Chapter 307 Changed Experience

It was eight o’clock in the night when I returned to the station in Xiacheng District on Qifan Street, and the street lights were already on. Although it was night, many people were chatting near the station.

When Tifa first got out of the car, because of his charming appearance, it attracted the attention of many people. Several idle young men even grabbed their foreheads and prepared to strike up a conversation. But then, Heather, expressionless, appeared beside Tifa.

When they saw Tifa talking and laughing with Heather, the young men stopped abruptly at almost the same moment, turned and ran.

Not just a few of them, almost everyone on the station who noticed Tifa subconsciously looked away.

In the slums of Qifan Street, [Heather] has a better reputation than the Volunteer Police Force.

Like the lion king patrolling the territory, Heather looked around before taking Tifa to the small bazaar.

When Heather left, the surrounding crowd began to murmur:

“Why did Heather go out? And with a beautiful girl who I haven’t seen before?”

“I saw that girl last night. She came with a strong old man, perhaps Heather’s relative? After all, both of them are black hair.”

“This is the first time I saw Heather treat people so kindly. The girl just hit him on the shoulder, and he didn’t scold her!”

“Maybe it’s his girlfriend? It’s not right… How can there be a girlfriend with Heather’s weird personality that keeps people away from others… I don’t even have one!”

“That girl is so cute, haven’t you noticed it?”

“I found a fart, Heather is covering her, who dares to tease? Do you dare?”

“Uh…what to eat tonight, go to Dimo’s restaurant?”

On the other hand, Tifa also felt something was wrong, and while following Heather, he quietly asked, “Brother, why do these people feel so afraid of you?”

Naturally, it was because when I first came a year ago I cleaned up all the thorns in the slums of Qifan Street, the kind that saw blood. But in front of the lovely junior sister, Heather changed his rhetoric: “Because they respect me very much. The slums respect the capable people, that’s it.”

“That’s it?” The girl’s voice was suspicious.

“Well, that’s it.” Faced with suspicion, Heather answered calmly.

The two asked and answered questions and quickly walked to the vicinity of the small bazaar.

The residents of the Qifanjie slums have always eaten late, mainly because many residents living in the slums work for the Shinra Company. What time do they get home for dinner when the company leaves work. However, Shinra Corporation has always treated these low-level staff or non-staff staff very harshly, and it is already early to be able to go home after 8 o’clock.

The small bazaar will take care of this situation and will be open late. It is eight o’clock, which is the time when the bazaar is noisy and lively.

Heather took Tifa to stroll around the market, and would stop chattering when he encountered a vendor selling ingredients.

Tifa found that although the senior is much richer than other people in the slum, he seems to enjoy the feeling of visiting the market and asking vendors for advice, and his bargaining skills are unexpectedly superb.

Soon, Heather had two more Kabuto ingredients in her hand, and even Tifa was soaked in Heather’s light and bought some ingredients while he was bargaining to the end, which was far below her psychological budget. Heather

Facing the adoring gaze of the junior sister, she pretended to be natural: “These ingredients are still fresh, good things from Shangcheng District.”

“I’ll do it then. I used to learn cooking with Aunt Claudia when I was in Nibelheim, and my father loved the food I cooked.”

Tifa hasn’t eaten properly in the past two days, but he is actually starving. This brother who has only been with him for a day seems to be omnipotent. She was at a loss when she stayed with the brother, who was at a loss for the future. Maybe this is why the master insisted on asking the brother to take care of herself? Brother is really amazing.

“But… brother, where should we go to cook these ingredients?” Tifa asked the key question. There seems to be no [kitchen] such luxurious facilities in the rental house in Tianwangzhuang.

Heather motioned for her to follow herself closely, all the way to Tianwangzhuang.

Bang bang bang!

Heather rhythmically patted the door on the first floor of Tianwang Village. After a while, the door opened, and the landlord Marley walked out angrily: “Heather! Listen to this rude knock on the door. I knew it was your kid…Huh? Tifa was there.”

Marley looked at Tifa, who was holding a big bag with an apologetic face, and then at Heather, who was taken for granted. She understood that Heather had taken over the burden of taking care of Tifa, and she couldn’t help but change his tone a little bit. It also became a little more gentle: “Huh…Is it borrowing the kitchen? Wait a minute, I will settle Tifa’s rent contract first.”

She walked into the room, and within half a minute she walked out with a piece of paper and handed it to Tifa: “Little Tifa, this is a rental contract. Take a look, and if it’s okay, sign it. The rent for the first three months is fine. Wait until you find a stable job and then slowly make it up.”

Tifa hurriedly put the big and small bags on the ground, and thanked him repeatedly for accepting the rental contract with both hands. Standing next to Tifa, Heather looked down over her shoulders, frowned after a few glances on the contract, and raised her head to look at Mare: “Hey, old lady, are you too much?”

“Huh?” Marley snorted indifferently.

“Obviously it is the same house, rented to me is 1500 GIL per month, why does it become 600 GIL per month if rented to Tifa?”

Heather looked unbelievable: “There is also this one,’You can borrow the kitchen for free from 11:00 to 13:00 and 17:00 to 22:00 every day.’ Why do I want to borrow an extra 3GIL every time what?”

“Humhhhh… you should treat this as a special treatment for your child.”

Maret first blinked at Tifa, who was flushed, and then looked at Heather with disdain: “Well, if it weren’t for the previous rent contract restriction, I would like to increase the rent for you to 2000 per month now! Are you still borrowing the kitchen?”

“…You are cruel, borrow it!”

“Shenghui 3GIL.” Mare opened her palms with a smile.

Heather squinted and looked at Tifa beside her, and suddenly put two Kabuto ingredients in her arms: “Sister, didn’t you say you want to pack today’s dinner? Let Mare and I see you. Cooking.”

Mare went silent for an instant. She just boasted that Tifa’s kitchen rent was exempted from Haikou, and Heather immediately took advantage of it.

But Marley really had nothing to say to Tifa, even if she didn’t deal with Heather, she had to swallow this breath and let the two borrow the kitchen for free.

In fact, even Heather doesn’t know that Tifa’s experience under his butterfly wings is much better than the original.

In the original supplementary plot that Heather did not know about, Tifa suffered too much injury in Nibelheim. In addition to a sword injury and a broken rib, he also suffered severe burns to the lower right of his chest. He praised it after Midgar woke up. Gan disappeared for some reason. Alone, she was completely discharged before treatment, and then lived in a container in a slum on Qifan Street as a hawker to make money to repay high medical expenses. Later, after meeting Bullet and Marlene, she decided to save money and buy Seventh Heaven, the abandoned bar.

After finally saving enough money, it was stolen by the doctor’s son. At the same time, the doctor in charge of Tifa took pictures of Tifa’s chest wound before and after to persuade Maré to undergo the skin transplant as a promotional case. Marley was extremely angry when she saw it, and felt that the doctor had seriously trampled on Tifa’s dignity.

From then on, Mare began to protect Tifa and put Tifa into Tianwangzhuang, which was easily closed to the outside world. And Tifa is also very moved to regard Mare as his relative.

But because of Heather’s appearance, everything has changed.

Fortunately, all these are good changes.

After Marley and Tifa walked into the room holding the ingredients with a smile, Heather did not follow in, but looked at the darkness in the alley next to him with a cold voice: “Come out.”

“Don’t be so indifferent, Brother Heather.”

A figure slowly walked out of the darkness. This was a middle-aged man with brown hair and brown hair pulled back. With a metal short stick hanging from his waist, his exposed arm muscles were obviously not a good stubble. He was ready to talk more nonsense, but seeing Heather’s emotionless eyes, he immediately raised his hands:

“I didn’t have any malice. I just ran into you by accident when I came nearby. However, I do want to discuss something with you, I don’t know…”

Heather raised his chin toward the alley and walked in first. The middle-aged man was obviously very jealous of Heather, but he gritted his teeth and walked into the alley after touching the metal short stick around his waist.

There were only a large number of wild cats and industrial waste stones piled up indiscriminately in the alley. Heather stood in the alley like this, with his hands in the alley. Kabuto watched the middle-aged man approach:

“Helmer, I should have already said that, I am not interested in joining your ridiculous [Avalanche] organization, and don’t bother me. You… don’t understand people?”

“Heather! Wait, I…”

As a warrior, the middle-aged man named Helmer could feel Heather’s rising killing intent, and hurriedly raised his hands to indicate that he was completely harmless:

“I’m not here to bother you, although I really hope you can join [Avalanche], for this I can even give up the position of leader… OK OK, I said, it’s the owner of that abandoned bar, I have News about him.”

Heather was just about to teach Helmer some profound lesson, and after hearing this, he put off his hands temporarily: “…continue.”

“The owner of that abandoned bar is called Koss. He was originally a rich man on Bafan Street in Shangcheng District. After being kicked out by his partner, he came to the Qifan Street slum in despair and opened this bar named [Wildfire].”

Helmer held his hands up and stood still, speaking very quickly what he knew:

“He suspended the bar business a year ago. According to the dismissed waiter, he occasionally heard Coase mumble some words about’beasts’,’revenge’,’make big money’ and so on. Then Coase was nowhere to be found. No one knows where he went, no one can find him in the wildfire bar here or his family and friends.”

“These are all nonsense, point to the point.” Heather said impatiently.

“In fact, I just got the news through reliable channels that Coase appeared in the Yifanjie slum two months ago.”

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