Chapter 311 Walled Commercial Street

It was about 7 o’clock in the morning when the two returned to the slums on Qifan Street, which was the peak time for work.

The huge magic oven above the head changes the intensity of the light, flooding the slums with light like a real sunrise, but it does not feel the temperature of any sunlight.

Some people living in the slums talked and laughed, some yawned, and some held a roll of newspapers. They walked out of their homes to the station one after another, saying hello one after another.

Because many areas of the slums do not have built-up waterways, the slum dwellers in these areas do not have the habit of cooking at home, especially breakfast. Eating outside is their daily option.

Not far in front of the station platform is a large square area. Last night it was a small trade fair. This morning it became an early morning market.

When Heather and Tifa came back, they happened to see early stalls and pedestrians coming and going all over the square.

“Lots of people.” Tifa was instantly attracted by the scent of food intertwined here, but the girl’s reservedness finally prevailed. She took a peek at the unshakable senior, and then she also learned how the senior was. keep Calm.

Heather looked around, then walked straight to a stall, Tifa hurriedly followed behind him.

What you see is a blue stall with a metal sign painted with “Ba Fan Baozi” hung on it. The stall owner is a fat uncle with a warm smile on his face, wearing a red turban on his head. Some tight and worn red work clothes.

The line in front of the booth was not too long, the two stood in line for about five minutes before it was their turn.

“Welcome!” The fat stall owner’s voice was full of air, as loud as a horn. In Tifa’s view, this may also be an effective means for attracting customers, right?

“Two Bafan Buns.”

Heather threw six copper plates into the cash box, then stared at the stall and fell into deep thought. After several seconds, he made a decision: “I want green peppers, chopped peanuts and celery for the buns.”

After speaking, he motioned to Tifa to come and choose the ingredients. Tifa came over and found that there were not only steaming steaming pots on the counter, but also iron pots for stewing meat, and plates neatly arranged in two rows. There were different ingredients on the plates. The three that Heather ordered were all in there. in.

Tifa has never eaten this steamed bun and knows what to choose, but this does not prevent her from making a choice quickly: “I also want green peppers, chopped peanuts and celery.”

Brother will never treat him badly, right? Just follow the brother’s election.

“Okay! Please wait a moment, it will be done soon!”

The fat uncle happily opened the steamer, first placed a piece of paper in the palm of his left hand, then picked up the buns from the top of the pile of buns and placed them on the paper, and used a knife to cut the buns horizontally until they were about to break. After opening the “lid” of the bun, he scooped a large spoonful of lettuce and spread it in the middle of the bun, and then scooped some stew on the top of the lettuce, and then poured a little special sauce on top of the lettuce, and finally put in what Heather chose Those three ingredients.

Tifa only saw the fat stall owner perform the above actions extremely swiftly, wrapping the buns in the palm of the paper and handing them to Heather. The whole process did not exceed 10 seconds. She couldn’t help but figure out in secret, if she could do it herself, could she be as fast and good as this uncle?

Heather took the buns and handed them directly to Tifa. After a while, he got the second buns. Then he took Tifa to leave the stall and strolled to the benches near the station to sit side by side: “Taste Taste it, it’s a feature of the Midgar slum.”

Tifa looked at the bun in her hand, about the same size as her open palm. She blew a bit of heat and then took a bite. Only the sweet and spicy taste filled her mouth. It matched the lettuce wonderfully, and the taste was very comfortable.

“It’s delicious.” Tifa took another big bite, her small face was slightly bulged, towering like a squirrel, and finally swallowed: “Bafan Baozi means from Bafan Street. ?”

“Yes, the specialties of the Bafan Street slums are generally only sold at the stations in the Xiacheng District on Bafan Street.”

“Huh? This is not Qifan Street…”

“Be quiet.” Heather turned his head and whispered in Tifa’s ear: “This is a copycat.”

Tifa also subconsciously lowered his voice: “It’s obviously delicious, where is the copycat?”

Heather unpacked the package and took a bite of the buns: “If you have the opportunity to take you to the slums of Bafan Street, you will know where the gap is after you eat. But in terms of the level of knockoffs, this restaurant is doing well, at least willing Put the meat.”

“I just wanted to ask, what kind of meat is this…”

“Don’t get to the bottom of everything, this is the trick to a happy life in the slums of Midgar.”

Heather ate the buns in his hand three times, “Hurry up, there is still a lot to do today.”

Tifa hurriedly lowered his head to chew on the buns, then raised his head and asked, “Brother, where are you going today?”

“Your ID card is a temporary card issued by Zangan, and you have to change it to an official one. You need a guarantor. I’ll do that. But don’t miss the place of birth.”

Heather whispered: “Remember, you were born from [Gongjiajia], and you were a junior who came to Midgar to join me. If the Shinra Company knows that there are survivors in Nibelheim…you understand?”

Tifa froze for a moment, then nodded slowly.

“I have something to do after I go to Yifan District to apply for the ID card. At that time, it’s up to you whether you plan to go shopping or go back to the slums of Qifanjie. At the same time, you can also think about what kind of job you should look for.”

“I…I don’t know what kind of job I am suitable for.” Tifa’s voice fell even lower.

“I just promised Zangan to take care of you, but it doesn’t mean that I have become your nanny. No matter what kind of job you choose, it is your own decision. I can’t or don’t want to.”

Heather’s voice became colder: “There is only one-[Walled Commercial Street] in the Liufan Street slum is not allowed.”

[Walled Commercial Street]? Tifa didn’t quite understand where it was, but when she saw that Heather was angry, she suddenly hung her head and said nothing.

The brothers and sisters who were originally warm suddenly became cold.

The two of them kept awkwardly silent, until the bureau in Yifan Street downtown handled the ID card. Even if there are occasional exchanges during the period, there is one question and one answer, and there is no extra communication.

After applying for the ID card, Heather handed Tifa the brand-new ID card and then drove away.

He rode the train back to the slums of Qifan Street in silence all the way, and walked on unfamiliar streets. The streets were filled with unknown faces, and Tifa’s heart was once again occupied by loneliness.

After returning to Revolving Heaven, she planned to go straight upstairs, but was stopped by Mare who happened to come out: “Tifa, will you talk to me for a while?”


“So, you are sulking yourself because you don’t know where you made Heather angry?”

Marley poked her finger in front of Tifa’s forehead neither lightly nor severely, and said angrily: “Are you stupid child?”

Tifa was poked so that his head couldn’t help but tilted back slightly, but he bit his lip and made no sound.

“Looking at your face when you came back, I thought it was something wrong with the wound.” Marley got up and poured a glass of water for Tifa: “This time you see that Heather’s dog has a temper? If you say that you turn your face, you will turn your face. There is no warning at all. .”

“…Mr. Mare, the environment in [Walled Commercial Street] is very poor?”

“Guriu Genwei occupies the Liufan Street slum, and the walled commercial street is his site. It is a place where people can indulge their desires, and even the high-level figures of the Shinra company will go there to have fun.”

Marley sighed: “I understand what Heather meant. If a beautiful girl like you goes there, you can easily make money. But the shop that hires you will make dozens of times more than you. Money. Once you are squeezed out of clean value, you will be ruthlessly abandoned in the end.”

“I won’t go there.” Tifa’s voice was firm.

“How many girls do you like to go there? Most of them are because they are in urgent need of money, so they go to that kind of place. Moreover, you are too soft-tempered, so you can easily cater to the surrounding atmosphere. Many outsiders The girl who came here is like your character, but she was coaxed by Gu Liu Genwei’s men into the walled shopping street and then she sank step by step. Heather, the kid, neither wants to be involved in your life too much nor does she want to watch it. When you fell into the fire pit, did you scare you with a stern face, right?”

Marley touched Tifa’s hair:

“Listen to Tifa, don’t worry about the rent. Even if you can’t find a suitable job for a while, you can live in Tianwangzhuang without worrying about it. I will prepare the ingredients and you will cook it. We can join you for dinner, and you will not bring Heather. So, don’t worry too much about money, you will always find a job that suits you.”


Tifa wiped the corners of her eyes, and when she knew why the brother was angry, she felt relieved.

At the same time, on the corner of the city on Bafan Street, Heather was sitting in a bar with an empty wine glass on the bar in front of him.

“Heather, you haven’t been here for a long time. A cup of [Doga]?”

Behind the bar stood a woman in her 30s with delicate makeup. She wore her long hair in a bun and tied it behind her head, wearing an exotic robe with tassels, and looked at Heather with a smile.

“Don’t hurry.”

Heather waved his hand, then raised two fingers: “Two things.”

“You said.” The woman’s expression became more serious.

“First, I may send you an apprentice here in a while. I need you to teach her bartending skills and knowledge about wine.”

she? The woman raised her eyebrows, her expression was obvious-why should I help you train a qualified bartender for nothing?

“Secondly, I have news about [Kos].”

Heather smiled: “At the beginning, he was smashed by his partner and kicked out. Then he ran to the Qifan Street slum to open a small bar. Yana, you said that the partner who had pitted Coss would Wouldn’t you want to know the latest information about Coase?”

“… Kos has been missing for a long time.”

“That’s why what I have in my hand is called the latest intelligence.”

Heather raised his fingers and flicked the wall of the empty cup below, making a soft noise:

“Half a cup of Doga, you pay the bill.”

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