitude next.”

Heather was an evil riddler in Manson’s eyes, but Manson really didn’t want to provoke such a evil star, so he had to inform his men to bring Kos over.

After a while, the door of the living room was pushed open, and a young man with long curly hair walked in.

He wore a somewhat outdated SUPERDRY brand fashion clothes, with wet long curly hair casually draped over his shoulders. Although his face was handsome, his deep eye sockets and high cheekbones ruined the beauty, and his face was full of deep anger. .

“Manson, are you looking for me?” Kos asked unceremoniously when he came in, his voice a little hoarse.

Manson pointed to Heather, meaning in his words: “This Brother Heather is looking for you. Coase, if there is a feast or misunderstanding, please just let it go. Don’t be so nervous.”

Coase looked at Heather with an impatient look: “Who is this kid? Heather? I don’t know him!”

“This…” Manson looked at Heather, then at Coase, and had to get up and leave the living room: “You can talk slowly. Just ask the men at the door if you have something to do.”

Click, the door closed.

Coase sat down on the sofa and sank deeply, took out the metal cigarette case from his arms and ordered one for himself. First he took a nice sip and then sprayed a large cloud of smoke towards Heather: “Say it.” , Why are you looking for me? It’s not bad to borrow money, but I don’t like your attitude.”

Heather sat on the sofa opposite him, with a smile on his face: “My name is Heather, and I come from the down town of Qifan Street.”

“Oh, Qifan Street slum, I also stayed there for a while before. Why, want to have a friendship?” Kos lifted his legs and held a cigarette between his fingers.

“No, I am entrusted to come to you.”

Heather got up and stood up, with his hands in Kabuto, looking down at Cos, who was trapped in the sofa, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up:

“Do you remember an old man named [Monti]?”

Monti? Coase fell into a brief thought first, and then his nonchalant face gradually became hard to look like: “…It’s still about the bar? It’s not over, right? I got this bar by legal means, but Monty signed it. contract!”

“Use deception to take down that bar for less than one twentieth of the price, and then hire someone to beat Monty to a serious injury and throw it out of Midgar? It is indeed [legal]. Then I will use a little more with you [ Legal] means…”

Heather’s tone gradually became colder:

“I spent a year and a half looking for you. I have to say that your skills in hiding and running away are really good. But you have another enemy, [Naya], remember this name? She wanted to avenge you But willingly owed me a favor.”

Coase’s forehead kept oozing with big beads of sweat. He suddenly slammed the metal cigarette case and lighter in his hand at Heather, and then he supported the armrest of the sofa to get up to escape. As soon as he stood up, he suddenly fell to the ground, all his limbs and joints were twisted and deformed.

“I’ll just say it straight. I’m not a messenger of justice, but an assassin who has been entrusted, a very romantic kind.”

Heather slowly squatted in front of Cos, who was squatting and wailing on the ground, and took out a contract from his arms and unfolded it in front of Cos:

“The only wish that Monti had before he died was to die. I owed him personal feelings so I agreed. I didn’t expect that when I came to Midgar, I found out that your kid had abandoned that bar and ran away. I had no choice but to entrust him. Other forces are investigating the matter. Fortunately, you can’t bear to be lonely and reappear on Ba Fan Street. This time you can’t escape. Look, this is the contract, right? You lied to the old Mengdi to sign the one. .”


Coase was so painful that he couldn’t say anything, and he swayed violently. He looked in the direction of the door unexpectedly, but his new partner didn’t show up, and he didn’t even open the door once.Coase understood that he was abandoned.

He was originally a decent man in the downtown area on Bafan Street, and he opened a bar in partnership with Naya. But he was obsessed with Naya’s beauty, so boldly he gave her medicine. I thought it would be okay to coax it afterwards, but I didn’t expect that Naya was a woman with a strong personality and her family had a good status in the Shinra company. In order to save his life, Kos had to abandon the real estate and family business in the urban area on Bafan Street and ran to the slums on Qifan Street.

During this time, he met Lao Mengdi. This old man had been selling cocktails in the slums until a few years ago. After saving enough money, he opened a bar called [Seventh Heaven] in the slums of Qifan Street. The slum on Qifan Street was catching up with the bar just not long after it was built.

Coase deceived Old Monti into saying that he was a well-known bartender on Pat Fan Street. He did have a second hand. After showing the old Monti a few hands, the old man believed it was true and was willing to open this bar in partnership with Coase. Coase felt that he could rely on this bar to make a lot of money, and then returned to Palfan Street to get revenge. So he lied to the old Monti to sign the contract in Heather’s hand, and attributed the bar to his own at the price of 40,000 GIL.

Immediately afterwards, he hired Dorag’s thugs to severely wound the old Monty who was seeking his theory, and threw it out of Midgar’s outer wall at night.

I thought I could make a lot of money by relying on bartending skills and bars, and even changed the name of the bar to “Wildfire” in order to take revenge on Naya’s “Wild Rose”. But Dolegue is not greedy and intends to knock Kos a hard blow, and Kos dare not disobey Dolegue and can only leave the bar and run away. After hiding in Wufanjie slums for more than a year, he dared to go to Bafanjie to seek refuge in Manson after hearing that the gang of Dolge somehow disappeared.

I will be able to find revenge for that bitch Naya in Ba Fan Street immediately! Why, just bullying a lonely old man in a slum can cause such terrible trouble! ?

“You…ho…you can’t kill me…” Coss burst into tears and twitched and said intermittently: “That bar…still…still belongs to me…don’t kill me, I will send the bar… ……give you……”

Heather smiled and shook his finger: “NONONO, you made a mistake. I didn’t come to you to force you to transfer the bar, but to make you understand. The old Monti never told you that the bar actually still You owe a sum of money to the carpenter for construction on Qifan Street, right? When you die, the bar will be owned by the carpenter because of the debt, and I will pay the money to officially buy the bar from the carpenter. But all of this has nothing to do with you Yes, you only need to provide the’head’.”

As he said, Heather folded the contract in half and then in half, and then slowly tore it into pieces and sprinkled it on Coss: “So, are you ready?”

“Don’t… don’t kill…”

Heather suddenly blasted his right arm, and the violent gas blade he pulled out directly cut off Coase’s neck and left a deep and huge crack in the drawing room.

Outside the door, Manson was sitting on the chair sweating profusely, tapping the arm of the chair with his fingers.

Bang! The door of the meeting room suddenly opened, and Manson subconsciously looked up, but was hit by a heavy object in his arms, and when he fixed his eyes, he found that it was Cos’s painful and hideous head.

“Let your subordinates publicize it, and it means that Coase is dead and his head is with you.”

Heather, standing at the entrance of the meeting room, didn’t splash a bit of Bloodline on his body, but still looked bland and breezy: “Is there a problem?”

For a moment, Manson really wanted to order his subordinates to shoot at Heather. When Coase died, he had no intention of revenge. This was a huge blow to his reputation. But in the end, he still slumped in the chair and whispered: “No, no problem…”

Manson had encountered the Warcraft in the suburbs of Midgar, and all his companions died, but he was lucky enough to survive. The scars on his chest and the corners of his mouth were witnesses. He could feel that even though the black-haired young man in front of him was wearing a human coat, he was indeed a terrifying monster in his bones.

Can’t provoke, don’t dare to disobey…Compared to your own life, what is a mere face?

In the end, under the watchful eyes of Manson’s men, Heather left the Manson courtyard and disappeared at the end of the steam-filled street.

And Manson stood in the blood-splattered drawing room, looking at the deep and huge crack, without making a sound for a long time.

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