Chapter 308 Heather’s Past

Bafanjie slums…manson Grupp’s site.

In Midgar, there are underground bosses who occupy land in almost every district, both in the upper and lower districts. For example, Alves in the Shangcheng District of Sanfan Street, Hu in the Xiacheng District of Sifan Street, Gurugenwei in the Xiacheng District of Liufan Street, and Manson in the Xiacheng District of Bafan Street, these are all dominating the entire Fanjie. The underground emperor who dared to disobey.

Only Wufan Street Xiacheng District and Qifan Street Xiacheng District are exceptions. The former is because of some reasons that the Shenluo spy agency [Takes] monitors this place too high, and the latter is because of the existence of Heather.

When Heather came to the Qifan Street slums a year ago, this place was not much better than other places. The underground gangster here was named Doleg Lantaire, and he entangled with a large group of thugs to control Qifan Street. Garbage dump and water source.

Suddenly a face came to the slums of Qifan Street, Dolge would naturally send his hands to test to see if he was suitable for being a fat sheep or accepting a dog. Then, the subordinate with a dirty mouth just said two scenes, he was crushed by Heather on the spot, his arms and legs joints were crushed, and the mournful wailing was said to be heard even on the Bafan Street next door.

Threats, peace, temptation, begging for mercy… Either way will not work, Dolge doesn’t even know where he offended this evil star, and he watched the expressionless Heather through the monitor all the way into him. The junkyard villa area. Along the way, if anyone dared to try to stop them, they all ended up wailing on the ground with broken joints.

Finally, when Heather stood in front of the villa’s gate, Dolge’s men ran away cleanly, leaving Dolge alone in the basement of the villa shivering.

Later, no one knew what happened in the villa, but since then no one in the Qifan Street slum has seen Dolge again, and the villa area of ​​the garbage dump has also been torn down and cleaned.

The people on Qifan Street were silent about this incident, only the nearby Bafan Street and Liufan Street knew the truth. As the bigwigs of various districts rarely interact with each other, Heather’s name has not been passed on to other districts.

To the surprise of the people in the slums of Qifan Street, they thought that a new emperor would rise up, but after Heather finished this major event, he lived in Tianwangzhuang very low-key, and he didn’t know how he convinced Marley that. Stubborn old lady.

To everyone in the slums of Qifan Street, Heather’s behavior and character can be considered weird even in the slums. Sometimes I can’t see him for several days, and sometimes I can see him bargaining at the bazaar to buy vegetables. As long as he gets in the way, he will be unceremoniously uttered, even with a few cheeks. The thin young man was scolded and cried by him.

Gradually, people accepted the existence of Heather. After all, there is Heather, at least there is no need to worry about what new “Dolge” will appear in the slums of Qifan Street.

As for Helmer, who negotiated with Heather, this person belongs to an organization called [Avalanche]. This organization was once powerful, and there was only one organizational philosophy that was to overthrow the Shenluo, because they believed that Shenluo’s act of extracting demons was slowly killing the planet. However, with the death and disappearance of the leaders of the avalanche and the powerful people of all walks of life, this powerful anti-Shinra organization now only has two or three big cats and kittens. .

The scent of the food wafted from Tianwangzhuang, Heather was too lazy to pester Helmer after getting the information, and turned around to leave.


Helmer plucked up the courage to stop Heather: “Why do you hate avalanches so much? Shinra’s true face cannot be concealed from you. This planet is slowly dying by their extraction of life, don’t you just keep watching…”

“What does the life and death of this planet have to do with me?”

Heather let out a sneer: “Shen Luo, Avalanche, Planet, Demon… These have nothing to do with me. Don’t mess with me and everyone will be fine. Don’t think that you are qualified to bring some information that you don’t know whether it is true or false. Talk about me and get out of the way.”

As soon as he was targeted by the will of the planet, how could Heather, such a careful eye, rush to save the planet? It’s not my home star. It’s a big deal to finish the mission and leave. At that time, whether your ghost planet was swallowed by Xenovia or directly blown up my ass.

Helmer still didn’t want to give up: “If the planet dies, no one can live. Heather, you are the strongest person I have ever seen. If you lead the avalanche, you will be able to contend against Shinra!”

Heather stopped, slowly turned his head to look at Helmer, and said sarcastically:

“Poor Helmer, are you still dreaming of overthrowing Shinra? If [Alphy] is still there, then I admit that you have a little hope. After all, that is a powerful swordsman who can make a draw with Sephiroth. .Unfortunately, [Elphi], [Syers], [Fcito], [Sevens]… all the pillars of the avalanche collapsed and disintegrated. What is the use of leaving only a few wastes of you? Hiding in the slum, shivering and barking at the magic oven above your head to vent your anger? Listen to my advice, give up this ridiculous dream as soon as possible and go back to your hometown to farm.”

After speaking, Heather went away.

Helmer, who was only left in the alley, stood silently in place, motionless.


In the kitchen on the first floor of Tianwangzhuang, Mare is chatting while cooperating with Tifa in cooking.

“Yes, that’s it. Put the minced meat and fry it before adding the chili powder and crushed tomatoes.”

The tomato soup was simmering in the pot, and Mare instructed Tifa to make Midgar’s famous dish [Pesto Soup].

Tifa is ingenious, and he can follow the instructions to complete the operation as long as Mare teaches it once. With the soup tumbling in the small cast iron pot with pits on the edge, the strong aroma wafted in the kitchen.

Tifa took a deep breath, his stomach grunted suddenly, and his face turned red.

Maret laughed: “You’re starving? Don’t wait for that kid, let’s eat it! Tifa, let me tell you, the pesto soup is to tear the bread into small pieces and soak it in the soup. very delicious.”

Tifa swallowed quietly, but she shook her head firmly: “Mr. Mare, please eat first. I will eat together when the brother comes back.”

Marley paced to the table, and after sitting down, she lighted a cigarette and took a sip, slowly exhaled a burst of smoke, and looked at Tifa: “…You have been in contact with Heather for a day, how do you feel about him? ”

Faced with the sudden question, Tifa was stunned, and after thinking about it, he replied: “Senior brother, he feels very reliable to me. It seems that he can’t be troubled by anything, and he is also very good to me. Granny Marley, Why do you say Brother He…”

She wanted to say something and stopped, Maret understood what she meant, and sighed: “You mean to say, we said Heather is very [weird], right?”

Tifa was silent for a moment, and nodded slowly.

“You haven’t seen the tragedy that day, so naturally you won’t be afraid of him. Dolge is an underground boss who has dominated the slums of Qifan Street for many years. Heather, who had just arrived, was directly crushed by the thunder, and it only took two hours.”

Marley flicked the soot and sighed:

“From a rational point of view, people in Qifan District are very grateful to Heather, and even secretly hope that Heather can become the patron saint of the slums of Qifan Street and become our hero. But we soon discovered that he was moody and rejected. Thousands of miles away. Nothing can impress him. He just hides himself in the thick ice wall and doesn’t interact with anyone. He doesn’t get in with oil and salt, and he treats people with extreme indifference. This is what I think of him.”

Tifa was anxious: “But brother, he is obviously not such a person! He is just, just not good at expressing…”

“You know, for the people in the slums of Qifan Street, Heather is not the hero we look forward to, nor the thug that we fear. He is like…like a traveler passing through here, just so indifferent And watching everything from the sidelines, even if you occasionally interfere, it is only out of interest or because you are offended.”

A puff of smoke was slowly exhaled from her mouth, and Mare was faintly enveloped in white smoke:

“Before you came, I had been worried about this kid. However, it’s okay now.”

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